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Monday, March 11, 2013

5 Tips to Find Your Sport

When it comes to sports, the options are endless. From tennis and golf to running and cycling, there's something for almost everyone. But, how do you choose a sport that fits your personality? To help you figure this out, we asked a series of fitness and lifestyle experts. Here's what they told us.

Before jumping into a sporting activity, consider your physical goals and limitations. Karkoska recommends taking an honest look at what your body is prepared to do. “Do you want something that will make you sweat or would you be happy with minimal movement? Can your joints take a high-impact sport that involves running or should it be something lower impact like swimming or cycling?” asks Karkoska. Consulting with a physician should always be a priority before starting this or any sports or exercise regimen, particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Many sports offer instant gratification while others unfold over a longer period of time. Consider your preferences with rewards when choosing a sport. “Many people are more strongly motivated by small, short-term goals,” said Simpson. Walking and running allow you to run a 5k or longer whenever you wish with immediate success. Tennis, rowing and handball also allow you to feel an immediate rush of competition. Simpson noted that sports like soccer, baseball and basketball offer more long term awards since the success is felt at the end of the season.

Karkoska recommends taking a stab at a sport you enjoy watching during the Olympics. “Maybe you will never be a gymnast, but perhaps taking up something like yoga would help you improve your inner gymnast,” she said. “Joining the local master’s swimming team would satisfy your inner Michael Phelps.”

“People should look at what they enjoy in regular life to help them find their sport,” said Carrie Karkoska, certified health and wellness coach at Auburn Wellbeing. Do you like to be indoors or outdoors? Do you prefer to be hot or cold? Do you enjoy the experience, or is it all about getting the win? Would you rather be active individually or as part of a team? Assessing your mental and physical needs will help you narrow down the choices to get fit and stay active.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks ?

A lot of people want to lose weight fast for an event such as a wedding, a reunion or a party. If you find yourself wishing that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have a lot of time in which to pull it off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 2 ways in which you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 2 ways: (lose twenty pounds)
How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks -1-. Go on a juice based detox diet. This kind of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food while providing you with carbs and sugars. Although this diet isn't suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet meant to help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks,it can be extremely effective.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)
How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks -2-. It you like working out and can spare the time, you can lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity over two weeks. I suggest doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes, that's fine too.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)
Don't do massive workouts and go on a juice diet simultaneously.is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, If your chose to burn off 20 pounds by exercising you'll need your strength. Reduce the amount of carbs that you consume but eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and protein. Make sure that all your fats are healthy ones like olive oil and canola oil.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks
Losing 20 Lbs in 2 weeks isn't the easiest thing in the world but if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in a little effort, I'm positive the you can do it.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks
I hope you enjoyed this article about How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks .

4 Must Steps to Build Muscle For Beginners

For any Gym goers new to the gym and fitness, who want to learn the secrets to getting bigger and stronger keep reading. This is based around the FOUR MAJOR aspects of bodybuilding and weight training; Strength Training, Nutrition, Supplementation and Rest.

If you want to get big, you need to train big!!! Train 3 - 5 times per week and keep your sessions short, 45 minutes should be plenty for new gym goers. Train two muscle groups per week or every 5 days... do not combine 2 large muscle groups on the same day. Your big muscle groups are chest, back and legs.
Do big (called compound) exercises such as bench press, shoulder press, rows, squats, and deadlifts first in your workouts.
For volume and intensity, the more volume, the less intensity and vice versa. For reps and sets, aim to fail between 8-115 reps and if you are training intensely do only 5-8 sets per body part (more sets for the bigger muscles, less for the smaller ones).
By keeping your rest below 2 minutes your heart rate should stay in anabolic training zone which burns the maximum amount of body fat.


To gain mass you need to EAT!! Ideally every 2 hours if possible split in to 6 meals a day. A ratio of 50% Carbohydrates and 50% Protein and Fat is the best place to start. Evaluate how you feel and adjust accordingly, some prefer more Protein when weight training.
Your 3 most important meals of the day are breakfast, after you workout, and before bed. Ensure these are very clean meals and contain protein. Don't be afraid to have a cheat meal once per week - a healthy digestive system can eliminate it without too much hassle.


Avoid over-training, This means don't spend hours in the gym and avoid long cardiovascular sessions. We're looking for an anabolic response for muscle growth so short sprints at high intensity are definitely the way to go.
Make sure to use your days off as rest days, and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Your muscles grow when you sleep, not when you're training in the gym!
Supplements work best when your first three aspects must be consistently on track. If your diet, training, and rest are not correct, supplements will be no good. Cheap and easy to find supplements use are:
Multivitamins- Take in the morning. Generally speaking you get what you pay for but be sure to compare labels for high levels of each common Vitamin and Mineral.
Whey Protein can basically be taken at any time of the day to help your Protein intake, but the most effective time is immediately after workouts and before bed.
Creatine is one of the world's largest selling supplements. As a beginner trainer it's generally not required because you'll be adding strength purely from a neurala adaption and hence, not needed. Some athletes find it helps with recovery so there's a positive for new trainers, but generally no needed until you've been lifting weights for at least 6 months. Bloating is a common side effect as creatine can often lead to water retention.
For beginning trainers, the advice is keep it simple!! Too many personal trainers want to play around with fancy gadgets and they're favourite exercise. The fact is, for beginner muscle builders you want to keep it simple and consistent so your body has time to adapt and grow!
So there it is, train eat big, train big, sleep big and soon you too will be big results come with time and patience.

Happy training...:)

Lose Weight Without Changing Your Lifestyle

I have seen several advertisements lately for various products that guarantee that you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle. The testimonials say things like "It was so easy and I didn't have to change a thing!" Can we take a step back and just think about that for a second? Because as a personal trainer I find that very disturbing.
So you grow up, start your career, and have a family. You have a lot going on, which probably means that you have spent several years not eating well and have been less active than you should be. Now you find yourself with a few extra pounds feeling sluggish and down about yourself, with perhaps some health issues. Sound about right? You are not the only one. It happens to a lot of us.
Now you have decided that it is time to shed the weight. So you go for one of these easy, quick-fix products. One of two things is going to happen.
One possible outcome is that you do lose some weight, but then what? Are you going to use these products forever? Probably not. So it is highly likely that you will put the weight back on. After all, you have not changed your lifestyle, which we have agreed is probably how you got there in the first place, right?
The more likely outcome is that you do not lose weight, so you have wasted a bunch of money and now you feel even worse. So you either give up or you move on to the next quick fix.
So I submit this to you for your consideration. CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE! Being healthy and fit is a lifelong commitment, but it does not matter when you start. Think of it as a "rest of your life" commitment. Getting healthy requires just as much effort as everything else in your life. Presumably you did not graduate high school and get a job as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company the next day. Getting married and having kids takes work. It is time to take ownership of your health. Earn it.

Now I do not advocate going "cold turkey". Making drastic and abrupt changes will likely result in failure just as much as the quick-fixes. Make incremental changes. Go for a 20-minute walk. If you have a donut every day with your morning coffee, two days a week swap it out with a banana. I think you will find that taking baby steps to make permanent changes will be far more effective and rewarding than the drive-through method that companies promote just to make a buck off of you.

Can these "miracle" products help you lose weight quickly without changing your lifestyle? It is possible I suppose, in isolated cases, but that does not mean that you should use them. Asbestos is a great insulator and look where that got us.