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Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to Lose Weight Quickly With the 1,000 Calorie Diet

Everybody is looking for a quick fix. Looking for ways to lose weight quickly is no different; the 1,000 calorie diet is no different. Sure you can lose 2lbs a week when you cut your daily caloric intake to 1,000 calories. The important question is, can you do it safely!
Studies suggest (Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes macronutrients report) that a sedentary woman should have a caloric intake of 1800 calories per day, an active woman should have 2,000 caloric intake per day, and a very active woman should have between 2,000 and 2,500 caloric intake per day.
Health professionals recommend aiming for a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week, and keeping active when you're on a diet, so don't try to lose more than 2 lbs per week.
That being said, this diet plan is only temporary to jump start your new healthy eating habits. The best thing to do while on this diet, is choose the healthiest low calorie foods you can find. If you snack on high calorie foods you can easily go way over your caloric intake for the day. You will have to be determined and disciplined to successfully reach your goal.
5 Tips to Keep Weight Off After The 1,000 Calorie Diet
  1. Eat 5 times a day.
  2. Eat every 2 ½ to 3 hours per day. This keeps your body in a state of digestion.
  3. Combining starches, fats, and proteins helps to avoid fat storage.
  4. If you must eat pasta, always eat it in the early morning or early afternoon.
  5. Cut back on fruit juices and drink black coffee, tea, and water instead.
Healthy Diet Food Suggestions
You can mix and match these foods and others in your daily meal plan. These are only suggestion to get you started.
  • Medium golden apple
  • Ground turkey
  • Eat protein and vegetables
  • Lean chicken/turkey
  • Extra virgin olive oil to cook with.
  • Spinach salad/Olive Oil
  • Brown rice (long grain)
  • Cooked broccoli
Pros and Cons of the 1,000 Calorie Diet
  • Fast weight loss
  • Easy meals
  • Inexpensive
  • No forbidden foods
  • Caloric value on food package/online
  • Temporary
  • Fatigued
  • Hard to meet nutritional value
Now you know how to lose weight quick and safe with the 1,000 calorie diet. Choosing the best foods to eat while on this diet will determine how you feel during this process. You will see that the 1,000 calorie a day diet plan will take off 2 pounds a week, if you count your calories accordingly. Remember to make sure they are the healthiest calories you can get. Good Luck.

How To Lose Weight Using Your Office Chair

For some of us, wait, for most of us rather, one of the descriptions of our job is that we have to sit in our office chairs in front of a massive pile of paperwork if not a blaring computer monitor for just about 8 hours a day. And most of the time, we have to do some overtime work, or because we're working on a deadline, even eat our lunch at our desks.
It has become a completely normal routine for most working class people of these times but you see, sitting on our butts for a minimum of eight hours a day is not exactly improving your health nor doing something for our physique. This is the time when you look down your belly, I mean body, smack your forehead and say, what have I done?
Many people will dismiss this, insisting that they have no choice because there is no other way to finish the job than sitting down at our desks. True you cannot type or write standing up (you can try though) but even when you are at work and sitting on your work chair, you can still find some ways on how to be healthy and even lose some weight.
Close your eyes for a minute
You may be expecting something that will work out your body but before you focus on toning your muscles, take care of your eyes first. We notice but we often ignore the fact that because of the nature or our work, our eyes become one of the most stressed out parts of the body. Focusing on a computer screen form long hours can be damaging to the eyes, and can even affect your sight.
Give those eyes a break and take them off the screen. Sure you are catching up on the deadline but surely, a few minutes rest will not hurt. Remove them from the screen and then look outside the window and see some scenery. Avoid seeing some stressful things so better focus on nature. If you can't find nature anywhere, close your eyes for a minute but do not fall asleep, alright?
Sit up straight and don't slouch
Okay now we are getting to the body part. Before you start doing those little exercises, work on your posture first. You cannot get anywhere with your slouching posture. Bad posture is actually rampant among office workers and this is why there is a need to put in new ergonomically correct office chairs in every workplace.
However, you cannot help it if you don't have an ergonomic office chair. But you can rely on your own body. Sit with your back straight, move your shoulders back and level your eye with the top, not center, of the computer monitor. Do not be too high in your seat though. Also, position your keyboard and mouse level to your wrists and lower arms. Your knees should be slightly higher than your hips and see to it that your feet are laid flat on the floor.
Stand up every now and then
Oh come on, don't give that raised brow. Yes you are caught in a hectic schedule but surely, you can fit in some few minutes of your precious time to stand up? Make it a habit to stand up from your seat every half an hour to promote blood circulation that was stunted in the long hours that you have been sitting. Do this when you are downloading, uploading or anything that requires you to wait. And then, when you have finally established this as a habit, incorporate some basic exercises when you stand up.
Stretch those muscles!
And last but not the least is the tip that you have probably been expecting when you opened this article. Do some simple stretches even while you are sitting. Start with your neck by flexing your head forward and backward, up and down, and side to side. Be careful not to roll your head around your neck though to avoid damage.
Then, roll your shoulders forward and backward to release some tension there. After that, roll your wrists regularly. This is especially helpful to typists, secretaries and the like who are in risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Also stretch your chests by spreading your arms wide and pushing your chest forward.
Another good stretching exercise is for the abdomen which is a common problem area. To do this, contract your abdominal muscles, you can even include the muscles in your buttocks, hold them in for a few counts and then release. As for your lower body, roll your ankles like what you did with your wrists to avoid getting "pins and needles." Also stretch your calves by lifting your legs up, holding the position for a few counts and then lowering them down.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5088745

Losing Weight Before Christmas - 5 Steps to Losing 14lbs by December

There's still time if you're reading this pre-November, that you have just a month to go before December kicks in to look great this Christmas and avoid also putting on those unwanted pounds by January.
Step 1:
Cut the fat, apart from the healthy fats found in fish, notably salmon and sardines.
Unhealthy fats contain twice the calories than the same weight of starch or protein, plus fats keep you the least satiated of all, meaning the stay fuller for shorter periods and are then prone to the odd craving or binge.
Step 2:
Make one third of your diet just protein rich but two thirds plant based.
That means that you feast on beans, bread, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables as the main, not secondary part of the meal.
Step 3:
Consume high water based foods.
Foods like stews, soups and broths will be gentler on the waistline while they are ultimately high volume, low calorie meals and you can also trick your stomach into believing you are fuller longer by drinking a pint of water before each main course.
Step 4:
Pick high fiber foods whenever possible.
Fiber is one of those rare compounds that contains zero calories, so while very filling it's not at all fattening.
Eating fibrous foods can also be quite a lengthy process meaning you're forced to take your time, plus fiber takes longer to digest so you will again curb your appetite, while fending off the fridge stops.
Step 5:
The best part is to not cut down on low fat sauces of protein like grilled chicken, lean meat and fish.
Eating lean protein is a wonderful way to gain prolonged energy that doesn't deliver energy crashes and peaks, but continued periods of power.
Lean protein also suppresses hunger.
How much will you lose sticking to this pre-Christmas diet?
It's never advisable to consume less than 1200 calories a day, but by sticking to this diet, expect to lose a few pounds a week, so from now through to Christmas, anything from over half a stone to a stone, or 10 to 14 pounds.
By following this diet, it won't hamper your weight loss objectives by kick starting your appetite into starvation mode when Christmas arrives, plus you'll still be able to eat fantastically well balanced meals, such as cereals and fruits in the morning, bread and soups for lunch followed by say a large veggie stew or salmon curry and rice for dinner and still hover around the 1200 calorie mark.