what do you think about these solutions..?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Rock : The Reason of being fat is ??!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips

Gym workout programs can vary dramatically from bodybuilder to bodybuilder. One gym bodybuilding workout for one bodybuilding enthusiast can deliver outstanding results while another gym workout can be a disappointment for another bodybuilder.
After thousands of bodybuilding fitness consulting sessions, and publishing a popular weight training guide, I constantly teach bodybuilders a results proven gym workout routine that builds muscle fast.
All you have to do is follow my 8 Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips and you will soon see your muscle building results double.
8 Gym Bodybuilding Workout Tips
1. Have a clear weight training routine purpose.
Upon entering the gym it is imperative to have a clear cut bodybuilding routine plan of action. You should know exactly what exercises you will perform, how much weight you will need to lift, and how many reps you must beat. Therefore, your whole bodybuilding routine is 100% planned, set in stone, prior to beginning your gym workout. You must walk into the gym with a definite plan, and purpose.
2. Be in a "warrior" high intensity weight training state of mind.
It is crucial to enter the gym workout focused. I can remember entering the gym and instantly beginning to perspire. I mentally had worked myself up into state of high intensity weight training desire. This is even before I lifted one weight. It is called focus, and anticipation.
Bodybuilding results are only seen when you force yourself to grow. That takes high intensity weight training, as well as ultra high mental focus. Your mind should be totally focused on conquering the next rep. It is important to imagine yourself forcing out that one additional muscle building repetition.
In an effective gym workout, your attitude, and drive will determine your altitude of muscle development.
3. Focus on effective pre- gym workout bodybuilding nutrition.
Make sure you ingest a small amount of complex carbohydrates, and protein approximately 2 hours prior to beginning your gym workout. This will assure you of getting the adequate amounts of energy producing nutrients to expel in your high intensity weight training session.
Another extremely important gym workout tip is to make sure you are properly hydrated with, preferably, water. You should be consuming at least one-half of your bodyweight in ounces each and every day.
Bodybuilding training preparations are similar to space shuttle preparations. Your goal should be to get your system ready for a high intensity weight training blast off.
4. Did you bring your bodybuilding workout log to your gym workout?
One of the biggest mistakes bodybuilders consistently make is neglecting to track their weight lifting progress. Without measuring progress, there generally is little improvement. How do you know what you are suppose to beat if you have no data? How can a department store set sales goals if they don't track sales? It is just absolutely silly seeing bodybuilders completing their gym workouts without recording any data. That what is not measured will not improve.
5. Gym workouts are for training, not socializing.
Remember, you are in the gym to get muscle building results. If you are talking and goofing around, how in the world can you be ultra focused on going to war with the weights? Get your work done, and then socialize if you wish. I tell my clients to stay focused, and don't allow distractions. Focus on conquering that near impossible, muscle growth repetition.
6. Use only proven bodybuilding program principles.
Don't listen to Joe Bodybuilders newest theory on building muscle. Stick to what has been scientifically proven to work. Beware of all the gym chatter floating around. To discover all of the most advanced proven bodybuilding principles visit my muscle building weight training guide presented in digital audio. Bodybuilding Done Right is a how to bodybuilding audio revealing the proven scientific bodybuilding program principle the pros use, but refuse to share.
7. Avoid Overtraining.
Once you have completed your pre-designed 100% high intensity bodybuilding routine, it is time to get out of the gym, and go home and grow. Hold yourself back from doing one extra set. Remember, more is not necessarily better. Stick to your plan. With high intensity weight training you need less volume of work. Any extra basic weight training exercises could be counter productive to your bodybuilding muscle growth.
Get out of the gym, and let your body compensate, and later overcompensate with added fat burning muscle tissue.
Also, make sure your body has fully recovered from the previous gym workout before you train again.
8. Begin the recovery process with optimal bodybuilding nutrition.
You have an hour after your high intensity weight training workout to replenish your glycogen levels, thus, aiding in the muscle building, and recovery process. Take in two parts complex or simple carbohydrates with one part protein. This is an important bodybuilding tip that has been proven to aid in the muscle recovery, and building process. So power your gym workout with these proven tips.
These are 8 important gym workout tips that should be followed. Following these bodybuilding workout tips will do wonders for your weightlifting, muscle building results.

How to become a Certified Personal Trainer

 Fitness Certification 
 How to become  a Certified Personal Trainer

Anyone who is passionate about exercise and fitness understands just how wonderful it is to reach their fitness goals. Such individuals may want to help other people to stay fit and to enjoy the benefits that come with exercising and working out. There are a number of programs that can help aspiring fitness experts to learn how to become personal trainers so that they can kick-start their very own fitness career and become a certifed fitness trainer.
Getting employment in a health club or fitness career or starting a fitness business can be very rewarding. Apart from the monetary rewards, one will have a sense of accomplishment every time they help their clients to achieve their fitness goals effectively. Fitness training certification from programs such as NESTA  Fitness Certification will help the individual to learn how to train athletes, get employment in various fitness centers or gym clubs  or fitness certification or start their own business and enjoy their passion by training their clients.
Before choosing a fitness certification program, it is important to ensure that it is reputable and accredited by the necessary agencies. This will mean that the training received from such a program is reliable, and that it will help the individual to get employment in most institutions. The training program should include an online portal where the learner can download learning material whenever they want, as well as certification exams that test the learner's knowledge on fitness and training and Fitness Certification. It should also include a digital manual which has information on biomechanics, exercise physiology as well as business development. There should also be notes packets and interactive lectures that will guide the learner through the entire training program. The program can also include video lectures and step-by-step demonstrations as well as interviews and discussions on program design, biology and nutrition that are easily downloadable. As a bonus, the learner can get periodic practice questions that will prepare them for the final exam.
The training manual should be very comprehensive, and it should cover all the bases of fitness training. Some of the content areas that are covered in such manuals include nutrition, flexibility, functional anatomy, kinesiology, special populations, applied biomechanics, exercise application, safety as well as injury prevention and treatment. Some programs such as the ones provided by NESTA even have a few chapters on the business aspect of physical training and all the business strategies that will help them to get as many clients as possible.
Getting certification from a reputable training program will help the aspiring trainer to learn how to assess a training situation and to design a suitable fitness program that is personalized for each client. They will also learn how to instruct their individual clients so that they easily and effectively reach their fitness goals. Such a program will therefore help to guarantee business success for any personal trainer or fitness expert.


fitness certification
fitness trainer certification
fitness certifications
 Certified Personal Trainer
certified fitness trainer

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How To Quickly Increase Your Bench Press

There's no doubt that bench press is a great exercise to build a large and powerful chest. On top of that, it can help grow your shoulders and triceps in both strength and size when performed properly.
There are endless tips you can find online to increase bench press strength, but there are only a few that I recommend to get the maximum benefit.
Learning Efficient Form Is Vital
Before you can add strength or size by utilizing the bench press, you must learn the best form for your body type. Your most efficient form will help you maximize strength while minimizing any potential injury.
A good starting point for grip is to hold the bar just outside shoulder width and to squeeze the bar very hard, fists facing the ceiling. Keep shoulders pinned back and down and keep the rest of your body tight while performing the movement.
The best way to improve your own form is to record yourself or seek advice from someone who is a strong bench presser. Getting an outside perspective is the fastest way to improve, since you can see how to improve.
Choose A Quality Bench Program To Follow
In order to gain strength quickly, you must apply a couple different concepts to get the best results. Each of these methods alone can drastically improve your bench press, but a truly great program will incorporate both.
One method is to consistently add weight to the bar after each successful workout. Let's say you successfully benched 135 pounds for 5 sets of 5 reps last week. This week, you would aim to bench press 140 pounds for the same volume.
Another method to incorporate is a deload. After a while, your body will become drained from consistently heavy training, so you should have lighter days to maximize recovery, allowing you to lift more on other days.
StrongLifts 5×5 and Wendler 5/3/1 both include these methods.
The Number 1 Way To Increase Bench Press
Even with all the tips above, the absolute best way to increase your bench press strength is by consistently showing up to the gym for every workout. It may sound elementary, but the more you bench, the better you will get at it.
Hitting the gym every time you're supposed to will help you get stronger and practice form, which will also help you move more weight more efficiently. You don't have to hit the gym every single day to achieve results either.
Training your entire body three days per week is the most efficient use of your time and allows you to practice these movements (especially bench press) to become stronger quickly.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Health Benefits Of Watermelon

Besides it tastes refreshing and seductive colors, watermelon nutrition also has so many health benefits. Fruit which has the Latin name Citrullus lanatus, contains certain substances that is effective enough in killing cancer cells, a substance that is able to turn the activity of white blood cell function can improve the immune system.

Watermelon is low calories fruit, calories in watermelon every 100 grams only 30 calories, so watermelon could serve as a diuretic. According to a study in the United States, the flesh and skin of the watermelon found citrulline substances, these substances will react with the body's enzymes when consumed in considerable amounts then changed into arginine, acid non-essential amino acids are efficacious for the heart and immune system.

Watermelon skin are also rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and chlorophyll. Vitamins that are found in watermelon skin include vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and vitamin C. The content of vitamin E, vitamin C, and protein in the skin of the watermelon can be used to smooth the skin, hair, and make hair look shiny. While beta-carotene and lycopene found in watermelon skin can be used as an antioxidant to tighten facial skin and prevent wrinkles in the face.
Before discuss watermelon health benefits, below you can read watermelon nutrition facts.

Watermelon nutrition facts
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), fresh, 
Nutritive Value per 100 g, 
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

10+ Watermelon health benefits

1. Good for our heart
Watermelon increasing arginine (an amino acid) in the body. Arginine is used in the manufacture of nitrous oxide, which helps relax blood vessels us. Therefore, the watermelon will be very helpful in preventing strokes and heart attacks.

2. Good for kidney
Watermelon has the ability as coconut water. Eating watermelon can cleanse the kidneys and bladder. If your urine is infected, eating watermelon and drinking water to reduce germs in the bladder. And if you suffer from kidney stones, watermelon also helps you.

3. Improve male fertility
An experiment conducted in New Delhi show, watermelon can increase sperm number and motility also improve the structure of  sperm.

4. Accelerate the Healing Process
Besides lyopene, watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid used in both cell division and wound healing. Citrulline is usually contained in white part of watermelon pieces that are not normally eaten.

5. Against Infection
The number of low beta-carotene in the body highly susceptible to viral infections and vision problems. With quite number beta-carotene in watermelon, you can prevent those problems.

6. Low Calorie and Good for Diet
Watermelon is a fruit that is very low in calories and very filling nature, so do not worry you will gain weight.

7. Avoid dehydration and energy enhancer
Watermelon contains vitamin C, which can be a morale booster for live events in the summertime though. The water content in watermelon is also a viable alternative in supplying water body that can prevent dehydration.

8. Contain many nutrients
Watermelon contains vitamin A and C. Eating 100 grams of watermelon will meet 11% of the body's need for vitamin A and with a slice of watermelon, you will meet nearly half of the daily vitamin C requirements.

9. Reducing Blood Pressure
Because arginine affects our blood vessel relaxation, the watermelon is also capable of regulating blood pressure. Components of potassium and magnesium in watermelon can help to reduce blood pressure.

10. Prevents premature aging
Watermelon is a rich food source of lycopene, vitamin C and vitamin A. All of these nutrients can reduce exposure to free radicals that can cause fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. The content of antioxidants in watermelon also reduces deposits of free radicals in the body and prevent all signs of skin aging. You can use the watermelon as a mask and taking his men to get the best results.

The other watermelon health benefits such as refresh the skin, moisturize the skin, reduce the accumulation of oil in the skin, acne medication, increase arousal, good for vision, avoid bad breath, overcome uric acid, a source of energy and much more. With all watermelon nutrition above, it is recommended to include it on our menu.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

3 Effective Weight Loss Recipes to Lose Weight Fast

Finding effective weight loss recipes that actually work can be difficult. The diet industry is awash with so many programs and guides, that it can be hard to know which one is right for you. In the past several months, I have used simple and effective healthy recipes to help me lose more than 20 pounds.
The minefield of weight loss programs and guides makes it almost impossible for people to know what will work for them, and that is the key to dieting, knowing what will work for you. I have tried a lot of diets over the past 10 years, and the only one which has shown positive results, is simply eating healthy foods, ones which have helped me burn fat, faster.
Any leading nutritionist will tell you certain foods can, and will burn fat faster, and that is what I have done for the past several months. I would like to share 3 effective weight loss recipes with you, so that you too can start to burn fat faster, and have that dream body, that is just bursting to get out.
These recipes are for low-fat chicken curry, sweet potato wedges and sweet mashed potatoes.
Low fat chicken curry, which can be made in only 15 minutes.
The first one is a favorite of mine, and my family's too. It's a simple chicken curry, using only chicken breasts, freshly chopped onion, fat-free natural yogurt and curry Oxo cubes or curry powder. You simply fry the chicken using a little olive oil or low-fat cooking spray, and add the onions when the chicken is golden. While you let that fry over a gentle heat, you can make the curry sauce which is simply 250 ml of fat-free natural yogurt, curry Oxo cubes or curry powder. Add the curry powder to taste, depending on how spicy you like your curry. When the chicken is fully cooked, add the curry sauce mixture to the pan, stir and serve immediately.
Roast sweet potatoes wedges.
Another favorite recipe, and one that everyone will love. Pre heat your oven to 420°f or 220°c. All you need is 3 to 4 sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced into wedges, you can parboil them if you wish for a couple of minutes. Place the wedges on a baking tray, spray with low-fat cooking spray or a little olive oil, and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, turn them over and bake for another 12 to 15 minutes. These taste amazing, and sweet potatoes are a great food for burning fat faster, so you can lose that stomach fat in not time at all.
Sweet mashed potatoes, a healthier alternative to white mashed potatoes.
If you like mashed potatoes, then you are going to love this simple and fast recipe for mashed sweet potatoes. Many people only eat sweet potatoes once per year, usually around the holidays, but if you want to burn fat faster, then you need to start eating them once or maybe even twice a week.
To make this recipe, you need 4 to 5 sweet potatoes, washed, peeled, sliced and then placed in a pan of boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes, until soft. Drain away the water when the are soft enough to mash, and then add up to 1 stick of butter to make this mash creamy and delicious. Adding butter will not make this an unhealthy or fattening dish, and if you think it will, then you need to change your diet plan as soon as possible.
As you can see, these recipes are easy and quick to make, delicious and also help you lose weight faster than any other diet on the planet! I have been using these recipes for several months, and in that time, I have lost more than 20 pounds.
To get hold of even more healthy diet recipes, you need to take a look at Eathealthyforfastweightloss.info [http://www.eathealthyforfastweightloss.info]. I have used these fantastic recipes and lost more than 20 pounds, in just several months. Take a healthy step and see how you can lose weight even quicker than a calorie counting diet.

How Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss Works

Obesity became more visible when the World Health Organization (WHO) formally recognized it as an epidemic in 1997. According to Wikipedia: "As of 2008, The World Health Organization claimed that 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight and of these over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. The rate of obesity also increases with age at least up to 50 or 60 years old."
Despite a plethora of ongoing and planned weight-loss programs aiming attack at this epidemic, it continues to rise dangerously. So, what can we do to address this issue effectively and naturally at an individual level? Let's look at how hypnosis can be a natural and easy way to achieve weight-loss.
Why choose self-hypnosis for weight-loss?
If you are suffering from the challenge of losing weight, you would have looked at and tried a few different techniques and you might have heard how people worldwide successfully lose weight using hypnosis techniques.
While hypnosis proves effective with weight-loss, it is very important to make it crystal clear that it isn't a substitute for regular exercise and a balanced diet. It definitely does not somehow burn calories for you, you still must desire to lose fat and make a change for hypnosis to be beneficial to you.
We all have damaging beliefs inside that influence the way we act and think, and our behaviours. Some of these specific beliefs and patterns of thinking largely determine your body weight. These could include your attitude towards food and healthy eating.
All these habits and choices around food, exercise routines and other lifestyle choices you make, begin within your subconscious mind. Similarly, for a healthy person as well the way they make their lifestyle choices, starts from the subconscious mind.
How to benefit from hypnosis... naturally
Since any such limiting beliefs in your subconscious can have damaging effects on our life, hypnosis aims to positively change these beliefs. The way it works is by the hypnotic commands entering your mind, and targeting the negative and limiting beliefs that are influencing your life and your results.
Hypnosis helps by subtly impacting upon these beliefs inside you. It transforms your thinking like those of an effortlessly slender and healthy person. Once you start thinking this way, you too can lose weight considerably and more naturally, while also actually keeping it off as well, due to the change at the subconscious level.
All it would take for you is to take the first step of being open to this amazingly powerful, increasingly popular and proven idea, giving it a try and enjoying the results.

5 Reasons to Try a Vegetarian Diet

Even if you're not interested in becoming a vegetarian or vegan, there are plenty of reasons to up your intake of plant-based meals. In my private practice more of my clients are experimenting with meatless cuisine than ever before, and they're reaping the rewards. Here are five powerful benefits to embracing your inner herbivore even part-time.
Weight loss
In an Oxford University study of nearly 38,000 adults, researchers found that meat-eaters tended to have the highest body mass index (BMI) for their age and vegans the lowest, with vegetarians and semi-vegetarians in between. Another published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared over 10,000 vegetarians and nonvegetarians, and found that BMI values were higher in nonvegetarians in all age groups for both genders. In addition, weight gain over a 5-year period was lowest among people who adopted a diet containing fewer animal foods.
The reason? Plant-based meals tend to be richer in antioxidants and fiber, which are both tied to weight loss, and researchers have seen an increase in calorie burn after vegan meals. Just be sure your veggie-derived meals are made from whole, nutrient-rich foods, not processed "junk food" like vegan versions of hot dogs, cookies, and donuts.
Better health
A study out this year, the largest yet to compare heart disease rates between vegetarians and meat eaters, found that a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of heart disease (the No.1 killer of both men and women) by a third. Another 2013 study, from researchers at Loma Linda University, followed over 70,000 adults in their mid to upper 50s, and found that over a six year period, the death rate from all causes was 12 percent lower for vegetarians than for meat eaters. And according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, vegetarian and vegan diets significantly reduce cancer risk, including stomach, colon, pancreatic, breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers.
In addition to these long-term health benefits, I've seen immediate improvements among my clients in cholesterol profiles, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, immunity, and digestive health. Many have also reported fewer aches and pains, likely due to the anti-inflammatory effect of consuming more plant foods, which may also fight aging, as well as conditions like Alzheimer's.
Improve your mood
In addition to transforming your body, eating more plants can have a powerful impact on your mind. In a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, nearly 300 young adults completed daily food diaries for three weeks, which included mood ratings. Scientists found that a higher intake of produce resulted in more energy, calmness, and greater feelings of happiness, effects that positively impacted the volunteers not only on the days they ate fruits and veggies, but also throughout the following day. According to the latest data, roughly 75 percent of Americans fall short of the minimum recommended five daily servings of produce. Eating more plant-based meals can help fill the gap, and then some.
Look better
In my previous post about how to get gorgeous skin, I shared research about how a higher intake of produce can literally create a healthy glow, because antioxidants improve circulation, and alter skin pigment. Eating more fresh, raw veggies can also help you avoid nasty substances called advanced glycation endproducts, or AGEs, which are produced when food is cooked to high temperatures using dry heat. AGEs have been tied to premature aging, wrinkles, and in a recent animal study, an increase in belly fat.
Better sex
Eating more veggie-based meals can help you shrink your shape, and studies show that losing just 10 pounds is enough to boost sex hormones and improve your love life. In addition, the most powerful libido-boosting foods are plant-based. And avoiding meat may be the key to improving your "aromatic appeal." A Czech study compared body odor pads collected from meat-eating and non-meat eating men, and found that samples from the latter group were rated as significantly more attractive and pleasant.

Monday, January 27, 2014

16 Health Benefits of Peaches

Who doesn’t love a juicy, tasty peach?

Peaches have been grown for centuries. They were first cultivated in China where they are considered a symbol of immortality and friendship.

I consider them a key powerfood along with staples like apples and pears. I just wish they were available longer!

16 Ways Peaches Fortify Your Health

1. Peaches are the perfect snack food for losing weight. A peach makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating. The bonus: one peach only contains about 35-50 calories and no fat!

2. Fight obesity-related diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Peaches are rich in phytochemicals called phenols that act as antioxidants.

3. Keep the skin healthy. Vitamin A and C make peaches a great natural moisturizer; they’re often used in cosmetics. These vitamins can help regenerate skin tissue.

4. Reduce hair loss with its positive effect on the scalp.

5. A healthy stress-reliever that helps reduce anxiety. Peaches are often referred to as the ‘Fruit of Calmness’ in Hungary.

6.  Helps prevent cancer with selenium — a mineral with antioxidant properties that may help protect cells from damage.

7. Peaches can help remove worms from the intestines.

8. Have a diuretic effect which helps cleanse your kidneys and bladder.

9. Peaches can calm an upset stomach.

10.  Compounds in stone fruits could help with “metabolic syndrome,” according to Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, AgriLife Research food scientist involved in a study at the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia.  Cisneros-Zevallos says, “Our work indicates that phenolic compounds present in these fruits have anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties in different cell lines and may also reduce the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol which is associated with cardiovascular disease.”

11. Those suffering from gout and rheumatism are recommended by dieticians to eat peaches because peaches tend to have a diuretic and a light laxative effect.

12. Peaches are thought to be an aphrodisiac.

13.  Peach flowers have sedative properties .  A remedy for restlessness includes boiling peach flowers in water along with some honey.

14.  Inhibit tumour growth activity. Peaches have excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity according to research.

15.  Chronic bronchitis, coughs and gastritis are relieved with the medicinal tea of the leaves and bark of peach trees.

16. Peach tea is used as a kidney cleanser in China.

10 Magnificent Benefits Of Yogurt For Health

Based on research, there are a lot of benefits of yogurt. Yogurt is not only good for digestion, but also beneficial to increase the ability of the brain. Yogurt is milk that is deliberately created through bacterial fermentation process. Yogurt can be made from animal or vegetable milk, including soy milk. From fermentation of milk sugar (lactose) produced lactic acid, lactic acid is produced from the fermentation process involved in producing milk proteins in gel texture and flavor in yogurt. Yogurt as a health food has transform a myriad of health benefits.

Scientists research from the University of California found an association between increased brain with the condition of the human intestinal microflora. 36 healthy women between the ages of 18 and 55 were included in this study. They were divided into three groups. The first group eating yogurt with microorganisms that improve the intestinal microflora, the second groups consume yogurt with prebiotic-free and a third group did not drink at all yogurt. As a result, those who consumed yogurt have high levels of emotional calmness higher than those who do not consume at all.

Benefits of yogurt for health
Inhibit pathogens: Consumption of yogurt regularly, will make your body will be immune to the pathogen or similar substances germs that may cause illness. Eating yogurt can also kill the bacteria Ecoli contained in the digestive tract. Because these bacteria if in small amounts will cause disease, but if a large number of effects that can bring unhealthy.

Neutralize Antibiotics: Antibiotics can cause the death of good antibiotics and bad antibiotic if consumed orally. This will disturb the balance of the digestive tract. Well yogurt can eliminate the bad effects. 

Cholesterol degradation: Lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt will degrade cholesterol to coprostanol. This substance can be absorbed by the intestine and excreted in the form of dirt, so that by the absorption of cholesterol in the body will be low.

Preventing Osteoporosis: By eating yogurt as much as 200 cc two times per day, the body will consume 600 mg of calcium. Then enough to meet your daily calcium needs.

Helps digestion: Prebiotics contained in yogurt will balance the microflora in the gut, and help digestion, so the body will remain fit.

Preserve heart health: Because low-fat yogurt and even fat-free, so it will help prevent the risk of high blood pressure. This is because yogurt contains calcium, magnesium potassium dam much.

Prevent Hypertension: Special protein in the yogurt will make a lower high blood pressure and we will live healthier.

Helping People with Lactose Intolerance: For children who frequent diarrhea, it is possible that your child suffer from Lactose Intolerance, this is because people with lactose digestive enzyme deficiency resulting in impaired intestinal absorption of water and bring diarrhea. In yogurt, lactose already broken by the good bacteria that is easily absorbed by the body, so it is very are suggested for people with Lactose Intolerance.

Boost immunity: Eating yogurt every day can help generate higher immune. The content of probiotics in yogurt, also help stimulate infection-fighting white blood cells in the bloodstream.

Help you lose weight: According to a study conducted by the International Journal of Obesity in 2005, the intake of calcium through yogurt helps the body to use stored fat. Thus, it helps you have a more slender body.

Cashews Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Cashews benefits derived from its nutrient content such as minerals which is the most higher content. Cashew nuts contain polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are high. Both of these fats can improve overall health. Cashew nuts also contain phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and high amounts of tryptophan. In addition, nuts are a source of vitamin B, potassium, and folic acid which is good. 

Cashew nuts contains more than 80 nutrients, without any cholesterol in it. Iron and calcium is also found in nuts produced by plants that has Latin name Anacardium occidentale, although in small quantities. Cashew nuts can increase blood pressure, but this only occurs in cashews containing sodium (salt) in high numbers. So, for people who have high blood pressure, you should look for nuts that contain little or no salt at all.

Cashew nuts are not only delicious eaten directly as a snack. Cashew nuts are also often used as a raw material in a variety of different dishes, such as cakes and a variety of desserts. Some people may worry too much nuts will cause weight gain and heart problems. The good news is, cashew nuts contain no cholesterol as much as other nuts, so it is relatively safe to eat. 

Calories in cashews & nutrition facts

Do you know that cashews high in calories? Because in 18 kernels of cashews or about 1 oz, contain  157 calories and every 100 gr of cashews contain 553 calories. Cashew nuts are a source of both protein and fiber. Fat contained in nuts is monounsaturated fat, so it is good for heart health. In addition, cashew nuts are also rich in potassium, zinc, folic acid, selenium, and vitamin B.

Cashew nuts contain high amounts of potassium in the blood that are needed for it to function well. Potassium helps the blood clotting process, thus helping to stop bleeding when injury occurs. People suffering from hemophilia also will receive many benefits of eating nuts due to its high potassium content.

Cashew nuts are also known as a good source of fiber so improving the digestive system. If you have digestive problems and want to launch a bowel movement, hence the emphasis on eating fiber will help alleviate the condition.

Cashew nuts are also a good source of iron. Lack of iron can cause a condition called anemia. Anemia occurs when not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Anemia will make the body become weak and lethargic.

Cashew nuts are a source of copper. Copper helps the body in the absorption of iron. Iron, if taken with foods that contain copper will be easily absorbed by the body. Manganese and magnesium are minerals that are found in cashew nuts. Both these minerals help the formation of cells and tissues. If you want to have beautiful and healthy hair, be sure to sufficient dietary intake of manganese and magnesium, can be obtained among others from cashew nuts.

Phosphorus and zinc that the body needs in order to function properly can also be found in nuts. Riboflavin and thiamine helps keep vision remains good, keep skin healthy, and boost the immune system. For more detailed cashews nutritional value, below you can read at table based on USDA National Nutrient database.

Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale) nutritional value per 100 gr.

Energy : 553 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 30.19 g 
Protein : 18.22 g 
Total Fat : 43.85 g
Dietary Fiber : 3.3 g 
Total sugars : 5.91 g
Water : 5.20 g

Folates : 25 µg
Niacin : 1.062 mg
Riboflavin : 0.058 mg
Thiamin : 0.423 mg
Vitamin A : 0 IU
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.417 mg
Vitamin C : 0.5 mg
Vitamin E (toco-pherol) : 0.90 mg
Vitamin K : 34.1 µg
Calcium : 37 mg
Sodium : 12 mg
Potassium : 660 mg
Iron : 6.68 mg
Magnesium : 292 mg
Phosphorus : 593 mg
Zinc : 5.78 mg
Carotene-ß : 0 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß : 0 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin : 22 µg
Cholesterol : 0

7 cashews health benefits
Benefits of cashew nuts to improve memory: With its effectiveness for improving good cholesterol (HDL), the cashew nuts also play a role in improving brain function, including human memory. Cashew nut consumption helps the brain to be able to store memory better. Thus, it is not surprising that several studies have shown that nuts can prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's. Another advantage for the elderly is, cashew nuts can help maintain the vision.

Prevent artery disease-related: 
Cashew nuts good for the heart because it contains monounsaturated oleic acid and palmitoleic acid. These essential fatty acids help to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing the good cholesterol (HDL). Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids helps to prevent coronary artery disease and stroke by supporting healthy blood lipids.

Contains antioxidants and anti macular degeneration: 
Cashew nuts also contain small amounts of zea-xanthin, an important flavonoid antioxidant pigment that will selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea in the eyes. Estimated also provides protective antioxidants and filters UV rays and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the elderly.

Improve heart health and reduce levels of bad cholesterol : Monounsaturated fats help improve heart health. They are found in the Mediterranean diet. Eating nuts can increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Lowers the risk of cancer: Content of antioxidants and vitamins that are high in nuts help eliminate free radicals in the body. Cashew nuts may help boost the immune system and kill cancer cells that develop in the body.

Strengthen bones: Magnesium that found in cashews help promote strong bone structure in the body. Magnesium is found around 82.5 mg / oz in cashews. Magnesium along with calcium, helps support the muscles and bone structure.

Lose weight : Approximately 75% of the fat contained in cashews is unsaturated fats that are good fats.In addition, cashews contain high amounts of fiber. Good fats can make cashews help you lose weight and give you more energy to the body. Cashew nuts also help facilitate the body's metabolism.