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Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Lose Weight Quickly With the 1,000 Calorie Diet

Everybody is looking for a quick fix. Looking for ways to lose weight quickly is no different; the 1,000 calorie diet is no different. Sure you can lose 2lbs a week when you cut your daily caloric intake to 1,000 calories. The important question is, can you do it safely!
Studies suggest (Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes macronutrients report) that a sedentary woman should have a caloric intake of 1800 calories per day, an active woman should have 2,000 caloric intake per day, and a very active woman should have between 2,000 and 2,500 caloric intake per day.
Health professionals recommend aiming for a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week, and keeping active when you're on a diet, so don't try to lose more than 2 lbs per week.
That being said, this diet plan is only temporary to jump start your new healthy eating habits. The best thing to do while on this diet, is choose the healthiest low calorie foods you can find. If you snack on high calorie foods you can easily go way over your caloric intake for the day. You will have to be determined and disciplined to successfully reach your goal.
5 Tips to Keep Weight Off After The 1,000 Calorie Diet
  1. Eat 5 times a day.
  2. Eat every 2 ½ to 3 hours per day. This keeps your body in a state of digestion.
  3. Combining starches, fats, and proteins helps to avoid fat storage.
  4. If you must eat pasta, always eat it in the early morning or early afternoon.
  5. Cut back on fruit juices and drink black coffee, tea, and water instead.
Healthy Diet Food Suggestions
You can mix and match these foods and others in your daily meal plan. These are only suggestion to get you started.
  • Medium golden apple
  • Ground turkey
  • Eat protein and vegetables
  • Lean chicken/turkey
  • Extra virgin olive oil to cook with.
  • Spinach salad/Olive Oil
  • Brown rice (long grain)
  • Cooked broccoli
Pros and Cons of the 1,000 Calorie Diet
  • Fast weight loss
  • Easy meals
  • Inexpensive
  • No forbidden foods
  • Caloric value on food package/online
  • Temporary
  • Fatigued
  • Hard to meet nutritional value
Now you know how to lose weight quick and safe with the 1,000 calorie diet. Choosing the best foods to eat while on this diet will determine how you feel during this process. You will see that the 1,000 calorie a day diet plan will take off 2 pounds a week, if you count your calories accordingly. Remember to make sure they are the healthiest calories you can get. Good Luck.

How to Find a Gym and Keep Fit When Travelling

I've travelled to various countries over the years, whether that's via flying, driving in a rickety bus for 20 hours straight or sleeping in a third world train with no air con. And yet, I always make an effort to keep fit and healthy throughout my world travels.
With obesity rates increasing throughout the developed world, (and also throughout the developing world), I make it a priority to work out at a gym at least three times a week. I know it can be damn hard to find a suitable gym when travelling and bouncing around from place to place, but I don't want to become another statistic, therefore keeping fit and healthy is something that I can't take for granted.
In saying that it can be really difficult at times to find a gym, even when you do a search on Google. This is so, particularly in developing countries whereby the number and quality of gyms varies a lot, having to contend with language barriers or even transportation issues. I'll however, show you the step by step methods I use to find a gym no matter where on earth I am. All you need is your laptop and a decent wifi connection.
1) Go to Google
2) Type in "City location" + Gym
3) From the search results ideally you want to find a review site submitted by an expat/traveller that has given at least 3-4 reviews of gyms near your current location.
4) Check out the website (if it exists) of the gym you want to go to. As a hack, I always call them up and say something like this: "Hi, I'm thinking about joining your gym and am wondering if you offer a free trial pass". Remember that not all gyms will state this on their website, for obvious reasons to avoid people taking advantage of their services and going from gym to gym for free. From my experience, this works about 50% of the time, and the worst they can say on the other line is no.
Once you found your chosen gym, you should go at a time when the gym is not busy. One of the most frustrating things is having to wait around for 10 minutes whilst someone else is hogging the benchpress with their mates. Most gyms are busy before and after work hours, i.e. 6-9am and 6-8pm. If you're a backpacker/traveller therefore go between 10-3pm (except lunch time), and you'll have no issue with waiting in line. I usually go mid morning, and find that only retirees or rich house wives are hanging around, and being a macho guy, the free weight section is usually free.
So, follow this simple 4 step process to finding a gym anywhere and you won't be disappointed.
Yours in health,

Free Advice on Weight Loss

Looking for exercising weight loss recommendation? Here ar some advice to assist you be from fat. 

1, Drink a glass of water or a bowl of soup before meals. 

Water and soup will take up some house of your abdomen, this could decrease your craving, therefore you'll not consume too several calories. Logically, this can assist you cut back some pounds, or a minimum of, stop gaining a lot of weight. you'll do that technique if you're thinking that you eat an excessive amount of for every meal. 

2, Before swallowing the food, attempt to chew it well, and don't eat too quick. 

It is aforementioned that once you ar full, your abdomen send message to your brain that you just have devoured enough. however the message isn't received by the brain instantly. It delays for a couple of minutes. So, once you feel full, which means you've got already devoured an excessive amount of. The quicker you eat, the a lot of additional calories you consume. So, don't eat quickly and before swallowing the food, chew it additionally as you'll. this can hamper your intake of calories and you'll be from those uncalled-for body fat. 

3, don't eat before you sleep. 

Commonly, once you eat, it takes hours to digest those food. If you eat one thing before you sleep, the system most likely can haven't digestible the food utterly once you visit bed. And once you ar sleeping, you expend less calories. So, the calories of the additional food you eat could also be hold on as fat in your body. this is often why intake before bed simply cause weight gain. If you would like to urge slim, don't eat food once supper, particularly before you visit sleep.

Slimming Food – Choosing Foods For Weight Loss

Low calorie foods ar usually used for the aim of weight loss. These slimming foods ar glorious sources of nutrition and may genuinely facilitate folks follow their weight loss goals if used properly and carefully. 

An example of a slimming food that has been utilized in order to assist folks melt off is that the rice cake. A rice cake may be a spherical puck of dry cereal that is incredibly low in calories. many of us wish to eat their rice cake with a slice of cheese or another moderate topping which can not add several calories. This slimming food conjointly comes in seasoned varieties, however, so those trying to melt off will have several decisions concerning what reasonably flavours they're attending to get pleasure from. 

In addition to picking low calorie foods, it's conjointly attainable to scale back the calories obtainable in different foods that you just ordinarily eat. as an example, if you frequently use mayo on your sandwiches, take into account change instead to mustard. Mustard is tasty and has so much fewer calories than mayo. there is no reason that such switches cannot be created for a spread of the foods that you just can eat. Fewer calories mean that you just can have a better time kicking off your weight and keeping it off. 

Eating celery is another example of a slimming food which will be consumed and can facilitate increase your ability to feel full on fewer calories. Celery is usually aforementioned to own a negative calorie balance, that if true would mean that it might really burn calories as you eat it. this is not technically true, however, celery may be a terribly low calorie food which will add bulk to your meals. it is a nice slimming food which will facilitate anybody United Nations agency wants smart, alimentary food to assist them melt off.

Broccoli and peas may be supplemental to alimentary paste or rice dishes so as to feature additional bulk to the meal whereas solely adding a negligible quantity of additional calories. These additions aren't solely smart for you, {they can|they're going to|they'll} assist you feel satiable sooner which feeling of satiation will last for a way longer time. These vegetables are nice for adding to stews and soups. 

Getting the amount of calories you ingest to be as low as attainable may be a good way to melt off. it's terribly simple to try and do if you create these types of correct food decisions and eat these slimming foods as a part of your weight loss regime. 

There ar plenty of food decisions that you just will build so as to eat low calorie food that may facilitate slim you down and reach you weight loss goals. profit of those foods by operating them into your diet rather than higher calorie foods that go straight to your thighs.