what do you think about these solutions..?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Weight Loss Solutions 5 Ways To Drop The Pound Fast

Every time we turn on the television we are bombarded with various weight loss solutions guaranteeing fast results. The truth is you didnt gain weight instantly and you are not going to take it off instantly. If you really want to lose weight and keep it off you must be willing to put in the time and effort necessary to achieve results.

Believe You Can Do It

Belief in yourself is key.

Having the belief that you can is just as important as exercising and eating healthier. If you try to lose weight but have doubts in your ability to do so, you will not succeed.

Take a moment to reflect on why you want to lose weight and then write it down. Now that you have your reason why you want to lose weight, set a goal for the amount of weight you would like to lose and commit to doing whatever it takes to hit it. No matter what obstacles come your way promise yourself that you will not quit until you hit your goal.

There are going to be times when things become really difficult and you feel like quitting. When those moments hit, find stories about other people who have been successful at losing weight to motivate you. Understand and acknowledge that they also had weak moments but to get where they are they had to keep striving and so do you. Bad days are inevitable, the key is not to let one or two bad days make you quit short of your goal.

Once you start seeing your body transform before your eyes, staying on track will become a lot easier.

Drink At Least 8 Glasses Of Water

Water is the gas that fuels the engine of our bodies. The body needs water to function efficiently.

If you drink water through the day, you will not feel hungry as often because it will give you the sensation of being full.

When your body is being properly hydrated, it will alleviate the bloating feeling because it can release the water it has been storing.

Drinking a glass before each meal will help you to eat less and lose more.

Start Working Out

Exercise should be a vital part of any weight loss plan. Although losing weight without exercising is possible, you will have better and longer lasting results if you make it a regular part of your program.

Dont like exercise? Then do something fun that doesnt feel like exercise, like going outside and playing with the children or taking a bike ride. The idea is to find what you enjoy and do it.

Any amount of exercise is beneficial but for maximum results you should strive to exercise at least 5 days a week.

When you feel ready for more advanced workouts, aerobic workouts such as Zumba or Hip Hop Abs may be a good choice. These work outs tend to burn a lot of calories, helping you to lose weight and tone up.

Remember exercise is not only key for weight loss but it also helps to improve your overall health.

Eat 5 Or 6 Small Meals Daily

A great way to keep your metabolism high and alleviate snacking is to eat 5 or 6 small meals daily.

If your goal is to take in no more than 1500 calories per day you have to make sure all your small meals combined do not exceed this number.

An easy way to do this is to split your 3 normal meals in half.

Get At Least 7 Hours Of Sleep Nightly

When you dont get enough rest it alters the bodys hormone levels. When we are not allowing our bodies to get the rest needed to perform properly, it releases ghrelin into our system. Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates appetite. When our bodies are sleep deprived, this hormone increases and causes the desire to eat more.

To keep your body functioning at optimal levels you should try and get a minimum of 7 hours sleep each night.

To improve your quality of sleep do not drink caffeine based drinks, workout or eat at least 3 hours before bed time.

Incorporating these 5 simple tips can significantly impact the amount of weight you are able to lose.

The Best Known Weight Loss Method

There are many weight loss products, methods and techniques available to choose from. Most of these procedures and methods carry lots of side effects. Most of the people complain that these methods do not work at all. Yes, it is a fact that most of the weight loss products and methods do not work. But nothing to worry for because today you will going to find out the best weight loss method that actually works. It will help you in reducing weight quickly and above all, it will not cost you a single penny.

The whole method has been divided into three phases, and in order to get most out from this method, you must follow all the three steps simultaneously.


Start doing exercise. If you do not have time to do exercise (as most of the people do not find time), start walking. Include walk in your daily routine. You can walk anywhere. It is strongly recommended to walk at least a mile every day and gradually add miles.

I hope you will find this step very easy and you wouldn't be having any problems following this step.

Now here comes the difficult part but I will try to make it simple and easy for you. At this stage you need to focus on your diet. You do not have to cut off anything. Here are a few things you need to do:
- Add more food items to your diet preferably healthy food items. No need to change your eating habits or eating schedules. Keep eating whatever you eat, just add a few more things to the list.

- What you need to add to your diet? Well, add fruits, vegetables, soups, juices, water, calorie-free beverages, salads and everything that has fewer calories.

- Meantime, stick to low-calorie and low-carbohydrate. I know this seems to be hard but there is no alternate. If you will keep on taking carbohydrates, you cannot lose weight.

- Drink 8 to 10 glass of water every day in winter. In summer, drink 15 to 20 glass of water per day. Drink one glass of water before meal.

Finally, start using a weight loss supplement - a healthy one. Please make sure that weight loss supplement/product that you use contain raspberry ketone because it increases the metabolism process. Or you can simply use raspberry ketone powder but in that case, you have to stick to raspberry ketone dosage and make sure you do not take more of it.

This is all. Stick to this three-step method. You will see results after a week or so. If you wish, you can omit step-3.
Try raspberry ketone supplement to reduce weight quickly.

Weight Loss - 5 Most Effective Tips

Weight loss is generally considered as a serious health indicator. This is the condition where some diseases that prevent proper metabolism, attacks. Some of them include HIV among other people, cancer, and diabetes. On the other hand, there are times when people have a strong desire to lose because of the obese status of an individual.

Some of the challenges that are associated with being overweight involve; asthma among many people, obesity, diabetes, heart problems and many other problems as well. Exceedingly low weight would lead mainly to maternal challenges for women while they are expecting. This may lead to the birth of an emaciated and underweight child, who is more likely to get infections because of the poor and delicate formation of his immune system. In addition, it affects productivity and development of some cells like white blood cells and red blood cells. This is fairly because of having a reduced and low availability of the amino acids, which are necessary for body building.

There are some tips and recommendations, meant to help those people who want to lose weight to shape out there figure. Some of the salient points are as follows;

Tips # 1 Exercises:

It is rated as the most common ways of controlling weight loss or gain. Particularly, there are exercises which may lead to building up their muscles or some of them contribute to avoid the excessive fats.

Tips # 2 The Diet:
the most effective diet is the one which is full of the mandatory and essential nutrients, made sure that none of them are in excess. Carbohydrates and fats lead to the formation of glucose which is utilized in the body cells and muscles for energy. Access storage in the muscles and cells leads to the person with a heavy body. You can take in the whole grain, which is the safest carbohydrate. It will not turn in to glucose immediately. As a substitute, it releases the substance in short intervals. For example look at health benefits of acai berry  weight loss diet plan.

Tips # 3 An alternative Medicine:
It may include the use of non-scientific treatments and also the herbal medication. It is better not to make use of the artificial and chemical products.

Tips # 4 A positive mindset:
this may be mind-boggling, but is considered to be one of the most vital components while weight loss. A positive mindset will make a person more disciplined towards the diet, and physical training to improve their body shape and framework. Therefore, a positive attitude is essentially required for a weight loss program to be a success.

Tips # 5 Taking lots of water:
An adequate and sufficient supply of water helps to contribute to the weight loss programs as the body part functions like kidney; heart and skin have been improved.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Fat Loss In The New Year

The reason you start does matter, but other reasons are sure to pop up along the way. One aspiration or goal such as losing fifty lbs. in eighteen months is sure to get you started, but I strongly advise to break that goal down and focus on achieving seemingly minuscule goals. Let me give you an example. I had a client seek my help on the third day of January, 2013. Let's call her Cynthia.
-Cynthia didn't care for exercise, but was finally fed up with the way she looked and was ready for a change.
- She didn't even like to "glisten" (sweat) as she called it.
- I asked her what her goals were as I do with everyone and she told me that she wanted to "get in better shape". That was simply not going to cut it.
- After asking her a few follow up questions we were able to clarify exactly what she wanted to accomplish and what "getting in better shape" actually meant.
You see, it is very hard to stay accountable to your goals if they are not specific and based on a timeframe. Let's get back to Cynthia. We figured out that she wanted to lose forty pounds and eight percent body fat by January, 2014. I further broke this goal into smaller monthly goals. All she had to do to reach her big goal was lose 3.33 lbs. a month! Her response: that should be no problem at all! She was even more excited when we further broke this down to losing under a pound per week. I am so infinitely proud to say that Cynthia decided to train with me and by this day December 23, 2013 she has lost 32 pounds. I could not be more proud and she surprised everyone, including herself.
My purpose for writing this article is to attempt to dissuade you from entertaining the skeptics who downplay your resolution to exercise consistently. If you find the urge to take advantage of the positive energy of the resolution season, then do it! Ride this wave as far as it takes you. When the time comes to catch another wave (reason or goal) you'll be ready to keep surfing. I have a professional obligation to say that you should find someone to help you break down your goals and hatch a plan. Is it best that you find a trainer? Yes, it is, but it doesn't have to be. It could just as easily be anyone with considerable exercise experience that has a positive influence on you. Make the right decision and choose hope and optimism over cynicism, no matter how many times you have tried and failed! Once you dedicate yourself this fitness thing is too easy.

10 Steps to Get Rid of Belly Fat

So you want to get rid of that stubborn belly fat? For years people have jumped from one fad diet to the next, but when does it end? Burning stubborn belly fat doesn't have to be rocket science. If you follow these steps, I will GUARANTEE you'll lose that belly fat quick!
Most people think that you can lose belly fat by doing sit ups. This just isn't the case and the truth is that it starts and ends in the kitchen. Without proper diet, you'll be wasting your time and it'll be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
Below I will outline some good steps to take to start your journey on weight loss. It isn't just to reduce belly fat, it is to reduce the overall fat content of your body. Once we kick start that process, the rest will follow.
How to reduce belly fat:
Step 1: Understanding weight loss.
In order to reach the goal that you want you have to understand what to do, and then go do it. This is the formula for success. The first part of course is to educate yourself on what needs to be done. You're already on that part of the journey seeing as how you stumbled across this article.
Our bodies work like a computer. You download more games, software, movies and your computer begins to collect all of this information and memory is used. However, it is now running slower and not as good as when you first got it. Why? It's because its clogged with useless information, taking up a lot of memory. If you start to delete some of the memory the computer will start to run faster and more efficient.
Our bodies, like computers, collect "memory" or really, calories from food. Our food gives us the energy to keep going on a daily basis. When you overeat and clutter your body with unneeded energy, it saves some for later because its already got enough to run on. When you do this, you gain weight. However, on the flip side if we take away some energy(calories) our bodies will start to burn what it has already for its dose of energy.
So, now that we got through that let's start putting it to good use.
Step 2: Find out how many calories(energy) your body needs to stay at the weight you are.
This is such an important step because it is the foundation for the diet that we will create for ourselves. To find out how many calories you need, simply conduct a Google search with the phrase "daily calorie maintenance calculator" and many free options will come up. Pick one and start to enter your information (height, weight, activity level) so that the calculator can tell you how much you need.
Great, once you have that its time to put everything together. So, let's say that you're 6'1 ft weight at 210 lbs. The calculator told you that you need about 2,300 calories a day to stay where you are. We are going to cut 20-30% from this number to lose weight. That's about 460 calories. So, if we cut 460 calories from 2,300 we can GUARANTEE weight loss, it's that simple.
Step 3: Sign up to a calorie tracking website.
The beauty of these websites is that they are completely free and offer such great communities for people to come together to accomplish the common goal of losing weight. Two examples include myfitnesspal and caloriecount. When you sign up, you enter your information and they set you up with how many calories you have to burn each day and you go on from there.
You enter in the food you ate for the day and it tells you all the nutritional values as well as how many calories you have left remaining for the day. This is crucial because if you're able to maintain a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight. This is science! It is fact!
These websites also have such an encouraging community whose main focus is the same as yours! You already have something in common with everyone so why not make friends and make this journey that much better.
Step 4: What to eat?
The biggest question of them all. You aren't going to believe what I'm going to say but I assure you that science will never let you down. You can eat... WHATEVER you want. That's right. I said it.
Now, let's not get carried away. Do you think that eating 10 slices of pizza a day will help you lose weight? Of course not. You have to always be thinking in terms of how many calories you have that day. Let's say you have a very light breakfast and lunch. You come home from work and haven eaten anything. You estimate you have about 1200 calories left. There's a lot of leeway here and you can basically eat anything you want in moderation.
Even if you grab 2 slices of pizza ~400 calories, you'll still be losing weight for that day because you have created a large enough deficit for this to happen. It's not rocket science people!
Step 5: How often to eat?
There is a huge myth about eating every 3 hours and keeping your metabolism high. This is true and if you do eat every 3 hours more power to you. However, today in our busy lives we're lucky if we get to sit down for 3 meals a day.
Don't stress over WHEN to eat, stress over about WHAT to eat and HOW MUCH.
Remember, anything in moderation is fine and as long as you're keeping with your calories goal, you'll be on your way to a slimmer you.
Another myth is that eating at night will make you gain more weight. This couldn't be more wrong! Eating at night is just like eating at any other time in the day. Also, if you find yourself getting home at night with 1000+ calories left for the day don't starve yourself because you think eating at night is bad. Grab a few healthy snacks and always remember to keep track of your calories no matter what!
Step 6: Water, water, water
Drink Water! And plenty of it! Sometimes our bodies think that we're hungry when in reality we're just really dehydrated. Water is the life fuel of planet earth. If we ran out of water, we wouldn't last for more than a month, tops.
Instead of drinking extra calories, replace any soft drink in your diet with water. You'll be amazed at how effective this is at cutting weight. If you drink a can of soda a day, you'll be taking in about 200 calories a day roughly. If you multiply that by 30 days, you'll get a little over 3,500 calories... a pound of fat! So, if you start by eliminating that soda, you'll be saving a pound of fat a month. Not bad at all.
Step 7: Lift Weights
Yes, you knew this was coming. Lifting weights isn't absolutely necessary for burning belly fat, but it makes it THAT much quicker. It is known that a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat, even when you're sitting down or sleeping. That being said, the more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you'll be burning, doing NOTHING.
How awesome is that? Also, whenever you work out you'll be burning tons of calories that will actually let you eat a little more of what you want to. You won't have to be too picky about what to eat because you'll know that you'll just burn those calories off.
The calorie count websites that I mentioned earlier all have calculators that let you log what you worked out and for how long. In turn, they'll tell you how many calories you burned and they'll add that to how many calories you have left for the day. Don't skip out on weights if you have access to them. Not only will they help you lose weight, your body will look much better once you've lost it.
Step 8: Cardio!
Cardio should be in everyone's fitness schedule. It is so good for your heart health and also great for losing weight. If you add only 20-30 minutes of cardio a day, you'll have such an easier time losing weight.
Some types of cardio include walking, running, the elliptical, biking, etc. Don't be afraid to mix it up because it keeps your body guessing. Cardio is also good because it puts your body into a mode where it'll keep burning calories well after you're done with your work out.
One of my favorite cardio workouts is actually jump roping. This easy to do workout burns TONS of calories and its actually FUN! A jump rope session of about 20-30 min can easily burn 400+ calories.
Step 9: Take pictures and toss out your scale!
Get rid of that scale. Your weight is going to fluctuate on a daily basis and if we have a scale nearby we're going to want to see our results. Well, if you don't have a scale how can you see results? Pictures.
Pictures are great because they remind you of the progress and you can see it visually. Once you see your progress you'll stay focused and motivated. It gives you the confidence that what you're doing IS working.
The trick is to not take pictures too often. Try to take 1 every 2 weeks. Every 2 weeks take a picture and track your results. You'll be surprised to see how much your body changes in 2 weeks. Once you see that first picture and you notice subtle changes you'll start to get excited and don't be surprised if you increase your cardio or workout. That's what motivation does.
Step 10: Never give up!
This is the last step, and the most crucial. Many people give up because you don't lose weight overnight. It just isn't possible. You need patience and perseverance to keep consistent. You have to have faith that its working because if you don't, you'll go back to your old overeating habits.
The key is motivation and if you stay motivated daily, you'll realize that each day is one step closer to your goal. If you REALLY want to lose weight you HAVE to put the time and dedication in. Don't take 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. Take 2 baby steps forward every day and soon you'll arrive at your destination.
If you follow these 10 basic steps, you'll definitely lose weight. No matter how long it takes, remember that if you take it one day at a time, you'll get there. Weight loss isn't rocket science, it is BASIC science.
If you get only one thing from this article, remember that it is calories in vs calories out. This is gold! Keep your calories at a deficit and you'll see the weight loss you've always been dreaming about. Good luck on your journey!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Recipes For Juicing, What To Look For In Healthy Juicing Recipes

What should you look for in a healthy juicing recipe? We will look at a simple, but great fruit juice recipe and break it down for you to show you how the parts come together for a nutritious, healthy, healing juice.
Juicing is so good for you that it is difficult to say enough about it. Juicing can help you clear up those nagging health problems such as skin conditions, aches and pains that many associate with getting older, and a variety of other conditions. People ignore their health for years and toxins build up and sooner or later show up as nagging symptoms. These symptoms can be cleared by clearing your body of the toxins.
The Makeup of A Healthy Juicing Recipe
Todays fruit juice not only helps clear out toxins but also boosts your immune system. It contains Peach juice blended with nectarine and lemon juice for an almost magical result.
When you look for recipes for juicing you notice how the component juices blend together. Often they create something that is much greater than any of the parts and that is the case with this juice.
One Of The Best, Peach Juice
Peach juice helps balance your nervous system and strengthen your immune system. Peach juice can help rid you of nervous problems, infections, and fight disease. When drunk daily peach juice helps regulate weight, blood pressure, and because it is so rich in potassium it helps strengthen your heart. This is not the sugar laden juice packed in canned peaches but the pure nectar of the juice loaded with all the nutrients that nature placed there.
Nectarines look like a peach but without the fuzz. These are high in antioxidants and help protect against cancer and other diseases, they also help control cholesterol.
Lemons are powerhouses. They have antiviral, antibacterial, and will boost your immune system. They cleanse your liver, aid in digestion, and help with weight loss. Shall we throw in one more benefit, OK, you've got it. They also help reduce wrinkles. That's quite a package. Lemons contain bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene and these along with the vitamin C are big immune boosters.
When You Are Juicing For Health, Try This One
2 peaches with seeds removed
1 nectarine pitted
1 lemon peeled
Just drop them into your juicer and let it rip
When building your juicing recipes you need to be certain that you make it tasty, with peach and nectarine juice this one easily fits that criteria. Then you want to be sure that it is a healthy juice recipe. You can see from the analysis that this recipe easily fits that requirement. As you develop your own recipes for juicing you will begin to see the best things to make it both taste great and be healthy.

List of Great Fat Burning Foods

Do you know how fat accumulates in the body? Although, I'm not here to explain the whole process, but would certainly like to tell you that it's a slow and steady process which eventually takes time. It doesn't happen overnight.
Before I start telling you about the methods or techniques used to burn excess fat from your body, I would first like to discuss about our eating habits.
As you know, there are varieties of foods available today, and you can choose anything you like to eat. However, if you look at the broader picture, you will come to know about the fact that each type of food contains specific percentage of carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and other essential nutrients. Now, the question arises, how to lose fat or what are the best exercises for weight loss?
The very first step to control excess fat accumulation in your body is to check the type of food you intake. It's very important that you take the right kind of food containing high fiber. Do you know the best way to burn belly fat? Well, if you want to burn excess belly fat, then you should include more beans in your diet.
High fiber diets are often recommended by most nutritionists and experts, as they are responsible for smooth functioning of your heart and other vital organs. Studies suggest that foods containing high fiber help in lowering down your cholesterol levels. Please find below a list of food items that are helpful in burning excess fat from your body and waistline.
  • Fruits and Vegetables- Fruits and vegetables are always helpful in controlling excess fat from your body. They are known as high calorie foods with a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals are often called as the building blocks of cells. Due to their property of controlling the right amount of hormonal secretion, they are also called as fat burning foods. Apples, strawberries, raisins, prunesare some of the fruits that are known to give the desired results, if used on a regular basis. Similarly, vegetables like garlic, onion, beans (kidney beans, black beans) have been proved effective in burning fat to a great extent. Please find below some more foods that are known to lose your weight along with high cholesterol levels.

  • Blueberries - These are known to be very helpful in reducing fat from your belly by affecting the genes responsible to burn fat. The fruit eventually helps in dealing with weight related problems.

  • Pears- The fruit is quite effective in reducing the weight, especially in women.

  • Oranges- Studies suggest that compounds present in the fruit are quite effective in decreasing the cholesterol level which finally results in weight loss.

  • Honey - It's a type of food ingredient, often used to cure obesity. It attacks the extra fat deposit cells of the body and mobilizes them to release energy. You can take a tablespoon of honey with hot water in early morning to get the desired results.

  • Garlic - Garlic is a natural source of sulphur (in the form of alicin) which helps to get rid of unhealthy fats. The compound has some antibacterial properties responsible to reduce cholesterol.

  • Mustard Oil - It's known to contain unsaturated fatty acids along with some other vital fatty acids and vitamins which reduce cholesterol.

  • Cabbage - It helps in reducing your body weight more effectively. Cabbage inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fat resulting in weight loss.

  • Chillies - Chillies are known to have properties that burn fat. They contain a chemical capsaicin that is responsible to increase the metabolism which helps in burning unhealthy fat cells.

  • Carbohydrates- These include foods like whole grain cereals, wheat products, etc. having a good percentage of fiber, which is helpful in reducing the high cholesterol levels and effective to burn fat. Please find below some more information about these types of foods.

  • Whole Grain Cereals- The foods like whole grain bread, grams, etc. are some of the foods that can help in reducing excess fat from the body. They have good digestive properties as well.

  • Dairy Products- These include foods like protein shakes, butter milk, bananas, strawberries, etc. They are helpful in burning your extra fat from the body.

Friday, December 27, 2013

7 Fun Ways To Get Fit Without Joining A Gym!

Does the prospect of joining a gym fill you with dread? These simple tips will give you fun ways to get fit without having to!
1) Buy a mini trampoline!
Trampolining's a brilliant way to get fit and they come in sizes that you should easily be able to use indoors. Just 15 or so minutes a day bouncing on a trampoline will get you much fitter, and you can do it in the comfort of your own living room!
2) Join a team!
If you miss the team sports you enjoyed in your childhood, what's stopping you joining a team now? It's a great way to meet new people and if it's a sport you enjoy, it should be loads of fun too.
3) Take up cycling!
The feeling of freedom given by cycling regularly is hard to beat, plus you'll be inclined to visit places you'd never have even considered, and you'll get fit doing it.
4) Explore your area on foot!
Have you ever thought it'd be good to explore your town or city as a tourist? Well, what's stopping you? Pick up a guide book or book yourself onto a walking tour and start doing just that. You'll gain a new-found appreciation for the things you live nearby and you'll get fit in the process.
5) Make housework a workout!
Housework's a chore few people look forward to, but instead of letting it become a burden, change into some workout clothes, put on some upbeat music to keep you motivated and make it way to get fit by setting yourself a time limit to clean each room.
6) Get down to your local park!
There are fewer cheaper ways to get fit and have fun than by throwing a Frisbee or a ball around for a couple of hours with your mates or your partner on a sunny day. You'll get fit doing so and have a great time too.
7) Start to speed walk!
Let's face it, any walking's better than no walking at all, but if you can speed walk to your destinations you'll burn off loads more calories than if you just stroll from lance to place. Get some good footwear for walking and give it a go.
This article has given you some great ways get fitness without joining a gym, and if you act on the information in this short article, you won't look back.

Fitness Training Programs at Home Vs at the Gym

I have been asked in the past if it is possible to get a great gym quality workout at home with minimal equipment and I feel that answer is yes. Good fitness training programs can be done at home. Don't get me wrong there are benefits to a gym. Some have nutritionists to talk to, personal trainers, and some resources that one can justify buying. But what is the main goal? Well let's think about that for a second. You are either looking for cardio training, or resistance training. Can cardio training be done at home? Of course it can.
A jump rope is one of the least expensive pieces of workout equipment you can buy. A good speed rope can be less than $10. So you're not good at jump roping, why not try it every other day for about 5-10 minutes. If you mess up, so what start over. Before you know it you will be skipping that rope like it's nothing, except hard work and burning calories.
Another great form of cardio is running. Yes gyms have treadmills facing bunch of TVs, but are you there to workout or there to watch TV? Why not go outside and jog, get some fresh air, and enjoy the outdoors. There are plenty of free apps for phones that give you GPS on your route, speed, average pace, and tons of other great things. If you think you don't have enough room for all the weights needed think again. A barbell is a great asset, but dumbbells can go a long way. And now there are plenty of different companies that make adjustable dumbbells. Some from 5-100lbs. Those with a doorway pull up bar, and a stability ball to use as your bench (this way is great for stability and the core) are the basics you need to get started on your fitness track.
So to recap, there are a lot of good things about a gym. Some people just need to go somewhere to workout otherwise they find it hard to get motivated and get off that couch. However, there is so much time and money that can be saved by finding a fitness training program that can be done at home. With a little bit of money invested to get some equipment, and a little extra room in the house, you can transform your body and life at home.

10 Effective Weight Loss Tips That Are Easy To Follow

The secret to weight loss is not really something mysterious. Almost everyone knows at least a few ways to lose weight. The only problem is, not many people implement them. Knowing how is just the first part; implanting that knowledge is where most people fail. Nevertheless, there are some simple methods to lose weight. Here are ten effective tips that can help you lose weight more easily.
1. Eat foods that make you feel more full even with a small portion. Nuts are some of the best options and they are also quite tasty, and can be eaten as a snack between meals. Just eating a handful of nuts will keep you feeling full for a long time.
2. Try healthier alternatives to frying your food. Try to roast, bake, broil or steam your food instead of frying it. There are many recipes which use these cooking methods. So try them for a change.
3. Plan your meals ahead of time so that you avoid making last-minute unhealthy choices. When you are in a hurry, you most often choose the same unhealthy foods that you are always used to eating. But if you plan a week or so in advance, and stick to that schedule, you will be able to eat healthier.
4. Learn to differentiate between hunger and thirst. Sometimes, people grab a bite to eat when their body is actually craving for water. Most often, just a glass of water would be sufficient to quench that "hunger".
5. Never skip meals in an effort to lose weight. When the body is deprived of food, it thinks that it is going to starve, and therefore begins to store fat in the body instead of burning it. You would end up gaining weight because your fat-burning metabolism would slow down and not burn fat as efficiently as before.
6. If you are in the habit of eating too fast, you might eat more than your body requires. Try to slow down, or always have a conversation with someone when you eat, to help you eat more slowly.
7. Go for a 9-inch plate for all your meals. Although it might look like a kid-sized plate, it is often sufficient for an adult.
8. Green tea or chili peppers can boost your metabolic rate. Use them to burn off fat more quickly.
9. Add fresh herbs to your meals towards the end of the cooking process. They are healthy and provide a great flavor to your meals.
10. Take a short thirty-second break right in the middle of your meals and evaluate your level of hunger. If you do not feel hungry, stop eating.
Try these easy weight loss tips to help you get started on your journey towards a healthier and leaner you.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Weight Loss - 8 Ways to Lose Your Weight

Are you sick of trying diet after diet and seeing the weight pile straight back on? These eight simple tips will guarantee the next time you lose weight it stays off for good!
1) Don't skip breakfast!
Look at it this way. Assuming you had around 8 hours' sleep the night before and didn't eat right before you went to bed, there's a good chance you'll have just gone at least ten hours without food. Is there any wonder that by skipping breakfast you run the risk of eating junk food by mid-morning (maybe 14-15 hours after you last ate?). No. Eat something healthy like a bowl of low-sugar, fibre-rich cereal, some wholemeal toast or a banana to set your day off on the right footing.
2) It's not that you snack, it's what you snack on!
OK, it's mid-morning, the clock's telling you it's still a couple of hours till lunch and you're famished?
What do you do? The biggest temptation is to find the nearest shop or vending machine and buy something like a chocolate bar, right?
But, with around 300 calories per chocolate bar, that would take approaching an hour of very brisk walking to burn off. All that for a minute-long treat's hardly worth it.
Try some carrot sticks or celery with hummous instead. If it's a sweet treat you're after, have an apple, chopped up, with a little peanut butter.
3) Drink more water!
The next time you get a craving for a treat or think you're really hungry, there's a good chance it could be down to dehydration. Drink a glass of water - you'll be surprised how quickly the hunger pangs disappear.
4) Turn the TV off while you're eating!
By not concentrating on what you're eating, and being distracted while you do so, you're liable to eat up to 40 per cent more than you would do without the distraction.
Eat your meals away from the room with a TV in it, or turn the TV off!
5) Limit your alcohol intake!
I realise this is often easier said than done, particularly after a long, hard day at work or of looking after the kids, but if you can limit your alcohol intake to weekends, say, rather than here and there through the week, you'll reduce your calorie intake by hundreds per week.
6) Record what you eat!
For one week only, right down whenever and whatever you eat. Be as detailed as you possibly can about the quantity and nature of the good you're consuming. At the end of that week look at what you could have done without or what healthier alternatives you could have had in their place.
7) Buy a pedometer!
Pedometers are relatively cheap but can go a long way towards helping you achieve your weight-loss goals. Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. If that's not possible right now, use the pedometer to find out how far you walk on average per day and resolve to walk a couple of thousand steps further.
8) Use smaller plates!
Studies have proved that the less food people have in front of them the less they'll want to eat.
Use smaller plates to serve your main meals on and see for yourself how you begin to eat - and feel the need for - less food.
You're now in possession of some great ways to get control of your life back and lose weight, and if you act on the information in this short article, you won't look back.

Healthy Weight Loss Solution

Most of the adult population has been or currently is on some type of diet. Diets are everywhere! Every place you turn, someone is talking about a new diet. A diet that is unlike any other that came before. A diet that will change your life forever and you won't even have to exercise! The truth is there is no such thing as an easy diet. There is no such thing as a life-changing diet. If I was to be completely honest with you, I would even go so far as to tell you that there is no such thing as a healthy diet! There is a large variety of diets out there, and they all have many different aspects of how to lose weight. However, they all have one thing in common; as soon as you lose the weight and step off of the diet, (poof!) the weight comes back, sometimes leaving you with even more weight than you had before the diet! This is called the yo-yo effect, and it is true with any diet. The point I am trying to make is simply this: A diet is not a healthy weight loss solution.
There are many different ways to lose weight, but there is only one way to keep the weight from coming back. Now that we know a diet is not a healthy weight loss solution, we can move on to what is a healthy solution. The only antidote to losing weight and keeping it off while staying healthy is for you to make a change in your lifestyle. It's not as hard as it sounds, and those who choose to make a lifestyle change, actually find it quite easy after the first couple of hurdles are passed, and they don't even look back.
There are three important keys to making a lifestyle change, and they are:
  • You must have a balanced and healthy dietary plan.
  • You must adhere to a good, healthy physical activity plan.
  • You must have a change in your behavior or attitude.
All three of these things are crucial to living a healthy and long life. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off, making a lifestyle change is the only way to do it effectively. A lifestyle change is a healthy weight loss solution
Let us start with number one: having a balanced and healthy diet. Take a good, honest look at the foods you eat on a regular basis, and the amount of it that you eat. Most of us would have to answer that we are eating a lot of the wrong foods, and not in moderation! Fast foods, salty foods and baked goods are all okay - in moderation. When we are eating them everyday or several times a week however, they are not okay. Probably the most important key to learn in having healthy weight loss is moderation. Most things are okay and healthy in moderation, but everything, when turned into an extremity, is certainly not okay, and not healthy to the body, the mind or the spirit! Moderation is a must when it comes to healthy weight loss.
When your stomach starts telling you that it is time to eat, carefully consider your choices. Make sure you surround yourself with good and healthy foods that are low in calories and high in vitamins and protein. When it comes time for a snack, have some veggies and dip or an apple instead of that bag of chips. Or snack on some cheese and crackers in the place of that chocolate bar. Making these kinds of choices is the first step to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Also, make sure your meals aren't left out when it comes to making those good choices. Instead of ordering a pizza or going out for a burger and fries, cook a balanced meal. If you find it hard to do this, I suggest making a meal plan at the beginning of week. That way, half of the work is already done for you. Yes, usually half of the work in preparing a meal is deciding what to prepare! Remember, cook and eat in moderation, and you are well on your way to a healthy weight loss solution.

For those whose main reason in making a lifestyle change is to lose weight, there are some options open to you that there never were a few years ago. One of these options is Proactol. This healthy and clinically proven weight loss pill is not a miracle worker, but it is certainly one of the most beneficial tools for healthy weight loss in the world today. Proactol not only helps the body lose weight, but it also maintains other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. This doctor recommended medication has also been proven to increase joint flexibility, lessen aches and pains and improve concentration and energy levels. Proactol helps with healthy weight loss by lowering the body's food cravings and decreasing your appetite, making it easier to control your food intake. This also helps you in the learning to eat with moderation. Take Proactol after each meal and you will find that it greatly helps with achieving a healthy lifestyle.
The next step to changing your lifestyle is making a good physical activity plan and sticking to it. This goes hand in hand with one part of the third step, which is setting achievable goals. Too many people want to reach the stars right away when it comes to exercising and losing weight. However, like we have already talked about, everything must be in moderation. Exercise is good, but when it is turned into an extreme, it is not good. Pace yourself. Start off slow, and work your way up from there. Rome wasn't built in a day, and if the builders had had the attitude that most people have towards exercise, Rome would never have been finished! Achieving healthy weight loss is not done too quickly either, or it is not beneficial to the body. Make a reasonable exercise plan for yourself, and try to include someone else as well. Studies have shown that when we exercise with other people. We are much more likely to stick with it, than if we exercised by ourselves. Encouragement is the key to getting into a good physical activity habit. Surround yourself with people that will encourage you and hold you accountable to your lifestyle change. Try out a few different fitness programs and see which one fits your life the best.
The third and last step to improving your lifestyle and reaching a healthy weight loss solution is a behavior or attitude change. We have already talked about setting achievable goals, and the next part of this step is education. Instead of eating all of the wrong foods and then feeling awful about what you are doing to your body, educate yourself with information such as the energy value of the foods you eat and what kind of nutrients they possess. Making a lifestyle change is more than just choosing the right kinds of foods. You must also change your mind. This simply means that you have to change the way you think when it comes to food, your health, and your lifestyle. Sometimes this also means that you have to figure out why you eat, what you eat, and when you eat. Keeping a journal is a great way to do this. Write down everything pertaining to eating. Keep a track of what foods you eat at what times, but also write about why you ate those foods at those times. Sometimes it may be just because you were hungry, but many people eat when they're stressed or emotional, and discovering this about yourself is the first step to changing how you deal with stress and other problems in your life. Change your mind. Change how you eat, when you eat, and what you eat. Change how stress affects your life, and learn how to deal with it more effectively. Eating doesn't make any problem go away permanently.
One more key to changing your lifestyle and maintaining your goal of healthy weight loss is to conduct regular self "check-ups." By this I don't mean the kind of check-up that a doctor would give, but a check-up of lost weight, periodical BMI checks, and of how much you body itself has shrunk since making these changes. Some people like to take measurements of themselves in the areas like the waist, hips and thighs, on a continual basis, such as weekly or monthly. One of the best encouragements is progress. When you see how far you've come already, it is a wonderful boost of confidence and motivation to keep you going. It won't all be a bed of roses however, but when you find yourself feeling down, remind yourself why you are doing it, and how much you have already done. Remember, once your lifestyle change is complete, you will be well on your way to reaching healthy weight loss.

The Top 10 Weight Loss Secrets

The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
For many, weight loss seems like a difficult thing. Maybe you've tried things in the past...diets, workouts, pills, creams, ANYTHING to help get the weight off, but it seems like no matter how hard you try, it either doesn't come off at all, or it comes right back on.
Why do you think that is?
I believe that successful weight loss is based on a combination of sound nutrition principles, and regular exercise. Sounds easy, right? But here's the catch...THIS IS JUST THE BASIC OUTLINE FOR SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS. So what are the underlying reasons? Why does it seem like some people just eat whatever they want and stay skinny as a rail, and for some people, no matter what they try, or how hard they try it, just can't seem to get results?
I've created a list for you containing principles, that if taken to heart, and APPLIED to your life, will produce tremendous results. Listed here are the KEYS to losing weight, and keeping it off for good.
Now remember...I can provide the knowledge, but it is up to YOU to take the action. In the words of Emmerson, "Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed." In other words, it's not enough to simply know these weight loss secrets, you have to APPLY them to your life. I can not stress the importance of this one seemingly simple step.
Rest assured, no one is going to do this for you. You got yourself to where you are now, and it is YOU who has the power to turn it around, and get yourself to where, and to who, you want to be. But the AMAZING, TREMENDOUS thing about all of this is that YOU DO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. I'll say that again...YOU DO HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE! Know this, understand this, and live this, and I GUARANTEE your success in weight loss, or any other venture you choose to pursue in life.
It appears as though many people want to shift blame for their current situation to anyone, or anything but themselves. Whether it's finances, relationships, work, family, or health related, as humans we sometimes have a tendency to create external reasons for our problems. If you ever find yourself saying, "If only so and so had done this differently, I could have..." or, " If only I had this, I could..." or anything like this, I suggest you stop and take a good look at the real reason why you don't have exactly what you want in your life. Is it because of other people and circumstances, or is the real reason because of a lack of action, or purpose on your part?
Now, I realize this can be a difficult thing to do, and I don't mean to imply that everything in every person's life is the result of a lack of action. I understand circumstances like the death of a loved one, or being diagnosed with a terminal illness can be devastating events in a person's life, and can be entirely unrelated to a lack of action.
What I am suggesting, however, is that you have the ability to respond to every situation in your life, and make the best of it. I'm saying YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE how you interpret events, and circumstances in your life. If you choose to be a victim, then that's exactly what you'll be. If you choose to blame other people, or reasons for your inability to lose weight, then you are NOT taking responsibility for yourself or your life, and I guarantee you WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT!
If you've ever found yourself saying..."I just don't have the time to exercise...I don't like healthy foods...No matter what I try I can't lose weight...It's just in my genes to be heavy," or anything like this, then just STOP!
I've got news for you, my friends. You have the time, you just don't choose to make it. You may like healthy foods, you just choose not to try, because you like the taste of unhealthy ones. You haven't tried everything to lose weight, and if you chose a sensible plan, and STUCK to it, you could, and would lose weight. And no matter what your parents, brother, sister, aunt or uncle's waist line looks like, I GUARANTEE you have the power to make your waist line look exactly the way you want it to.
Step 1 is to stop making excuses, and start taking responsibility for your current physical state, and realize that you created this situation, but more importantly YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE, TO CREATE A NEW SITUATION, AND THE LIFE AND BODY YOU WANT!!!
This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS in losing weight and keeping it off....the big WHY. Why do you eat? I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm going to assume that if you're overweight, you don't only eat because you're hungry, but for a variety of other reasons as well. A lot of people eat because they're bored, or tired, or they are just used to eating when they arrive home from work, or when they watch TV at night, or when they go out with friends, and the list goes on and on.
For many people, eating is a deeply emotional, and psychological issue. People deal with painful experiences in their past or present, and with insecurities in their lives by eating. Food as comfort. This is one of the most destructive patterns a person can have, and it goes in direct opposition to weight loss success.
I am not suggesting to know the specific reason why you eat, but I invite you, as painful as it may be, to really spend some time with yourself, and identify why it is that you eat, what times of day you eat, what emotions you experience when you eat, and what emotions you experience when you overeat. By doing so you will unlock a door that many people never even get close to. I can not stress the importance of this step. Until you determine WHY you eat, you will not be able to fix the problem.
So, step 1 is taking responsibility, realizing you have the power to change, and step 2 is understanding why you eat.
As you probably know, there is a TON of information available regarding diets, proper nutrition, weight loss, strength training, and anything else you could ever desire to know about health and fitness. Some claim low carbs...some no carbs...some say only the right kinds of carbs...some say meat only...some say fruit and veggies only, some say no dairy, and some say no FOOD! So how do you know which diet and exercise program is the one for you? How do you know which path to choose?
The answer is to educate yourself. All of these diets, to varying degrees, will produce some kind of success...the key for you as a health conscious consumer, concerned about your own specific body and its specific needs, is to find out why each of these diets work. What is the effect of "good" carbs on the body? What is the effect of "bad" carbs? What happens, on a physiological level, if you eat no carbs, or only carbs...I want you to understand the importance of finding out WHY.

The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
The truth is, that there is a TON of information available, and there are a TON of different ways to produce the results you want, and to lose as much weight as you want. The key is to really understand why a diet or exercise routine works. And perhaps even more important is to choose a program that works for YOU. One which you feel fits your nutritional requirements based on your individual food preferences, and one which will support the exercise regimen you decide to follow.
So remember, step 1 is to take responsibility for yourself, step 2 is to understand why you eat, and step 3 is to realize there is no one single food, or exercise combination that will produce results. MANY different things have the potential to help you reach your goals. The key is to understand WHY it works, and then CHOOSE the one that is right for you.
Your diet, the food you choose to eat, is a crucial step on your road to weight loss success. As I stated earlier, I believe weight loss success is achieved through a combination of sound nutritional principles and regular exercise. However, it seems as though much of the information available points toward an exact combination of foods, or the elimination of others, in order to successfully lose weight. I am here to tell you, this is not the case. You will be thin if you eat fewer calories than you expend. Plain and simple. But if you do not take to heart and APPLY the principles listed above, no matter which "diet" you choose, ultimately weight loss success will not be yours.
So, how do you know which diet to choose? The answer is as simple as understanding what your goal is, and how you intend to arrive there. Do you want to lose weight? Are you going to do a lot of aerobic exercise? Are you going to do a lot of anaerobic exercise? How often do you plan on exercising? How active are you in your daily life outside of exercise?
Once you have arrived at answers to these questions, you can begin to determine the nutritional requirements for you, your body, and your tastes. Based on your activity levels and your goals, you should eat the appropriate amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to supply your body with sufficient nutrients. The key is to choose the healthiest foods possible that fit your tastes, and that meet your requirements. Diets are not one size fits all.
Your body's main source of energy is carbohydrates, which come in two forms; simple and complex. Complex are starches from grains and vegetables. Examples of simple are sucrose, lactose, fructose, and glucose. No matter which type of carbohydrate you ingest, it ALL gets converted to glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar. The only difference then, between the simple and the complex carbohydrates, is the rate at which your body digests them. How much, at what times, and which type of carbohydrate you consume should be based on your tastes, your activity levels, and your goals.

The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
Protein is another essential component of a healthy diet. Protein does far more for the body than build muscle. Proteins in the body in the form of enzymes, perform numerous functions, including keeping your brain, heart, and digestive system functioning properly. Protein is made from 20 different amino acids, 9 of which are considered "essential" amino acids. Essential because your body does not have the ability to manufacture these 9, it must obtain them from your diet. If you eat animal based foods, chances are you have nothing to worry about. However if you eat a vegetarian diet, then you must make it a point to eat the right combination of foods containing plant proteins which will supply your body with the 9 essential amino acids. So how much protein do you need? Again, as with carbohydrates, the amount you need depends largely upon your goals, and your activity levels.

The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
Fats are often misunderstood. People shy away from high fat foods, consistently looking for "low" or "non-fat" foods, when if weight loss is the concern, people should be far more concerned about the calories, and the ingredients in their food, and not just the amount of fat that it has. Fat has a tendency to make people "fat" because it is so calorie dense. One gram of fat has 9 calories, whereas a gram of carbohydrates, or protein has only 4. There are different types of fat, some of which are healthy for the body, and some which are not. We need, on average, 15-25 grams of fat a day to provide our body with proper nutrition, and to ensure we have enough fatty acids to absorb the fat soluble vitamins. Your body can manufacture saturated, and monounsaturated fat from other foods that you eat, however it can not manufacture the fatty acids, or the omega-6 and omega-3. You must obtain these directly from foods which contain them. These fatty acids are built into the tissues of your heart, brain, and other vital organs, and must be replenished through your diet.
Adequate consumption of vitamins and minerals also plays an important role in healthy nutrition. The bottom line is that there is no one food you should be having, and no one food you shouldn't be having to attain weight loss success. The answer lies in understanding your body's requirements, and in fulfilling them with healthy, whole foods consumed in moderation. Once you determine what food is right for you, MAKE A PLAN AND STICK TO IT!!! Don't try it for a week then go to something else. KNOWLEDGE, PLANNING, and CONSISTENCY are the keys to a successful diet strategy.
Exercise is such an important tool in not only losing weight, but in keeping it off. This is because exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise will help you look and feel better. It will increase your energy, motivation, strength, confidence and self image.
Besides helping you look and feel great, regular exercise lowers your risk for developing a number of different diseases, health conditions, and cancers. It can improve the quality of your life.
The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
Humans were meant to move! We have intricately designed skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems which provide us with enormous potential. Our bodies, like our minds, are capable of tremendous things. Humans have been able to climb 30,000 feet to the top of mount Everest. They compete in marathons, triathlons, and sporting events which draw the attention of millions of people around the world. Every body is capable of great things. Every person has enormous potential. I'm not saying you need to climb a mountain, or compete in a race, but I am telling you that if you want to, YOU CAN DO IT. And exercise is the key.
As far as weight loss is concerned, the type of exercise is not as important as the amount. You just need to get out and move. Run. Walk. Swim. Bike. Skip. Jump rope. Lift weights. JUST GET MOVING!
Exercise will accelerate weight loss, and it will help give you the body you want. You can lose weight through applying the above principles to your life, but you can only get a strong, toned, healthy body through regular exercise, and specifically through strength training. You can't ignore, or skip this. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, and you're serious about it, then get serious about starting an exercise program...TODAY!
In order to achieve weight loss success, you must commit to your program. After deciding on your specific requirements and choosing a diet and exercise regime, you must COMMIT to your program, and you must commit 100%.
Know that if you've taken the previous steps, then your success is guaranteed if you commit to the program. If you lose 1lb in a week, you have proven to yourself that YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to lose weight. You have chosen a path that works, and hopefully it's one you can maintain as away of life, and one that meets your specific needs. Your ability to lose 1lb in a week, transfers into 52lbs in a year, and 104 lbs in two years, and so on and so on.
No matter how much weight you have to lose, YOU CAN DO IT! But you must first commit to the program. You must say to yourself, that no matter what, you will follow through on your commitment, and follow the path you have chosen, until you reach your goal. Commit to your program!
This is perhaps the single most important thing any person can do to achieve weight loss success. CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENY, CONSISTENCY! Have you ever asked someone about the top three most important things for business success, and heard them say "location, location, and location!" Well, for weight loss success it's "consistency, consistency, and consistency!" It's not enough to take responsibility, and to find our why, and to choose a plan of attack, you must be consistent. People who are unsuccessful at losing weight try several different things over the course of the year, always looking for the "right" or "best" or "fastest" way to lose the weight, and always changing their plan of attack. People who are thin and healthy consistently do the same thing, and follow the same plan day in and day out for years.
This point is SO important. It's small changes in the wrong direction...an accumulation of bad habits over the years that lead to weight gain for most people. You don't just wake up one day over weight, and you won't just wake up one day and have the body you want. But the good news is, the process CAN be reversed in the exact same way it was created. By making small changes in your life, in the right direction...by accumulating good habits, and practicing them every day, you WILL make progress every day.
The important thing here is not to get discouraged...to be consistent with your plan. This means if you go out to eat one night, and have WAY too many calories, cocktails, or whatever, DO NOT ADJUST FOR IT THE NEXT DAY. Yesterday is gone, and what you need to do is just resume your normal, daily routine, get back on the path you have chosen. By altering your path further, and making more changes to eat less, or exercise more the day after you eat too much or miss a workout, you will be falling even further from the path of consistency. When fit, healthy people over indulge one day, they simply resume their normal way of eating the next day. They don't punish, or starve themselves. Everything returns to normal. Consistency is the rule. Are you beginning to see what I'm talking about?
It's so important to choose a path, but even more important to STAY ON IT! Remember, it's the accumulation of good and healthy habits that produce weight loss success, and the only way to accumulate is to BE CONSISTENT!

The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
Accountability provides you with additional support on your journey toward a healthier you. This is where the help of a family member, or a professional, can encourage you, and help keep you motivated when you begin to have doubts. Being held accountable to a program through another person is ESSENTIAL to your success. Until you develop proper eating habits, and until you develop new ways of thinking about yourself, food, and exercise, having another person to guide and assist you along the way can make all the difference between success, and failure.
Find someone,...a coach, trainer, friend or family member who is committed to you, and your success. After you have taken responsibility for yourself, determined why you eat, chosen a path, determined what your nutritional requirements are, and devised a plan for both your eating and your exercise, find a person who will keep you accountable to the plan. It's A LOT harder to skip a workout, cheat on your diet, or to lose consistency if there is someone waiting for you to show up and work out.
The right person to keep you accountable depends on you. Just make sure it's someone you trust, someone with proper knowledge about you and your goals, and someone who will provide you with the right balance of encouragement, support, and discipline you need to achieve your goals.
The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
This is an important part of the weight loss process, and one which is often diminished, or left out of conventional weight loss methodology. I am here to set the record straight for you. This will not happen over night. This did not happen all at once, and it won't "unhappen" all at once either.
I am sorry to break this to you, but I'm sure if you've tried things in the past, unsuccessfully, to lose weight, you probably are beginning to understand this...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A QUICK FIX. Programs, or people who try to sell you, or tell you otherwise are out for your money, not your success.
If this is not what you want to hear, I am sorry. If you don't believe me, that's OK too. But how many times have you tried, how many different "fast" ways to take weight off have you tried, that haven't worked?
This is because it's a process. It's a lifestyle change. Not a quick change in your diet, or the sudden elimination of a single food, or the adoption of a magic one. It's about LEARNING how to eat. How to think about food properly, and how to incorporate healthy foods and diets into your life, for your goals, and how to do it in a manner that you can maintain over time.
The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c
Healthy, sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of anywhere between 1-2 lbs a week. That's right. Probably not what you wanted to hear. BUT THAT'S THE TRUTH. A pound may not seem like much. BUT the AMAZING thing about this is if you keep it up for a year, BE CONSISTENT in the path you've chosen for one year, and that 1lb turns into 52lbs. 104lbs in two years. See what I'm getting at here?
Accept that it takes time. You will not see success overnight, but do not let that discourage you. That 1lb you lost, if you have applied the above principles, is GONE FOREVER. Don't be discouraged...BE EXCTATIC at your 1lb loss! If you can lose 1lb in a week, then you have just proved to yourself that YOU HAVE THE POWER to lose ANY AMOUNT OF WEIGHT YOU WANT! Realize this. Understand this. Know this. BELIEVE THIS! Be consistent, accept time, keep your eye on the prize, and YOU WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT!
If you've taken the previous 9 principles to heart, then the final thing you need in order to successfully achieve your weight loss goal is to BELIEVE that you can do it. This can be difficult, especially if you've tried things in the past, perhaps several times, and seen no results or seen the weight come back on.
But I want you to know, that if you take the 10 principles listed here and APPLY them to your life, you CAN, you WILL lose weight, and keep it off. But you need to believe in yourself. You need to know, deep in your heart, that you can do it. You've taken responsibility for your actions. You've figured out why you eat. You've chosen a path based on your diet and exercise preferences and requirements, and you've realized there is no ONE right way to lose weight. You've COMMITTED to your program, and committed being CONSISTENT. You've found someone to hold you accountable to your program, and you know that it will take time to achieve your goals, but that YOU CAN DO IT. Now...believe in yourself!!!
You have the ability to lose as much weight as you want to. You can choose to become the person you want! Listed here are your keys for taking weight off, and keeping it off. Your success will be determined by your determination, and by how sincerely you APPLY these principles to your life.
I want you to succeed. Apply these principles to your life, and I guarantee your success. YOU CAN DO IT!
The Miracle Weight loss secret: http://goo.gl/i01w6c