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Saturday, November 30, 2013

10 Top Tips For Successful Dieting

It is common knowledge that regular exercise and eating lower amounts of food is vital to weight loss but some people still find it difficult to do. The right diet should not be difficult for you to maintain. Here are the best ten tips that will enable you to develop the right attitude for reducing your weight.
Information is a priority.
Read magazines and articles in order to find out about the latest facts on healthy eating. When you have the latest information, it will be easier to maintain your determination and to be confident that your weight loss goals can be achieved.
Be inspired.
At the start of your weight loss program, you have to write down why you want to lose weight. Commitment will be easier for you if you have clear goals. It should not just be about looking good. Your starting point may be to lose weight so as to improve your health. This list will motivate you if you look at it frequently.
Watch what you eat.
Keep a record of your daily consumption of food and drink. If you understand your feeding habits, you can easily trace your areas of difficulty. It is easier to make changes when you watch what you feed yourself. This will make you more conscious of your diet and help you to plan ahead of time.
Set targets that are achievable.
Looking at many studies carried out trying to loose up to 10% of your weight is a good starting point. Break this up in to more manageable chunks aiming for 2-3kg at a time. Just maintaining your weight can be an achievement in itself. However losing moderate quantities of weight in the long term can bring health benefits. When you start your diet programme do it small manageable steps. Having practical goals which are achievable will mean you are more likely to succeed this in turn will lead to self-pride and assurance.
Eat moderately and frequently.
Eating less calories and burning more is a good way to weight loss. However, it becomes difficult to accomplish if you are always hungry. Studies have shown that people who take snacks or 5 meals everyday find it easier to effectively manage their weight. Take time to divide your food into small portions and consume them quite early in the day. It is better not to eat after dinner.
Add protein to every meal.
Diets with higher protein content can reduce overall food intake. This is because protein is more satisfying than both carbohydrate or fat. Protein makes you feel fuller sooner, so making sure you have a lean portion of chicken or fish will help with this goal. Protein also takes longer to digest and enter the blood stream so alleviates that sugar rush associated with diets high in carbohydrate.
Do distractions drive you to eat more?
Most individuals eat more food when they are distracted. Try to eat your meals at specific times each day. You will discover that you will consume fewer calories and will be more aware of what you eat. Studies have shown that eating while watching TV or when in traffic can make you consume 40% more calories.
You can enjoy you favourite foods.
Banning your favourite foods can be counter productive in the long run. Instead make sure your favourite foods are on the menu, however eat less of them and mix it up a little with other healthier options. As with everything in life enjoy it in moderation.
Exercise a little.
Increasing your physical exercise will increase your metabolic rate. You will feel full of energy sleep much better and have a better outlook on life. Joining a keep fit programme will build muscle mass and sculpt your body. Exercising within a group of people has been shown to keep you motivated.
Lastly, have some self confidence.
Don't expect things to happen overnight changing all your ingrained habits will take some time. You may even stray from your diet plan. However don't worry. Stay focused and remind yourself why you set the goals you did - feeling fitter and being healthier than you are now. Think positive thoughts and you will overcome those difficulties, you will win in the end.

Friday, November 29, 2013

How to Lose 10 Pounds in One Month (or 30 Days)

It is absolutely possible to lose ten pounds over the next month. It will take dedication, determination and a positive mental attitude. The following are not only the six steps for losing weight in the next thirty days, but they are also necessary to laying down the foundation that will turn into lasting results.
Step One - Set a Goal and Move Immediately into Action
In this moment, take time to set your ten pound goal. Write it out on a piece of paper and date it for 30 days from now. Writing it out is important when starting out. Keep it in your pocket at all times and read it at every chance you get. The most important part of this task is that if you always read over your goal - you will always have it in mind. Your statement should look something like the following:
"I will lose 10 pounds by Dec.25/2013"
Step Two - Prepare and Execute a Diet Transformation
From a realistic point of view, we should understand that it is not so much a diet that we will be getting into as it will be an overall lifestyle change.
The reason is simple; if we change our diet for the next month and choose to go back to what we consumed prior to the change, our bodies will go back to the way it was.
A simple and yet very effective daily diet would be; assorted fruits for breakfast and assorted vegetables for both lunch and dinner. If you want that extra protein kick in animal form, keep it to a minimum and only allow three to four ounces of freshly cooked fish. You can also snack on nuts and fruit when feeling a bit hungry in between meal times. Limit the portions of each snack to a handful only.
Your new way of eating should not consist of processed foods (including fast food, preserved foods, and other man packaged products), sugar, saturated and Trans fats, and all cooking oil. Also eliminate soft drinks and concentrated fruit juices completely and drink only water.
Step Three - Get Physical Daily
Make time to go for a 45 to 60 minute walk daily without "days off" in between. You can also fit in a natural weight resistance program prior to walking to step it up a notch. The best combination of physical activity for weight loss is a cardiovascular routine (walking, brisk walking, jogging) and a weight resistance routine (push ups, chins, crunches).
There are also other ways you can keep physically active on a daily basis that requires no extra time out of your pocket. When you go for groceries or to the mall, you can park at the far end of parking lot and walk. You can put more effort in cleaning the house on a daily basis. You could also find yard work around the home is you have your own residence. There are so many ways to be naturally active. All we have to do is open our mind to the opportunities.
Step Four - Get Proper Rest
Sleep is a very important time for everyone. Sleep helps rejuvenate the soul, repairs damaged body tissue, and lowers stress levels. It's important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Another source of rest can be doing something you enjoy doing. It could be a hobby like reading a good book or even meditation if you enjoy that. When we engage in something that is relaxing and joyful it also helps eliminate stress.
Step Five - Clean Your Insides
Okay, so it does not sound like an appetizing job, but this step is also important to help aid weight loss. By keeping your intestinal tract clean, it enables your body to extract the essential nutrients that you need. It will also help keep constipation out of the way!
To do this you can add fiber rich foods in your daily diet. Foods that are high in fiber and packed full of nutrients are; apples, oranges, berries, beans, dark leafy greens. Mother Nature provides the best variety of natural foods and we should absolutely accept them.
Step Six - Eliminate Bad Habits
If you smoke to the point where it's difficult to go for a walk, then it's time to cut back or quit. Smoking should not get in the way of your health. If you spot any other bad habit that you believe is getting in your way of a healthy success - eliminate it. You can do this by replacing the bad habit with a good habit.
We are all habitual beings and no one is an exception. We have the ability to choose and mold a new habit at any given time. When we create new habits by reinforcing the new habit over and over again - we can keep it for life. Once a new habit is fully formed it is set on autopilot, meaning we don't have to attend to that specific habit anymore and we can reap better results daily.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Implementing A Fitness Workout To Achieve Maximum Health

When it comes to losing weight and getting healthy we all know that a proper diet combined with a consistent exercise regime is the key to success. As far as what we put in our bodies - a focus on whole, natural foods and a commitment to avoiding those foods high in fat, grease, and preservatives - is half the battle. But without a dedicated fitness workout integrated into our lives, we can not expect to maintain long term optimum health.
A fitness workout means very different things to different people. For some, it is a walking program; for others the running of several miles every day; and still others, a combination of many different regimes. For optimum health, it is important to create a balanced fitness workout that addresses all areas of the body.
First and foremost, a workout should contain cardiovascular work that gets the heart pumping and burns fat. Cardiovascular exercise - such as kickboxing, dance, and aerobics makes the heart healthy and helps the other systems of the body operate efficiently. Cardiovascular work is fundamental to an exercise regime.
In addition to cardiovascular exercise, it is important to incorporate weight training in a fitness workout. Not only does weight training speed the body's metabolism, it burns fat and builds muscle. Those interested in weight training should do so initially with the assistance of a physical trainer who can help you perfect your technique and avoid injury.
Finally, it is very important to incorporate stretching and core work into a fitness workout. Pilates has become very popular with those looking to strengthen abdominal and back muscles as well as improve flexibility. Yoga also continues to hold its own as a fitness workout that burns fat, enhances flexibility, and reduces stress.
There are plenty of people who enjoy their fitness workout in a gym. And a gym atmosphere can be a terrific place in which to improve your health. It offers everything from equipment and classes to personal trainers and camaraderie with people who are looking to achieve similar fitness goals.
For others, for whom gyms are cost-prohibitive - or not their scene - a fitness workout can be just as easily achieved at home. Fitness videos have made classes possible right in the privacy of your own home; and it's always possible to hit the open road and run or walk your way to fitness.
A planned and implemented fitness workout - through your dedication and consistency - will reward you with improved health, vitality, and longevity.

Monday, November 25, 2013

5 Ways to Boost Your Home Workout Results

Training at home can be a great and hassle free way to get your workouts done but often we are leaving results on the table and not getting the best from our home workouts. Keep reading to discover 5 ways you can boost the results of your home workout.
Get your workout into your daily routine
Your home workouts need to become part of your daily life, like brushing your teeth. Building a strong workout habit can virtually ensure success. Of course you may miss a day here and there but if you do you simply get back into your routine on the next day. The majority of your days will then be working towards your goals.
Use resistance training
Resistance training is a highly effective type of training and is very useful in a home workout. Many people still think that cardio training is the most effective form of training for fat loss workouts but although they do help mixing resistance training with cardio training is far more effective at burning fat than cardio training alone so resistance training needs to be included in your home workouts.
Track your progress
Writing down your programs and results allows you to see how you are progressing over time this keeps you honest and shows you if you are failing to improve so you can fix it. It also adds to your motivation as you can regularly go back and see how far you have come. Dedicate an exercise book to writing out your workouts and the results you achieve in them.
Book in your training appointment and don't break it
Get used to making time in your day dedicated to your home workout. Booking it in like you would a doctors appointment allows you to create a space where you can turn off the phone, make sure your mind is clear and focus on the task at hand. You could even charge yourself a cancelation fee if you do break the appointment but make yourself accountable to a friend or family member by telling them something like "if I miss a training appointment I will come over and wash your dishes". Be creative and make it something that will motivate you to get it done at any cost.
Start with your goal in mind
Creating your home workout needs to start with your goal in mind, when you select the exercises you will be including in your program with each one you need to ask yourself the question "is this going to help me get towards my goal as quick as possible?" if the answer is no dump it and find a better exercise. For example exercises that target small muscles like the triceps (back of the upper arms) or biceps (front of the upper arms) are great if you want to develop those muscles but these exercises decrease the fat burning efficiency of your overall workout so if your goal is to burn fat quickly you may make the decision to dump them and put in an exercise that uses bigger muscle groups like a squat.

15 Minute Cardio at Home Workouts

Now more than ever, people want more results in less time, and they also want to save money. As a result of this fact, many people are turning to cardio at home workouts. If you want to lose body fat, improve your health, and save time and money, then at home workouts are your ultimate solution.
Don't be fooled into thinking you can't transform your body and improve your health without spending a penny on workout equipment. That just isn't true, and in many cases you can get better results with at home cardio workouts without any equipment.
As a personal trainer, it was necessary to the success of my business to provide my clients with a time efficient cardio workout that could be done at home. After much study along with trial and error, I discovered the key to highly effective at home workouts that could be completed in only 15 minutes that were more effective than traditional cardio workouts that lasted 30 minutes or more. That method is what I refer to as "bodyweight cardio."
The bodyweight cardio circuits are a series of different bodyweight exercises completed in succession with little to no rest until the end of each circuit. This method is excellent for burning fat, increasing heart health and saving time and money because it can very easily be done at home and requires no equipment.
At Home Cardio Workout Tips:
-Choose exercises that engage a lot of muscle mass at one time. For instance, you should choose planks over crunches, squats over leg lifts, and other big compound movements over isolation exercises. This will allow you to burn more calories while you are working out and keep your metabolism elevated for a greater period of time.
-Keep your rest periods to a minimum. The best way to do this is to only rest after you complete a circuit; by doing so the workout will be more challenging. However, you will complete the workout in a shorter period of time, and you will increase the rate at which your body burns fat. Furthermore, this will allow you to build lean muscle. That is something traditional cardio workouts just can't do.
-Progress to move challenging exercises. You should definitely start out with exercises that are easier to learn and are appropriate for your experience level. By progressing to more difficult exercises, you will keep challenging your body. This will allow you to keep getting the results you want without hitting the dreaded plateau.
Beginner Sample at Home Cardio Workout:
-Jumping Jacks x 50
-Squats x 15
-Elevated Push-ups x 12
-Assisted Inverted Rows x 12
-Plank x 30 seconds
-Mountain Climbers x 10 each leg
Perform each exercise for the prescribed number of repetitions without resting between exercises. After you complete the circuit, rest for one to two minutes and repeat the circuit two to four more times.
Intermediate Sample at Home Cardio Workout:
-Squat Thrusts x 15
-Jump Squat x 10
-Spiderman Push-ups x 12
-Inverted Rows x 12
-Side Plank x 20 seconds each side
-Burpee x 10
Once again, perform each exercise for the prescribed number of repetitions without resting between exercises. After you complete the circuit, rest for one to two minutes and repeat the circuit two to four more times.
Workout Tips
-To add variety to your workouts, perform your exercises at different speeds. For example: perform a set of squats as fast as possible while maintaining control and perfect form. The next time, perform a set of squats very slow and controlled.
-Instead of performing a certain number of circuits, you can also perform as many circuits as possible in a set period of time. For example: set a timer for 15 minutes and complete a circuit as many times as possible.
-Progress to more advanced exercises, increase the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise, and decrease your rest periods. Those simple changes can allow you to keep experiencing body transforming results.
These sample body weight cardio workouts will allow you to get greater results in a much shorter period of time. Not only will you get better fat burning and health benefits compared to traditional cardio workouts, but you will also build lean muscle, which is something traditional cardio workouts cannot do. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pectoral workout


 Many weightlifters want an outlined chest.pectoral workout This involves strengthening the musculus pectoralis major and minor muscles, as they're the big muscles that conjure the chest. The musculus pectoralis major aids in adductive the arms and moving them before of the body and works with the musculus pectoral workout teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles to tug the trunk upward. The musculus pectoralis major extends across the breadth of the chest and attaches at the rear of the pectoral workout arm bone bone. The musculus pectoralis minor lies simply at a lower place it and aids in pull the shoulder down and forward. There area unit many exercises you\'ll do to strengthen these muscles.
A press-up is one amongst the one best exercises to figure the musculus pectoralis major and minor muscles. better of all, it does not need any instrumentality, pectoral workout simply your own weight. Begin with hands directly below your shoulders as you kneel along with your legs straight behind you. Push your body up, keep your back straight and slowly lower right down to the mat, keeping your head neutral. As you lower, keep the arms pectoral workout at a 90-degree angle. Lower till you\'re hovering simply on top of the mat and so push your body copy. Perform 3 sets of eight to twelve repetitions pectoral workout on non-consecutive days.
Dumbbell Flys
This move works the outer pectoral muscles and needs 2 pectoral workout dumbbells. change posture on a bench along with your feet flat on the bench.pectoral workout Grasp a dumbbell in every hand vertically on top of your shoulders. Slowly lower the dumbbells right down to your sides, keeping your arms slightly pectoral workout bent, then lower your arms to shoulder level or simply below. during a swish, even movement, raise your arms back to the beginning position, getting your pectoral workout  at the highest. Perform 3 sets of eight to twelve repetitions on non-consecutive days.
Incline Bench Press
The incline bench press works the higher pectoral muscles close to the clavicle. Begin by lying on Associate in Nursing incline bench set at thirty to forty five degrees with each feet flat on the ground. Grasp the weight pectoral workout with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing aloof from you. Lower the bar till it\'s simply on top of the chest, eupneic as you lower it. Exhale as you press the bar back to the beginning position. pectoral workout Perform 3 sets of eight to twelve repetitions on non-consecutive days.
Decline Bench Press
This move works the lower pectoral muscles. First, set the bench thus it\'s during a decline position of thirty to forty five degrees. pectoral workout Grab 2 dumbbells or use a weight. Raise the load directly over your head, arms straight. Slowly inhale, lowering the load till it\'s simply on top of the chest. Exhaling, press copy to the beginning position. pectoral workout Perform 3 sets of eight to twelve repetitions on non-consecutive days.
Standing Cable Cross-Over
To work the inner pectorals, perform a standing cable cross-over. employing a cable machine, interchange between the 2 cables. Grasp every pectoral workout cable so your palms face toward the ground. Lower the handles toward one another till they cross. Keep the arms during a somewhat fast position and flex the chest because the cables cross. come back to start out and alternate that arms cross as you perform the remainder of your repetitions. Perform 3 sets of eight to twelve repetitions on non-consecutive days.
i hope yo enjoyed this article .

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Top Weight Loss Program for Women Over 40

Are you interested in the top weight loss program for women over 40? I believe that if you are a woman over 40, you are interested. As a modern woman you have already heard about a healthy diet, exercise and weight loss supplements. Dieting is hard but manageable, exercise is easy to learn but how to choose the best diet pill?
Yes, it is a problem for any dieter to discover what is top fat loss program for women over 40 due to the fact that on internet you can find many programs and supplements claiming top results. You do not have to search anymore, because you can review many supplements and read testimonials of satisfied users.
It is impossible to apply same diet, exercise and diet pill on every dieter? No, because very woman is different story. If you begin a certain losing weight regime you should choose carefully because you could enjoy it and your weight loss will be effortless.
Great number of women over 40 today cannot attend workout sessions because of many reasons. Going to the gym needs free time and if you work all day and having children it is becoming almost impossible. On top of that, if you only visit gym you will obtain small amount of results. Healthy diet and a fat burner that really works is "a must".
So, what dietary supplement would be ideal for your weight problems? Based on medical research and many testimonials Phen375 grew to become leading fat burner in weight loss industry. Successful in reducing fat for all dieters Phen375 is featuring unbelievable results after only 7 days. Every user have lost about 10lbs after 2 weeks and some of them lost up to 25lbs after 6 weeks.
Another interesting fact about Phen375 is that this diet pill is manufactured in a FDA controlled labs in California, making it more creditable. It is consisted of highest quality ingredients joined together to supply every user with fast and risk free fat burning.
Besides that, designers of Phen375 are absolutely positive that you will get results so they are offering you 45 day Money Back Guarantee in case you are not satisfied. This particular weight loss pill that works as a fat burner offers you so much more which you can see for yourself if you just visit their official Phen375 website. As years are going by, almost every women over 40 is facing the fact that fat is harder to shed than ever before so safe and working fat burner is one of the best solutions out there. Phen375 benefits every user by supplying huge amounts of energy needed for massive fat burning.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Breakfast options for a balanced Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is so called because it is focused more around the intake of classic foods coming straight from the cities of Mediterranean region that is Greece, Spain and Italy. This diet regime is very effective if you are aiming to lose weight, as it includes food options that are low on cholesterol yet high on fatty acids and fiber.Following are the most commonly recommended Mediterranean breakfast options you are most welcome to try out:

Scrambled eggs and toast:
A Mediterranean diet consists of eggs as a vital component, mostly because it contains just the right blend of protein, zinc, iron and vitamin B. There can be numerous ways of making eggs as a part your breakfast, be it omelette loaded with vegetables, scrambled eggs or egg white dishes, depending on what you prefer. However, it is important that you do not use bacon grease or animal fat to fry them. A slice or two of whole wheat non-buttered toast on the side to pair it with your main dish complements your meal in the best way possible.

Cereal and fruits:
Taking a bowl of whole-grain cereal with some low-fat milk to go along, can serve as the ideal carbohydrate intake to start your day with. Add a large bowl of chopped fruits including strawberries, pineapples and bananas that will give you the necessary doze of calcium, Vitamin A, zinc and vitamin C on one hand, while increasing your adult life expectancy and reducing your chances to be prone to cardiovascular diseases, on the other.

Yogurt and apricot:
The main emphasis of Mediterranean diet is on low fat dairy products and hence plain Greek yogurt can be used as an easy substitute for your regular yogurt as it tends to contain approximately twice the amount of protein that will keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Ripe apricot that acts as a natural anti-oxidant can be topped with honey and roasted pistachio nuts for added goodness.

Whole grain pancakes:
Whole grains are rich in essential fibers, proteins and healthy anti oxidants that reduces your risk of cancer, heart diseases, muscular degradation, stroke and boosts the immune system. Pancakes combined with grated, chopped or mashed vegetables and fruits such as blueberries, zucchini, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple, carrots, cranberries and raisins increase the nutrient value. Slap on some maple syrup for the deliciousness.

Sandwich and Smoothies:
Use Rosemary Focaccia bread for preparing the sandwich which is a kind of Italian bread containing no saturated fat or cholesterol and is high in Vitamin B12. Combine it with a thin slice of goat cheese, fresh tomato and basil leaves to obtain the perfect Mediterranean diet sandwich for your breakfast meal. Goat cheese has low sodium density and calorie count that takes care of bowel health. Pair up your healthy sandwich with a large glass of home made smoothie by taking fresh pomegranate juice combined with your favorite assorted berries and apple juice with a pinch of flax seed. Add ice cubes and you are ready to go.

2 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss: Delicious Sha Bang Eggs and Homemade Muesli

When deciding what to eat for breakfast you can sometimes fall into a rut of eating the same foods over and over again, while this is no bad thing, it is nice to have that little bit of variety. This article gives you two excellent and delicious healthy breakfast recipes that if eaten in conjunction with other healthy meals as well as a progressive training program will go a long way towards helping you achieve your weight loss goals.
1. Sha bang Eggs:
Coming up with healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss needn't be that hard. Eggs are a great breakfast food and cooking with them couldn't be simpler. Try these delicious "Sha Bang Eggs".
This healthy breakfast recipe for weight loss is high in healthy fats and protein which means it's perfect if you're on a low carb diet or following a carb cycling routine such as intermittent fasting "leangains" style.
Serves 1
2 eggs, beaten.
1 small avocado peeled, pitted, and diced.
1 red pepper, seeded and diced.
1⁄2 small red onion, peeled and chopped.
1⁄2 tomato, diced.
Fresh baby spinach leaves.
Handful fresh cooked prawns.
1 tsp coconut oil.
1-2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced.
A combination of the following fresh herbs, washed and chopped: parsley, basil, sage, tarragon, dill, or chives. Sea salt and pepper to taste.
In a large wok, sauté the onion, bell pepper, and garlic in oil. When the onions are soft, add the eggs, prawns, avocado, tomato, and spinach. Continue cooking on medium heat until eggs are cooked and scrambled, then add herbs. Season if needed.
2. Homemade Muesli:
Store bought muesli can often be very high in unwanted sugars (definitely not good when you're on a weight loss path) and because of this they are generally very high in calories. This healthy breakfast recipe for weight loss is delicious, full of fibre, complex carbs, protein and healthy fats without all the extra sugar. A perfect way to break your fast.
Serves 1-2
• 1lb Gluten free Porridge Oats
• 1 cup Flaked Almonds (or mixed nuts to preference)
• ½ cup Flax seeds
• 1 cup coconut milk
1. Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a big bowl with coconut milk and leave until all the liquid is absorbed by the oats. Spread the mix thinly across a baking tray and toast in a low heated oven until lightly browned and fully dried.
2. Serve with coconut milk when cooled.
Thanks for reading.
How would you like: better control over your hunger, an easy way to lose fat and build lean attractive muscle, increased insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, increased growth hormone, a super efficient way of eliminating toxins, the freedom of being able to eat whatever you want without any guilt?
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Friday, November 22, 2013

Find Out How to Lose Weight Successfully

How to lose weight successfully
nearly everybody wants to lose weight to get the body they desire. However, often people don't know how to do this correctly without hurting their body. Before you start a crazy diet, get a life-threatening surgery or start taking magic weight loss pills you must read this article. Take the time to read how to effectively and safely lose weight prior to starting a dieting program.
Tip 1: Exercise 3 times a week
Try to utilize weights in your workout and do some ab workouts daily. The great thing about lifting weights is that it will assist you in losing weight while building muscle at the same time. You will be on your way to getting the 6 pack you crave if you can exercise as much as possible.
Tip 2: Stay Hydrated with water
You can fool your body into believing that it is full by drinking lots of H2O. Drink water as much as possible, it will aid your body work efficiently and it contains zero calories. It's comical but some people can confuse their hunger pangs while they are actually thirsty. These individuals need to stay hydrated to prevent any mix-ups from occurring.
Tip 3: Don't purchase pills
Companies have somehow succeeded in making people believe that their issues may be cured with special pills. Some of them do can work at first but the problem is once you stop taking the pills the weight typically comes back.
Depicted below are some tips that will assist you in losing weight safely:
Tip 4: Look closely at labels
If you elect to attempt eating different foods then you should look carefully at the label before leaving a shop with the item. Some segments of the label that you should focus on is the ingredients and the Calories section.
Tip 5: Eat Small Portion Sizes
Most individuals don't realize it but the amount and proportion they eat for lunch is too large. The regular American eats twice as much as their body requires everyday. Even when these persons are full they still push themselves to finish their whole plate. Instead of eating a huge meal 3 times a day, which will take a long time to digest, eat tiny meals. This will speed up your metabolism and help you in safely dropping weight faster.
Tip 6: Meet Your Physician
If you really want to lose some weight the right way then you should meet your doctor regularly.

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4 Super Fat-Fighting Foods

We all want to lose weight fast while still enjoying the foods we love and not working out all day. Experts say it's impossible, but I'm an eternal believer in having my cake, and eating it - literally. Try these tips to optimise what you are already doing, but consuming less calories, and burning more at the same time.
Food Swaps
Instead of consuming one large cinnamon roll, have two mini cinnamon rolls and a cup of orange juice. Or replace your standard full-fat ice-cream with homemade icecream, easily made from frozen whipped coconut cream, which is low in calories and rich in nutrients with cocoa powder. You can even add some banans.
If you live a reasonably sedentary life, the thought of exercise alone can be exhausting. However, take it from a fellow couch potato: any exercise is good. Two months of yoga had a tremendous effect on my blood pressure and energy levels, so much so that I'm ready to take on something new.
Exercise needn't be boring either. If you don't like walking, jogging, skipping of weightlifting, consider a fun exercise that you can do at home, such as Zumba, Yoga, Tae-bo or Pilates.
Every little change for the positive helps when you're trying to lose weight and including these foods into your diet will enhance the taste of your meals and have a positive, fat-burning effect.
1. Turmeric
Turmeric brings a delicious taste and beautiful yellow colour to curries. It also contains curcumin that is known to inhibit the growth of fat cells. It also prevents fat storage.
2. Black Pepper
Rich in piperine, black pepper also blocks the formation of fat cells.
3. Red Peppers
Chilli, paprika and cayenne pepper contain capsaicin which refs up the metabolism and helps to curb your appetite.
4. Ginger
Ginger helps to break down fatty acids in your food, and helps them to be eliminated, rather than stored in the body as fat.
The Reason Why You Struggle to Lose Weight
Many people don't understand why they are overweight, despite eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. The problem is that much of the food available to us today is either genetically modified or lacking in essential nutrients. That's why it's so important to find a quality supplement that addresses nutritional deficiencies and imbalances effectively.
The body needs optimum nutrition to be healthy, and it needs to be healthy before it can lose weight and keep it off permanently.
Lizette is a professional copywriter at ContentCafe in South Africa. She loves all things natural. Do you know which single mineral to include in your diet if you want to lose weight fast?

Tips to Keep You Motivated on Your Weight Loss Plan

Weight loss can be a struggle for some. There's the usual "I can't do it", "It's not for me", "It's not working", "Too busy for this" excuses that a lot of people have. However, while some people are interested enough to lose the extra pounds, another concern they may be facing is the waning interest or lack of motivation. So, if you're one of those who want to shed the excess weight but not motivated enough to act on it, here are some tips that may be able to help you.
Realize your original motivators.
When and why did you decide to lose weight? Is it when you realized that your clothes are too tight nowadays, or probably when you saw a photo of your overweight self? Think back on when you started on your weight loss journey and the goals you set for yourself back then. Are these goals still important for you? Often, many lose interest in their fitness plan because they are no longer interested in achieving the fitness goals they want for themselves. It's necessary to revisit your goals back then and recommit yourself to these fitness targets.
Find a fitness buddy.
He or she can be a workmate, a colleague, a friend, a personal trainer, or a relative. Find someone who can inspire you to work out and stay motivated on your fitness plan. He can also be your accountability partner that can help you stay on track of your fitness journey.
Tweak your routines.
Having a workout routine is good, but it doesn't hurt either to introduce tweaks in your fitness schedule from time to time. Try new exercises or increase the intensity of your workouts, or you can also find a new scenery wherein you can work out more effectively. Change is good and can keep your motivation high because you won't feel stuck with particular routines.
Celebrate your accomplishments.
Losing an x number of pounds may be your main goal, but you should also take into consideration those small goals you are able to accomplish every day. Don't just focus on the big picture but also be interested in the smaller ones. Reward yourself for your accomplishments - these baby steps can help you reach your end goal eventually.
Ditch the all-or-nothing strategy.
If you don't feel like working out today, that's fine, as long as you don't consider this a reason to give up working out entirely. A lot of people stop their workouts altogether, just because they missed a couple of days on their exercise routines. Instead of giving up the fight right away, recommit yourself to the goals you set for yourself and stay focused on your goals. If you can't make it to the gym today, make up for it by exercising at home instead. What's more important is that you take these obstacles as a challenge to strive more and be motivated on your plan.
Aim to find inspiration in the people and things around you. That way, you can strengthen your motivation and refocus your attention on the fitness goals that really matter.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Selecting a Fitness Club: 10 Tips on Choosing a Great Gym

If you choose a fitness club on the other side of your city, will you be capable to remain motivated and make an effort to visit regularly? Probably not. Particularly on those days when your determination is on a minimum and your work agenda is beyond busy. A good fitness club location will ideally be someplace between your home and your job. Having a fitness club in the area is going to reduce your stress level, keep you doing exercises and save you a lot of travel time.
Joining a fitness club can be a big financial investment. Gym membership charges aren't to be taken lightly and are often the main reason why people choose a specific gym. Inexpensive gym subscriptions may seem like a much better option in the beginning, but could be a poor choice if these gyms can't accommodate your needs. The same thing goes for more costly fitness gyms. You may be paying too much for what you are receiving. Additionally, many fitness gyms will require a registration fee. You might simply wait for any special offer to save on these fees, but you may also speak to the staff. Suggest that you're considering several other gyms as well and figure out what kind of offer they can present you with right away.
Gym amenities and fees go hand in hand. If you are not planning on using much of the facilities the gym has to offer, you might be over paying. Alternatively, if you like a sauna or a decent swim after your regular workout, a less expensive gym without those amenities may not be right for you. Be sure to discover what the gym's facilities are and how regularly you will be using these. Modern facilities can be a good way to get your attention to sign-up, but you have to be sure you will need all the gym has to provide. If you need specialized facilities such as no cost car parking, group classes or group classes, see whether they are included in your membership or whether you need to pay extra for these.
Membership contract
An excellent fitness club agreement exists in order to safeguard both your own and the fitness club's interests. Find out how the personnel interact with you and if they can be pushy. If they expect you to join on the spot, walk away. Ideally you would want to carry the written agreement home with you, read it very carefully and think about it. Figure out just how long the written agreement is good for and if there are any concealed charges. Will your agreement carry over automatically? Hammer out a deal with the staff, view it as a sport and you can frequently get significantly lower rates. Request to try the facility before signing a binding agreement, but watch out for any paper that you need to sign. Less respectable fitness gyms could slip you a contract while saying it is a form for "liability purposes". Always look into the terms and conditions of your membership contract.
Opening times
Will your favorite gym be open during the hours that you might be thinking of working out? Many people exercise in the morning, some prefer the evening hours and there are fitness gyms that are closed during the weekends. You want to look for a fitness club that will suit your hectic schedule. Otherwise, you will be paying for a gym you can't get access to at times that suit you the most.
Excellent fitness gyms have good personnel, who are supportive, warm, friendly and skilled. The personnel should answer all of your questions, help you build-up fitness workout routines and even spot you during workout sessions. Make sure to ask about their accreditations and see how they treat you as a potential new member. In case you are struggling in getting your questions answered beforehand, be skeptical of the way they're going to treat you when you've signed up with the gym. Friendliness is a big benefit. A depressed facial expression as a welcome to your fitness club can drain all of the energy away from you.
Regular members
What's important is that you choose a gym where you will feel at ease exercising. You should not feel uncomfortable, threatened or confused. Find out what kind of folks are exercising at your fitness club of preference. Are they really your favorite type of people? If you want to exercise intensely, you will not like a fitness club where friendly chat is on the schedule. If you like meeting new folks, you are better off in a gym where there's a great personal ambiance and where people interact effortlessly with each other. In case you don't appreciate co-ed fitness gyms, you could choose a ladies only or men's only gym near you.
Gym equipment
Whenever you visit a fitness club of your choice, make sure to take a look around. Exactly what do you notice? Are there sufficient machines, weight plates and hand weights for everyone? Make an effort to find out if members are waiting around in line for well-liked fitness equipment and exercises. Some gyms are famous for using time limits on fitness cardio equipment. If you're intending to do a lot of cardio, this time limit won't be good for you. If you are a truly serious bodybuilder or want to turn into one, make sure that the available dumbbells, weight loads and weight plates satisfy your desires.
There is absolutely nothing worse than a fitness club without any hygiene requirements. You'll want to sign up for a gym where they have clean fitness equipment, locker rooms, bathrooms and toilets. Look around on your initial visit. Are there sufficient towels to clean the gym equipment after each use? Also make certain that staff members enforce these requirements. While you happen to be there, take a look at the locker-room, showers and lavatories. If you don't appreciate what you're seeing, you can bet your money that hygiene standards are not being enforced in that club.
Good friends
Consult people you're friends with and ask where they've been keeping fit and if they're pleased. Many times, your friends and folks you already know can give you a great insight into great community fitness gyms and warn you for gyms you must avoid.

Five Steps to Fitness Success

Despite what you might see on TV infomercials or in newspaper ads, there is no magic bullet or miracle pill that will get you fit overnight. No matter what any glamorous hard-body spokesperson says about the newest "revolutionary" exercise machine, diet, or supplementation program- the fact is that achieving fitness success takes time and energy. You can bet that the spokesperson did not get his or her physique by using the "new, amazing de-fat-alizer" machine for 30 seconds a day! He or she is undoubtedly engaged in a fitness program that includes sensible diet and lots of exercise.
On the other hand, we believe that achieving fitness success is well within everyone's reach. This article will provide you with powerful, effective steps you can take RIGHT NOW that will jump-start your fitness program and get you on track to fitness success.
1. Make Changes TODAY!
2. Decide & Commit
3. Define Goals
4. Design Your Road Map
5. Feel Good!
Step 1: Make Changes TODAY!
Achieving FITNESS SUCCESS is all about making consistent incremental improvements over time. Like the power of compounding interest, implementing even small improvements can result in a cumulative snow-balling effect that generates momentum, enthusiasm and results!
There are specific, immediate changes you can make that will deliver meaningful results:
It sounds obvious, but it's truly amazing how much potential is in this simple step. Park at the far end of the parking lot; take the stairs instead of the elevator; chase your grandchildren around. Our bodies were built for movement, and the simple act of moving more is a great way to start your fitness program. Walking is a vastly underrated form of exercise. So is dancing!
You'll hear different target quantities from different experts, but a good rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It's a good practice to drink a glass ½ hour before and after meals. Substituting water for less healthy drinks (like soda) will cut calories and reduce intake of artificial flavoring, coloring, etc. Also, increasing water intake will help curb your appetite.
Studies have shown that our bodies operate more efficiently when we spread our food intake our over five or six smaller meals per day, versus the three larger meals to which we've become accustomed. And what grandma told you about eating your vegetables was right on target! Most Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables regularly. It's surprisingly easy to shrink the size of meals when you increase your water intake and include more fruits and vegetables.
Another simple yet very powerful tip! Whether you go "all the way" and actually maintain a log of everything you eat, or simply try to do a mental recap periodically during the day, this is a great way to manage your diet. For example, when you get ready to eat dinner, doing a quick review of what you've eaten so far that day will help you make intelligent menu choices.
Flexibility is a very important component of overall fitness. A daily routine of basic stretches can greatly improve your mobility in a very short period of time. Just remember: stretching movements should be gentle and gradual, and never jerky or bouncy.
Once you've made the simple lifestyle changes listed above, you will begin building the positive momentum that will empower you to move aggressively toward your fitness goals!
It's not about big, sweeping changes: the fact is you CAN NOT become fit in one day. But you can decide TODAY to make a commitment to incremental, consistent improvement that will get you on track IMMEDIATELY.
Step 2: Decide to Take Better Care of Yourself
You probably know someone who has experienced health problems that could have been avoided if the person had taken better care of him or herself. How many times have you resolved to begin taking better care of yourself?
But what does that mean?
Ask virtually anyone what it means to "take better care of yourself", and undoubtedly you'll hear something like "Get more exercise and eat sensibly". Everyone seems to know that exercise is important to overall health and well-being, and is a big part of taking better care of yourself. We've all seen the reports on TV, in magazines, on the internet: it's an irrefutable fact that people of all ages and fitness levels can reap compelling physical and psychological benefits by engaging in a sensible exercise regimen.
So...Why are so many people neglecting to engage in an exercise program, when they KNOW that this behavior will improve their health, appearance, attitude, and overall quality of life?
The answer is simple. They have not yet DECIDED TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEMSELVES.
You already know many good reasons to begin an exercise program. You have probably heard (or even used!) at least one of the most common excuses for not beginning a fitness program:
"I don't have enough time". (probably the number 1 excuse)
"I won't feel comfortable working out with a bunch of "hard-bodies".
"It's too expensive".
Let's BUST these mythical excuses right now!
"I don't have enough time". 
There are plenty of busy people who are fit, and plenty of fit people who are busy. The fact is that people who DECIDE to make the time, make the time. It's hard to imagine there are many things in your life more important than your physical well-being, which is what enables you to enjoy all other aspects of your life.

"I won't feel comfortable working out with a bunch of "hard-bodies". 
This is an easy one. If you're not comfortable working out in any particular health club, THEN DON'T! There are so many different venues in which you can exercise that you are certain to find the right one with a little homework. See "Should I Join a Health Club".

"It's too expensive". 
The expense associated with a fitness program can vary from a multi-thousand dollar investment in home exercise equipment to a zero-cost program that includes walking, jogging and/or calisthenics. If you decide to join a health club, or seek out the services of a personal trainer, then there are of course associated costs. But once again, there are many health clubs with varying fee structures. Do some comparison shopping!

Consider the following:
a) What is the ROI (return on investment) for an effective fitness program? How much is it worth to you to improve your overall health and wellness; to have more energy and stamina; to feel better? What is the long-term price of NOT engaging in a fitness program?
b) What constitutes "expensive"? A health club costing $60 per month breaks out to roughly $14 per week. That's something like $3 per workout, or what most people spend on coffee every day.
c) Perhaps you fall into a category that qualifies for a discount at a local health club. For example, many clubs have discount membership programs for seniors, employees of local companies ("Corporate Memberships"), referral discounts, etc. Again, doing a little homework can really pay off!
Now it's just a matter of making the decision that you will Take Better Care of Yourself. That means making a commitment to take action.
We're using the word "commitment" here for a reason. The dictionary defines "Commitment" as "an agreement or pledge to do something in the future". A commitment is a PROMISE. We're talking about making a promise to yourself that you will begin taking better care of yourself. And nothing is as gratifying as fulfilling a promise!
Step 3: Define Your Fitness Goals
Start with YOUR definition of fitness. What does it mean to you? It could be reaching and maintaining a more healthy body weight. It could be lowering your blood pressure, gaining lean muscle mass, or being able to walk a brisk mile without getting overly winded. Your goal could be being fit enough to carry your grandson up the stairs. For some, it's bench-pressing 400 lbs. or running a marathon. It doesn't matter.
Define what you want out of a fitness program.
It might be helpful to talk to people you know who are already actively engaged in exercise, or to have an assessment consultation with a Personal Trainer/Fitness Specialist at a local health club.
Make sure your goals are realistic, but don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Keep in mind that fitness is REALLY about one thing: feeling better!
So, when you define your goal, be sure to think about how reaching this goal will make you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. That will make the goal feel more "real", and give you a motivational tool you can use throughout your fitness journey.
Hard vs. Soft goals: 
It really pays to establish "hard" goals. That is, goals that are as specific and measurable as possible. 
"Soft" goals on the other hand are more vague and general.

For example...
Soft Goal: 
I want to get in shape. (how will you measure your success? What does "in shape" mean?)

Measurable, Specific Goal: 
By June 30th, I want to lose 10 lbs, and increase my endurance to the point where I can jog two miles without stopping.

Setting specific fitness goals is also a great motivator, because you can track your success and see progress as you move toward your goal.
Step 4: Lay Out Your Road Map
You've decided to make a real commitment to take action, and to start taking better care of yourself. AND you've taken the next important step by defining your fitness goals.
For many people, those first steps are the most difficult. It's important to understand that without a real commitment (Step 2) and clearly-defined goals (Step 3), there is no way to develop a plan. That would be like building a house without a blue-print!
But once you've completed these crucial steps, you are ready to develop your road map.
Your fitness road map must answer the BIG THREE questions:
What is my goal (where am I going?)
What is my plan (how do I get there?)
How to I track progress (how do I tell where am I now?)
It is absolutely critical that you lay out a road map that addresses these BIG THREE questions. The road map should outline the actual exercise routines to be performed, the scheduling of workouts, and a procedure for measuring progress at prescribed intervals. 
The best approach is to start with a high-level outline, and then fill in details as you gather information. The outline should include:

workout frequency (e.g. 4 times per week)
approximate mix of flexibility, strength and cardio training (based on goals)
actual exercise programs (*)
check points (e.g. weigh-ins every 3 weeks)
The more specific you are in this planning phase, the BETTER your chances for success!
(*) There are many sources for help in designing your exercise program. Workout programs are available over the internet or in book stores. Our best advice is: GET HELP. Whether it's from a fitness-minded friend or trained professional at a health club, by getting skilled assistance you can easily build a road map that includes enough variation to ward of the potential boredom of a fixed routine.
Also consider whether you'd like to enlist someone as a workout partner. Some people find it motivating to have a partner; it might even occasionally "guilt" you into working out when you know your partner is counting on you. And two heads are usually better than one!
Once you have your road map, you can determine what workout venues will make sense. Depending on your goals, there may be several effective paths for you to follow. You might join a walking club, or sign up for dance lessons. You might begin an independent exercise program at home, or join a friend who jogs regularly.
Remember: You should consult your physician before beginning an exercise regimen.
Step 5: Feel Good!
Fitness is, above all, about FEELING GOOD!
Once you have designed a fitness road map, the best way to succeed is to enjoy the challenge. Our bodies WANT to be fit! And once you start your program, you will feel the exhilaration that comes when you get moving.
Nothing is more motivating than knowing that you've defined a goal, have an action plan, and are WORKING YOUR PLAN. While you're working your plan, always remember to:
Enjoy the ride
Track progress
Set challenging new goals for yourself.
That last point is important: you're not "done" when your reach your goals. Fitness is not a destination, it's a lifestyle. So, when you reach a goal, congratulate yourself and raise the bar!
You'll find that you will look forward to workout days, and even on those rare occasions when you have to "force" yourself to work out, you'll be glad you did. Enjoying the ride is the biggest key to success in fitness.