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Friday, July 12, 2013

Weight Loss: How To Eat Much More And Weigh Less

No, this is not a trick, it really can be done. It is definitely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry; the secret is to eat the right type of food.
There are some types of food which are really good at making you feel full without stacking up the calories - so you can eat more of these types of food without piling on the pounds. Some foods are so calorie laden that the smallest nibble can show on the weighing scales. It has been proved that we feel full because of the amount of food that we've eaten rather than the amount of calories that we've eaten, so by eating lots of food which is lower in calories it can help you to feel full without making you weigh more.
Now that I've got your attention take a look at the types of food which you can afford to pile on your plate without stretching your waistband;
*Fruit and vegetables - I bet you were expecting that weren't you? The problem with some fruit and vegetables is in the preparation, if you add fat or butter to your vegetables then they are not so waistline friendly. Raw fruits and veggies are brilliant, steaming is good - just don't add oil. Particularly great fruit and vegetables to include in your "eating more to weigh less" regime are spinach, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, berries, carrots - blueberry muffins are not good, not even the low- fat variety.
*Broths and soups - are a great opportunity to fill up your bowl without piling on the weight just so long as you steer clear of those which are cream based - mushroom bisque is not good, broth with lots of fresh veggies and a few herbs added for flavor are very good. I suppose the basic rule is to not add any cream.
*Whole grains - whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta are great for filling you up without making you gain weight. These have all of the goodness that nature intended them to have - flour which has been processed and bleached does not have the same benefits but can stack up the calories.
*Peas and beans - are a great addition to the menu if you want to eat plenty of delicious food and fill your stomach without gaining any extra weight. Black beans, green peas, kidney beans - add some to your vegetable broth for a little something extra - just don't add any cream.
*Lean meats and fish - there are loads of lean meats and fish which you can eat in large amounts without piling on the weight - again you've got to make sure that you prepare it properly. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish is great. Having said that a fried chicken wing is not good, a grilled chicken breast without the skin is fantastic.
So remember to include plenty of these low- calorie options into your daily diet, throw away the frying pan and steer clear of the cream aisle in the grocery store. That should really help you to lose weight without going hungry.

How to Make the Best of Obesity Treatments

Obesity is an important issue for people everywhere as more and more individuals are becoming overweight or obese and have to fight obesity effects on health. However, demanding a person with a very high body mass index to lose an important amount of weight and keep an ideal weight can be a bit farfetched. Obesity treatments are important and are developed now on a regular basis, but they have to be understood and applied so that individuals can benefit the most from them on the long run, and not only on short term.
Why small weight loss goals are better
One of the issues regarding obesity is that most diets are very demanding and very restrictive. There are many problems to be fought, such as low energy levels resulted from low calorie diets, temptations - that do exist everywhere around us - as well as health problems.
Instead of forcing a person that is overweight to stick with a very demanding plan without any chance of success, it is better to offer them smaller goals that can be achieved with greater ease.
According to specialists, even a weight loss of 5-10 pounds can contribute decisively to lowering the risks for developing many and varied health conditions associated with obesity.
Depression should be treated first
Obese people are often depressed, but they cannot undergo a weight loss program with great success, because the depression they suffer from prevents them from staying on track with their goals.
For this reason, specialists recommend depression to be treated first, before starting a weight control program. Even bariatric surgery is not recommended to depressed patients, because depression can seriously prevent them from respecting the dietary guidelines that must be followed to ensure losing weight.
Medication must be taken with diet and exercise
Many think that losing weight has a magical solution, such as taking pills, but this is a dangerous belief. In case weight loss medication is prescribed or purchased over the counter, it should only come as a supplement for exercising and diet efforts. Otherwise, the effects will be marginal at best, and those taking the pills may feel tempted to abuse them in hope that they will lose more weight.
Good habits
The role of any obesity treatment is to create good habits. These will ensure long term weight loss and they help an overweight or obese person become healthier and maintain in good health on the long run.

Try These Tips To Burn More Fat Per Week

From time to time I tend to receive emails from people asking how to lose weight in a week.
Typically because they want to lose weight for a wedding, a party or other special occasion.
But even though there are ways to lose weight quickly, our advice is always the same: if you want to lose weight and keep it, the best way is to lose weight at a pace you are comfortable with.
until you reach your goal. Here are some tips to lose weight in a week... and the next, and the next... until you reach your ideal weight.
Set realistic goals. It is important because this does not get discouraged after the first and second week of your diet, It's unrealistic to lose them all in a few days. A realistic goal (depending on initial weight) is to lose 5-10 pounds per month, ie 1-2 pounds / week.
Decide how many calories you take every day to achieve your goal. Again, it is important to be realistic and take at least 1200 calories each day. If you eat fewer calories, you will lose muscle as well as fat.
Divide the calories in various foods (at least 3, and if your lifestyle allows, up to 5), trying to consume more or less the same calories at each meal.
Design your own meal plan, opting for fresh foods low in fat. Include large food groups: meat (fat) and fish, legumes, fruit and vegetables, and dairy products (skim). If it comes to the number of calories, you can add some cereal or nuts at each meal.
Avoid dietary meals or pre-prepared ones, because these elaborate meals are not as healthy as fresh food. Choose seasonal produce as far as possible and also use foods containing negative calories.
Use healthy cooking methods (steamed, grilled, baked) that do not require the use of oils. It is not necessary (nor desirable) to eliminate all fat from your diet. Calculate a tablespoon of oil a day, and do not forget to add the calories that this means to your daily total.
Serve controlled portions, at every meal, getting used to measure or weigh the quantities of meat, grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables every time. If you achieve some discipline in this regard, it will be easier to be disciplined also during the day.
Avoid desserts, biscuits and sweets because they only provide calories without much nutritional benefit. Also check the sugar and alcohol consumption, as they also provide calories to your diet but little nutrition
Also try to eat foods that help in burning more fat as they contain certain chemicals that helps speed up the process.
Eat apples
Apples contain a chemical called pectin. Pectin limits the amount of fat the cells can absorb.
This will put a limitation on the amount of fat that the cells can absorb. Pectin, once in the system, have a water retaining property, which absorbs aqueous substances, and these substances causes to release fat deposits.
This chemical is found in most berries and fruits. Pectin is found in the cell wall of most fruits, especially apples.
Contains soy lecithin, this chemical substance will create a shield that will protect your cells from accumulating fat. It also helps to free more easily fat deposits in your body.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, limes contain high concentrations of Vitamin C (this is also known as ascorbic acid).
This vitamin has the ability to burn fat.
Garlic has a protective ability of the cells that contribute to reduce fatty deposits. It also has an antibiotic property and can be used to cure many diseases.
Also available is a list of negative calorie foods that have such few calories that the metabolism spends far more calories in digestion than the food itself.