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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Health Benefits of Guava

What is it about the guava? It comes in many types of health food products. You are told it is great for you. What is it about guava that can be so great, that can treat ailments, yet taste so good? A good look into this wonder fruit from Asia will be more than convincing. Not sure? Try one: the taste itself is worth it.
Grown commonly in most Asian countries, guava holds a unique secret that enable it to fight off illness, disease, and other body concerns that you might have. Eaten in jams, jellies, health drinks, or just plain raw, it is a great way to get healthy, and stay healthy. You might ask, what exactly does it help treat? The answer is quite more than what you might think. From simply having vitamin C to help you feel better to lypocene which might help prevent cancer, the guava is sure to please. Let us take a closer look at the Psidium Guajava, or more commonly known as the guava.

Can’t go? Go get a guava. Used for the treatment of constipation, this high in dietary fiber fruit can be a good alternative to horrible laxatives and prune juice. By simply ingesting the guava, you can free your digestive tract. This can lead to numerous health benefits as well! It allows for water retention, so that when you do go, you do not get dehydrated in the process.

Perhaps the problem is not being able to go, but needing to stop. The powerful astringents found in guavas help solidify fecal matter, aiding in the relief of diarrhea and dysentery. This may definitely stop the dreaded runs. Fiber intake is known as one key necessity in being regular, and as mentioned, the guava contains plenty of it.
Scurvy you say? This fruit that is overbearing in vitamin C content, can fix the issue of lacking vitamin C. It is believed by some to contain as much as five times the amount of vitamin C that can be found in oranges!
Weighing in? Guava may not only help those who are overweight, but those who are underweight as well. The fiber, vitamins, and other essentials found in guava help ease over eating due to hunger, but also help in absorbing nutrients that you need. It’s all about metabolism, and guavas can help.
Can’t see the light? The high amount of vitamin A found in guavas may be beneficial to your eyes. It may help preserve eye sight, and improve it as well! Now isn’t that a sight for sore eyes!
Common cold and cough got you down? As mentioned, the guava contains high amounts of vitamin C and iron. Both of these can be essential in fighting common illness. The guava can help disinfect the respiratory tract, loosen a cough, and reduce that nasty mucus.
Are high blood pressure medicines to expensive? Do you worry about the horrible side-effects? Or, are you just looking for a homeopathic solution. There is good news: the guava can help. By reducing cholesterol and not allowing it to stick in one’s arteries, guava helps promote better blood flow. This allows for lower blood pressure. So put away the blood pressure cuff and eat a guava already!
Still not convinced? Is its beauty skin deep? Just in case it might be, let it work on your skin. As mentioned, the astringents in guava help tighten thing up. That also goes for skin! By simply consuming the fruit, you ingest these astringents. They help renew the skin, and roll back the clock on aging. Say goodbye to wrinkles and crow’s feet; say hello to guavas. The high amount of vitamin A and potassium found in guavas can help keep your skin radiant and glowing.
Wounds, cancer, diabetes, oh my! This is not a one trick pony. Guava contains juice that can help heal open wounds. Its lypocene may even help beat the dreaded big C, yes cancer. Its hypoglycemic property makes the guava an appealing snack for those worried about high blood sugar. Its high fiber content allows for slower absorption of sugar in the body which makes it a must for those with diabetes.
While the health benefits of guavas are great, it’s easy to forget about the great tasting option it provides for getting your necessary fruit servings a day. Next time you go to reach for an orange, consider the numerous benefits and great taste of the guava. You’ll feel better knowing that the guava’s has your back.

Health Benefits of Guava

What is it about the guava? It comes in many types of health food products. You are told it is great for you. What is it about guava that can be so great, that can treat ailments, yet taste so good? A good look into this wonder fruit from Asia will be more than convincing. Not sure? Try one: the taste itself is worth it.
Grown commonly in most Asian countries, guava holds a unique secret that enable it to fight off illness, disease, and other body concerns that you might have. Eaten in jams, jellies, health drinks, or just plain raw, it is a great way to get healthy, and stay healthy. You might ask, what exactly does it help treat? The answer is quite more than what you might think. From simply having vitamin C to help you feel better to lypocene which might help prevent cancer, the guava is sure to please. Let us take a closer look at the Psidium Guajava, or more commonly known as the guava.

Can’t go? Go get a guava. Used for the treatment of constipation, this high in dietary fiber fruit can be a good alternative to horrible laxatives and prune juice. By simply ingesting the guava, you can free your digestive tract. This can lead to numerous health benefits as well! It allows for water retention, so that when you do go, you do not get dehydrated in the process.

Perhaps the problem is not being able to go, but needing to stop. The powerful astringents found in guavas help solidify fecal matter, aiding in the relief of diarrhea and dysentery. This may definitely stop the dreaded runs. Fiber intake is known as one key necessity in being regular, and as mentioned, the guava contains plenty of it.
Scurvy you say? This fruit that is overbearing in vitamin C content, can fix the issue of lacking vitamin C. It is believed by some to contain as much as five times the amount of vitamin C that can be found in oranges!
Weighing in? Guava may not only help those who are overweight, but those who are underweight as well. The fiber, vitamins, and other essentials found in guava help ease over eating due to hunger, but also help in absorbing nutrients that you need. It’s all about metabolism, and guavas can help.
Can’t see the light? The high amount of vitamin A found in guavas may be beneficial to your eyes. It may help preserve eye sight, and improve it as well! Now isn’t that a sight for sore eyes!
Common cold and cough got you down? As mentioned, the guava contains high amounts of vitamin C and iron. Both of these can be essential in fighting common illness. The guava can help disinfect the respiratory tract, loosen a cough, and reduce that nasty mucus.
Are high blood pressure medicines to expensive? Do you worry about the horrible side-effects? Or, are you just looking for a homeopathic solution. There is good news: the guava can help. By reducing cholesterol and not allowing it to stick in one’s arteries, guava helps promote better blood flow. This allows for lower blood pressure. So put away the blood pressure cuff and eat a guava already!
Still not convinced? Is its beauty skin deep? Just in case it might be, let it work on your skin. As mentioned, the astringents in guava help tighten thing up. That also goes for skin! By simply consuming the fruit, you ingest these astringents. They help renew the skin, and roll back the clock on aging. Say goodbye to wrinkles and crow’s feet; say hello to guavas. The high amount of vitamin A and potassium found in guavas can help keep your skin radiant and glowing.
Wounds, cancer, diabetes, oh my! This is not a one trick pony. Guava contains juice that can help heal open wounds. Its lypocene may even help beat the dreaded big C, yes cancer. Its hypoglycemic property makes the guava an appealing snack for those worried about high blood sugar. Its high fiber content allows for slower absorption of sugar in the body which makes it a must for those with diabetes.
While the health benefits of guavas are great, it’s easy to forget about the great tasting option it provides for getting your necessary fruit servings a day. Next time you go to reach for an orange, consider the numerous benefits and great taste of the guava. You’ll feel better knowing that the guava’s has your back.

Health Benefits of Apples

As a child there were many old wives tales and adages that were drilled into your young mind. Growing up most of the adages either became habit or were disproved so you gave them up, right? There are those ones that had to come from somewhere, had to have partial truth to them, an apple a day to keep the doctor away sure does!
There are numerous reasons why then and today this old saying to believed and should be practiced. First and foremost, save your brain. Antioxidants that apples contain have a few different positive effects on your brain. For example apples have been shown to fight against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It seems the antioxidants have free radical fighting effects that helps keep the dopamine from breaking down, which is the case of Parkinson’s.

Save your teeth is another great benefit. Do not give up flossing but just the simple action of biting and chewing and apple helps your teeth. The process of biting and chewing creates extra saliva which than flushes out bacteria. Less bacteria means less tooth decay. A happy smile usually leads to a healthier body. Just in case this isn’t enough for you there are even more reasons to eat apples.

Soluble fiber does amazing things for the body. Soluble fiber is linked to decreasing your risk of diabetes, by helping control swings in blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber also lowers cholesterol. Lower cholesterol means lower chances of heart attack. It also means no gallstones. Lower cholesterol effects many systems of the body and can help you feel better in general and improve overall health.
Not only does lower cholesterol decrease your chances of heart attack but the apple contains other properties that help your heart stay healthy as well. The skin of your apple contains phenolic compound that prevents what cholesterol that does get in from sticking to your artery walls and solidifying. While there are many great reasons to eat apples for what they do in within your body they also do wonders for the process of exiting your body.

Apples can help constipation and diarrhea both, neutralize IBS, and avoid avert hemorrhoids. Yes, apples can do all of that. The fiber in apples can do all of that. Whether you can’t stop going to the bathroom or can’t go at all fiber can help. There is either too much water or not enough water in your colon when you are experiencing these problems so amazingly fiber can do exactly what your body needs. Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is incredibly painful and consists of abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation and fiber can curb them all. Of course not all alone but it can help significantly.
High fiber diets or apple and apple juice infused diets can help control your weight. Fiber fills you up while not taking up all of your daily calories. Fiber has multiple wonderful effects on the body and it doesn’t have to taste like cardboard if you are getting it from an apple or its juice. Outside of fiber there are components such as flavonol and triterpenoids that apples and their skins contain.
Flavonol and triterpenoids have been proven to help reduce or fight against cancer cells. Flavonol specifically reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer. Triterpenoids, found in the apple skins, is very effective in slowing the growth of cancer cells within colon, breast, and liver.
Red apples specifically can boost your immune system! All apples can help detox your liver. Toxins are ingested every day and that can be an incredible burden on your liver, helping detoxify your liver can literally boost your energy levels.
Even the dried versions of this healthy little snack have been proven to still provide many of the health benefits its fully hydrated counterpart provides, such as some weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and increase heart health.

Overall apples contain a great variety of everything you need, just in one average apple. There are typically around 95 calories in a medium sized apple; you get credit for eating almost half of your daily fruit intake necessary in a healthy diet. You also get a giant dose of vitamin C, and the amazing soluble fiber. That little fruit is jam packed! You wouldn’t want to waste the golden benefits that apples provide so if you buy a few and set them on the counter you are more likely to eat them. Not a difficult task at all. So grab a few from the market and start increasing your level of health one bite at a time.

Health Benefits of Black Cumin

Black cumin, botanically called Nigella Sativa, is a plant that belongs to parsley family. It was discovered in the tomb of King Tut and was believed to be used in the afterlife. People have used the black cumin seeds to make medicine for over 2000 years. It is an annual herbaceous plant with foliage. It has delicate purplish and white flowers.
Black cumin is used vastly in almost all part of the world. It is used in cooking, backing and teas. Black Cumin Oil, due to its variety of benefits, is used in cosmetics as well as in medicines.

In ancient civilizations like Roman Empire, black cumin was called “Panacea”, that literally means “cure all”. That explains its wide use as a medicine in Rome. Black Cumin is rich in nutrients like protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, calcium and iron.

Egyptians used black cumin after their meals to help digestion or clam upset stomachs. Besides stomachaches, it was also used to treat infections, cold, toothaches and migraine.
Studies have shown that most of the times illness is caused by imbalanced immune system and components like Nigellone and Thymoquinone in black cumin helps fight diseases by increasing the production of immune cells in the body. Great research is done on black cumin regarding it properties against cancer and it has been discovered that unlike chemo-therapy, black cumin can be used to cure tumor and breast cancer without any negative side effects.
Doctors in Munich tried to treat patients of asthma and dust allergies and they succeeded in curing 70% of the patients. The oil of the seeds can also help cure earaches. Black cumin oil also helps increasing the respiration and decreasing the blood pressure.
Externally the seeds can be powdered and mixed with flour and can be directly applied to the forehead for headaches. It is also very effective if a mad dog bites. It is also used in treating skin disorders.
Some of the key health benefits of Black Cumin are mentioned below:
  • Black cumin extract is anti-hypertensive, carminative and anti-parasitic.
  • It is used to treat diseases related to the respiratory system, circulatory and immune system, stomach and intestines, kidneys and even the liver.
  • The seeds have been known to prove effective in fighting parasitic infections, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism and cold symptoms.
  • They also provide health benefits like increasing body tone, stimulating menstrual period, increasing milk production in nursing mothers and increasing the flow of breast milk.
  • Black cumin seed oil calms the nervous system, quells colic pain, stimulates excretion of urine, helps pertussis and improves digestion.
  • Black caraway stimulates body’s energy and helps in recovering from fatigue and dispiritedness.
  • It provides an effective cure for skin conditions such as allergies, eczema, acne, psoriasis and boils.
  • Black cumin oil encourages the production of bone marrow and cells of the immune system, increases the production of interferon, protects normal cells from the damaging effects of viral diseases, destroys tumor cells and increases the number of antibody producing B cells.
  • It contains potent sexual hormones, stimulants, digestive enzymes, antacids, and sedatives; all of which help boost the immune system and preempt diseases.
  • The seeds contain beta-sitosterol – an anti-tumor sterol. They are very effective in curing abscesses and tumors of the eye, abdomen and liver.
  • Black caraway seeds are also used to treat flatulence, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation and dysentery.
  • A teaspoon of black cumin seed oil, when mixed with honey and consumed regularly during breakfast, lunch and dinner, results in good health and strong immunity to diseases.
  • The seeds, when taken in capsulated form, help in strengthening hair as well as nails.
In medical field Black Seed is used as an antiseptic medicine also. The seeds of Black Seed containphosphorus,iron, andcarbohydrate compound in abundance. After the chemical analysis of Black Seed seeds this fact has come to the light that it hascarotene (yellowish substance). It converts into vitamin ‘A’ after inserting into the liver. Above all it contains so many compounds, which are useful in digestive system. It cures urinal diseases. It increases the resisting power of the body and has special strength in curing all types of diseases. Black Seed oil contains special type of fat ingredients Linolatic acid 60% and nearly 21% Lipase. It has capacity to keep the body cool in hot temperature. Mostly its seeds are used as medicine. Its seeds contain special substance Saponin Volatile oil and Nigelline a bitter tasting substance. These substances of Black Seed cure urinal Passage.

Top 10 Nutrition And Workout Tips For Women Who Want To Lose 50 Pounds In 4 Months

Although the statistics claim that men and women suffer weight issues alike, the women folk will agree it's a tougher battle for them. Men have it easy. They can gorge on calorie-loaded servings of dessert and still stay slim. On the other hand, we women have to watch everything we put into our mouth and wait to see where it will soon show up.
It's a matter of difference in the way our bodies are created. Fret not! Here are 10 nutrition and workout tips for women who want to lose 50 pounds in 4 months. Follow them strictly if you want to burn all the stubborn body fat like your counterparts.
Did you know it is harder for women to lose weight than men?
The above statement is true. Weight loss is harder for women than men. Several studies support this fact. In situations where males and females had similar diet and fitness routines, the former were able to lose weight faster than the latter. Why?
The difference in body composition is the primary reason. A man's body has a higher percentage of muscle while a woman's body is composed mainly of fat. The hormone testosterone is responsible for their muscular physique. Muscles promote fat loss. Besides, men have a bulky frame and weigh more. Their large bodies demand more calories to sustain its daily activities. Thus, their body structure keeps them fit and trim.
On the contrary, a woman's body is genetically designed to store fat. The female hormone estrogen stores fat around the hips and abdomen and on the tights and buttocks in preparation for reproduction and childbirth. Thus, the hormones clash with their weight loss efforts making it difficult for them to shed unwanted pounds.
How to Lose Weight fast: 50 lbs in 4 months
50 pounds in 4 months is safe and reasonable figure for women. A proper combination of diet and exercise will help you achieve this goal.
Nutrition Tips
1. Eat foods that will kick start your metabolism and promote fat burning within the body. Increase intake of proteins, fiber, and water-rich fruits and vegetables.
2. Dieting means cutting back on a food item or group; it does not mean cutting it out completely. Carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in limited quantities. Avoid eating too little because you might end up overeating within the next few hours.
3. Many start skipping meals to lose weight fast. Breakfast and lunch are popular ones. Dropping a meal is not recommended because it slows your metabolism making it more difficult to melt flab. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three compulsory meals of the day.
4. Break up the total calorie intake for the day in six smaller meals. If you overeat at one meal, eat less at the other.
5. Try as much as possible to eat home-cooked food. Processed foods are known for their high fat and sugar content.
6. When eating out, be careful of serving sizes. If it is too large, take a portion of it home. Request to have sauces and dressings served separately. Eat low-calorie foods.
7. Drink a big glass of water before and after every meal. It will make you eat less and keep you satiated for a longer duration.
8. Get enough of sleep. Fatigue prompts you to eat more.
Workout Tips
9. As far as exercise is concerned, you should target minimum 60 minutes, three times a week. Your fitness routine should include aerobic and strength-training exercises. Aerobic exercises boost the heart rate while strength training builds muscles.
10. Motivation is a must throughout the process. Exercising in a group or with a buddy makes a workout seem less demanding. Rewards for small achievements, music and a dairy or journal are minor motivation boosters you can use.