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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Best Weight Loss Tips For Overweight Moms To Lose 50 Pounds Of Fat

Weight gain is a common concern in women. A very small percentage manages to stay slim and trim until they welcome old age. Most of the pounds are part of being a mother. Pregnancy adds stubborn fatty deposits around the midsection. The responsibilities of the home and children barely give you a chance to pay attention to what you eat and there's no time for a structured exercise routine. The raging hormones and a sluggish metabolism exacerbate your troubles. This is why most moms are either obese or overweight by the age of 50.
The problem of weight gain seems inevitable in the case of women, but don't settle so easily for it. Trimming your waistline makes you look presentable. Getting rid of belly fat early cuts the risk of diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So, whether you've just delivered your bundle of joy or are a middle-aged woman coping with teenage blues, here are tips on how to lose weight fast for overweight moms. Check them out.
Evaluate Food Choices
You can initiate the fat burning process by adopting new eating habits. The first tip recommends reducing calorie intake by 100 calories. You should decrease your intake of dietary fat. Eat healthy fat such as nuts, olives and avocados. A weight loss diet for obese and overweight women should include meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Their high fiber and protein content increases digestion time. They also flush out the digestive tract.
Metabolism slows down with age. You should eat foods that boost metabolism and promote fat burning. Irrespective of whether you want to lose 50lbs or drop 70 pounds, you should have enough of water. Limit your intake of processed foods. They contain ingredients that are not easily digestible.
Revamp Your Exercise Routine
It is observed that women cut back on exercise as they get older. Many women do not perform any activity at all. Their desk jobs and vehicles are to blame for it, but another cause is menopause. As women approach menopause, they tend to tire out easily and therefore abstain from heavy, backbreaking exercises. The truth about exercise for weight loss for women is "less is more". 90 minutes exercise per week (30 minutes; three times a day) is enough to initiate fat loss.
Speaking of the type of exercises you should perform, aerobic activities are the most beneficial to trim belly fat. Aerobic exercises engage muscle groups and elevate the heart rate. They are low-intensity and therefore easily manageable. Aerobic activities include walking, swimming, jogging, running, dancing, skiing, kickboxing and hiking. You should also alternate between high and low-impact aerobic exercises.
Strength training exercises also have a place in weight loss tips for women. Strength training includes weight-lifting activities. It builds muscles mass and boosts a person's resting metabolic rate.
Be Accountable
Stick with the diet and exercise plan you have decided. Set realistic goals and record small achievements. Stay away from people who discourage you. Be patient for weight loss takes time.
Remember losing weight is not only about looking good; it's about living healthy. As an overweight mom, you are not setting the right example for your children. Make crucial decisions today for a better future tomorrow.

Essentials Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

During holidays, the temptations to skip the gym and eat healthy diet become imminent across every continent. It is a common problem experienced by almost every person. This is from the fact that we tend to stay indoors and hardly go out for outdoor sporting events - the weather simply can't allow. Combined with stress and anxiety, it is difficult to avoid snacking at home or in the office. On holidays, you receive a number of invitations for parties and cocktails. This robs you the time you spend on your own in the gym, gardening or walking. As a result, you gain weight despite of many attempts to stick within the healthy weight range.
Common Blunders to Avoid
Pitfalls that you might experience over the holidays include:
  • Friends or family gatherings
  • Work potlucks and holiday parties
  • Your partner's office party
  • Counter snacks found in almost every office
Try as much as you can to avoid such enticing delectable high fattening meals regardless of the pressure you get from friends or family members. None or very few will lend a helping hand when you battle with extra weight after the holidays are gone.
Manage Your Food Intake
It may sound embarrassing to let down an offer made by your mum during a home party but it worth the initiative. Make them understand why you are resisting. Else, you can make special arrangements in advance so that there is a provision of low-calorie servings. Learn to fight with holiday stresses and emotions that can compel you to seek some resort in high-calorie snacks or diets. Opt for light low-calorie meals such as veggies, whole grains, fruits, and green leafy foodies. For cocktails, go for brands that are energy-free or sugar-free. It's difficult to avoid such occasions but what gets down your throat should go hand in hand with your weight loss plan.
Avert Depression
You probably expect too much during holidays. According to statistics, holidays increase the risk of stress which often triggers depression. Depression and stress are byproducts of greater prospects that you usually have after the holidays are over. Holidays bring out blues in many people especially the ones who have lost a loved one, separated from friend, or family members. Once the holiday is over, you'd probably realize that you've spent too much money on gifts and efforts to meet friends. This only elevates your stress hormone (cortisols) levels and as a result, you end up reaching for glycemic carbs and high fattening foods.
Tips to Get You Through Holidays
Don't live up with the holiday stress, take action if the need arise. Try the following:
  • Move away from gatherings when stress strikes instead of allowing tension to rise. Aim to ovoid the buildup of stress.

  • Plan your chores in a systematic manner: Start with the most important or compelling ones and make sure all tasks have been completed in time. Don't start on tasks that are difficult to complete. Seek a helping hand when the need arise.

  • Relax if you feel the urge: Taking breaks amidst chores is important in getting things done in the right way. You will hardly be productive if you continue with tasks when you are tired physically or mentally.

  • Make time for workouts: Exercise is a key to healthy life. Avoid the couch and instead go for a brisk walks. Don't overeat or drink excessively even if time is on your side. With exercise, you will reduce stress build up and keep you away from holiday junk food temptations.

  • Eat smaller pieces of portion at parties: Even if you get tempted to consume "less healthy" foods, don't fill up your plates with such servings. Consume plenty of fiber-rich and low-calorie foods prior to the junk type. This will give a feeling of satisfaction and avert the craving for snacking or wrong food choices.

  • Take water instead of beer: Being in the company of friends at cocktails is fun most times. The main challenge is avoiding their offers and temptations to have a sip. Surprisingly, you will be thrilled by the entertainment of others if you opt to stay sober.

  • Take breaks during holiday parties: Mingle with friends and strangers, go out and have a walk, or talk more with your friends. This will burn more calories and consume much time that would have been spent binging.

  • Share your food gifts or give them to your friends: The givers might get annoyed if they know, but it is ideal for your health. If you are invited for tasty treats, do it in moderation. Get rid of leftovers without the negative feeling that you should have taken them instead.