what do you think about these solutions..?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Healthy Meal Choices for Truck Drivers

Healthy Meal Choices for Truck Drivers
Over the road trucker and healthy diet. No, this is not a game of "What Two Things Don't Go Together." It's a serious subject, and it's getting more critically important. Statistics are telling us that the stereotype of the overweight driver with "trucker gut" isn't a myth. Recent statistics show that 80% of over the road truck drivers are overweight and a whopping 50% are sliding into the obese category. It's actually shortening the lifespans of the folks who work so hard to deliver nearly everything the country needs. According to the Center for Disease Control, the life span of the average truck driver is an alarming 16% less than the average American.
Given those grim sounding numbers, what's a truck driver to do? Most truckers can't go hit the gym for an hour every day, and thinking you have to live on a diet of "sticks and berries" is downright depressing. Fortunately, there's a solution. It just takes a little planning, a bit of education about nutrition and an adjustment or two.
A good way to help plan what you're going to eat when you're on the road is to think, "What can I bring from home?" or "What could I pick up at a grocery store that's good portable fuel?" There are a lot of healthy, tasty options such as small bags of nuts, raisins, granola and dark chocolate chips. It's also important not to eat snacks straight out of a big bag or box. You can eat your way through a thousand calories before you know it.
There are a lot of basic things you can bring along that are satisfying snack alternatives. Pack healthy options like whole grain bread, peanut butter, cheese sticks, carrots and easy to eat fresh fruit like apples and bananas. If you like fresh vegetables like peppers, celery and other high fiber veggies, they're great for satisfy the need to be chewing something without piling on the calories and sugar. If you have a mini-fridge in your truck or have room for a cooler, it opens up an entire world of health friendly foods you can take on the road.
Here are some easy guidelines to make healthy meal choices easier:
- Choose lean meats like skinless chicken breast and fish.
- Choose grilled or roasted, not battered or fried.
- Think salads. But, watch out for high-calorie and fat laden creamy dressings. Ask for the dressing on the side. It gives you control over amounts.
- Be aware of all those popular starches like white bread and dinner rolls, potatoes and white rice. They aren't friendly to your waistline and don't provide much in the way of nutrition besides carbs and calories.
- When you do eat carbs, think complex carbohydrates. Whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, brown rice and oatmeal are made from the whole grain kernel. They provide more nutrition and are higher in fiber. That's why they do a better job of satisfying your appetite.
- Learn to read labels. If it doesn't specifically say "whole grain" it probably isn't. Learn to read grams of fat and sodium and know what they mean.
That may seem like a lot to digest, no pun intended, but understanding more about the foods we eat will make it easier to be aware of what and how much we put in our mouth. That doesn't mean everyone has to become a nutritionist, but a little learning can go a long way.
Over-the-road truck drivers are what keeps this country supplied with just about everything we use. The country needs you and your families need you to be healthy and be around for a long time. So take care of yourself out there. You're worth it.

The Greatest Weight Loss Secret

What is the greatest weight loss secret? Is it lowering your food intake? Is it increasing your exercise? Is it a new magic pill or diet drink?
There is a fellow down the hall from my office. For several months now he has been trying to convince everyone he sees that this new magic, all-natural pill has helped him lose 30 pounds in less than 2 months. He claimed he has lost over 90 pounds total. What he fails to say is that over 60 of that came from lap-band surgery. Then he gained some of the weight back and now uses these pills to help him go on a starvation-like diet.
Another friend of mine and his wife are telling everyone that together they lost a combined 105 pounds in 3 months. He lost 55 and she lost 45. They found a doctor that gave them some kind of injection and they lived on a 500 calorie a day diet... another form of starvation.
Of course you don't have to watch much TV or listen to the radio very long before an advertisement for some new and miraculous cure for obesity comes on. The irony is that none of those magic ingredients are nearly as powerful as one simple reality:
What is the greatest secret to weight loss? It is this simple... "if you can see it you can be it"
Do you remember the old story about putting fleas in a jar? The story goes that if you put a bunch of fleas in a glass jar and screw the lid on they will start trying to jump out. Now, fleas are supposed to be extraordinary jumpers and could normally jump right out of the jar were it not for the lid. After a day or so, you can remove the lid and the fleas will jump but only to the top of the jar and not beyond. That's because they have become conditioned to only jump so high and, I suppose, prevent themselves from being injured by hitting the lid (which has now been removed).
We do that exact same thing. Over the years we have created imaginary barriers that we perceive to be limits to our success. Unfortunately, many of these barriers were put in place before we were 6 years old. But the point is, they are imaginary... not real. But, just like the fleas, we perceive them to be real and thus they limit our ability to move past them.
So, what does this have to do with your losing weight? It's everything! One of the most neglected elements in weight loss is actually seeing yourself at your ideal weight. When you can paint a mental picture of yourself at your ideal weight, you will have essentially won the battle.
Why do people buy magic pills and potions and spend millions of dollars on gimmicks to lose weight? It's because these things promise to break the barriers that are keeping you from losing. And, they work, at least temporarily. However, when you can break your own barriers when you remove you own "lid". You will reach your ideal weight, without the aid of pills and potions and can you can maintain it forever! See it, be it.
How do you paint the picture and destroy your mental barriers?
I am going to share a technique used by Natalie Ledwell as part of her MindMovies.
  1. You sit down in a comfortable place. You close your eyes and begin to take deep, relaxing breaths.

  2. Get as relaxed as you possibly can. Your arms and legs feel warm and a bit heavy.

  3. With your eyes still closed begin mentally counting backwards from 10 to 1. As you count down, feel yourself relaxing deeper with every number.

  4. Now, picture yourself in a beautiful place. Maybe on a beach or in a meadow. Wherever you can feel nature. You feel safe and totally at ease. You notice your surrounds. What are you hearing? What do you smell? Is it warm? Is there a breeze gently blowing? Just savor the peace and beauty of this place.

  5. Now as you are in your safe and beautiful place, imagine 2 pictures appearing in front of you. One is very large and positioned directly in front of you. The other is much smaller and positioned in the upper left hand corner of your view.

  6. Stare at the larger picture. It is you at your current weight. As hard as you try, you can't lose weight. You try to eat less. You try to exercise. You try to do all the right things but you are still heavy and can't seem to do anything about it. You are a failure. You feel all alone and not even worthy to be slender. Feel this pain. Feel this heartbreak. Face this picture head on.

  7. Now, notice the smaller picture. It is up in the left hand corner and much smaller than the one in front of you. But it's different. It is a picture of you and you are at your perfect weight. You are happy. You feel younger than you have in years. Your friends are showering you with compliments. You are active, doing the exciting things you have always wanted to do. You look incredible.

  8. Now, in an instant, switch the pictures with a snap. The picture of you at your ideal weight is now in front of you and the "old you" is in the background.

  9. The old picture keeps trying to come back and dominate your view but every time it does, snap it back so that the "new you" remains in front of you. Keep snapping the "new you" picture to the foreground until it is all that you are conscious of.

  10. This is you. Feel yourself smiling as you feel so alive and happy. It's a beautiful picture.

  11. With this picture firmly planted in your minds eye, start wiggling your toes and fingers. Bring yourself back to consciousness, alive and feeling refreshed.
Try spending 10 minutes a day painting your own mental picture of yourself at your dream weight. I think you will be very impressed with the result.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pectoral workouts

Pectoral workouts

Many weightlifters desire a defined chest. This involves josh peck weight loss strengthening the pectoralis major and minor muscles, as they are the large muscles that make up the chest. The pectoralis major aids in adducting the arms and moving them in front of the body and works with the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles to pull the trunk upward. Pectoral Workouts The pectoralis major extends across the width of the chest and attaches at the rear of the humerus bone. The pectoralis minor lies just beneath it and aids in pulling the shoulder down and forward. There are several exercises you can do to strengthen these josh peck weight loss muscles,Pectoral Workouts.

A pushup is one of the single best exercises to work the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Best of all, it doesn't require any equipment, just your own body weight. Begin with hands directly under your shoulders as you kneel withPectoral Workouts, your legs straight behind you. Push your body up, keep your back straight and slowly lower down to the mat, keeping your head neutral. As you lower, keep the arms at a 90-degree angle. Lower until you are hovering just above the mat and then push your body back up. Perform three sets of eight to 12 repetitions on non-consecutive days,Pectoral Workouts.

Dumbbell Flys
This move works the outer Pectoral Workouts pectoral josh peck weight loss muscles and requires two dumbbells. Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the bench. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand vertically above your shoulders. Slowly lower the dumbbells down to your sides, keeping your arms slightly bent, then lower your arms to shoulder level or just below. In a smooth, Pectoral Workouts,even movement, raise your arms back to the starting position, contracting your pectorals at the top. Perform three sets of eight to 12 repetitions on non-consecutive days.

Incline Bench Press
The incline bench press works the upper pectoral muscles near the collarbone. Begin by lying on an incline bench Pectoral Workouts set at 30 to 45 degrees with both feet flat on the floor. Grasp the barbell with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. Lower the bar until it is just above the chest, inhaling as you lower it. Exhale as you press the bar back to the starting position. Perform three josh peck weight loss sets of eight to 12 repetitions Pectoral Workouts on non-consecutive days.

Decline Bench Press
This move works the lower pectoral muscles. First,Pectoral Workouts  set the bench so it is in a decline position of 30 to 45 degrees. Grab two dumbbells or use a barbell. Raise the weight directly over your head, arms straight. Pectoral WorkoutsSlowly inhale, lowering the weight until it is just above the chest. Exhaling, press back up to the starting position. Perform three sets of eight to 12 repetitions on non-consecutive days.

Standing Cable Cross-Over
To work the inner pectorals, perform a standing cable cross-over. Pectoral Workouts Using a cable machine, stand in between the two cables. Grasp each cable so that your palms are facing toward the floor. Lower the handles toward each other until josh peck weight loss they cross. Keep the arms in a somewhat locked position and flex Pectoral Workouts the chest as the cables cross. Return to start and alternate which arms cross as you perform the rest of your repetitions. Perform three sets of eight to 12 repetitions on non-consecutive days.

i hope you enjoyed this article about "Pectoral Workouts"

want to see more articles about Pectoral Workouts

article source: http://bit.ly/18FRY36

Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Design a Successful Weight Loss Strategy

No matter how many pounds you wish to lose, weight loss can be stressful and disheartening if you don't understand the basics. Many people make the goal to slim down without knowing exactly how to proceed or the best strategies to utilize, and then they are disappointed when the weight loss doesn't happen as quickly as they'd hoped. However, by understanding a few simple concepts and implementing them into your daily life, you will be able to lose fat and add muscle tone in no time.
First, understand that slimming down doesn't happen overnight. It requires a great deal of hard work, effort, and dedication. Additionally, you will not always lose the pounds at a steady, consistent rate. You may backslide a bit at times because a busy and stressful week causes you to have to skip the gym, for example. Additionally, the more weight you lose, the more difficult it becomes to lose additional pounds. Finally, you will not always be able to consistently maintain healthy eating habits. Everyone gets occasional cravings and bends the rules of their diet, no matter how disciplined they are. The important thing is to understand this fact, accept it, and not get discouraged.
The second basic rule of weight loss is that you cannot simply change just one area of your life. The best strategy for slimming down is to do two things simultaneously: make healthy changes to your diet and begin an exercise regimen. Doing these two things simultaneously is the best way to get healthy and fit. Although appetite suppressants and vitamin supplements can play a role, there is simply no substitute for a healthy diet and workout regimen.
When it comes to dieting, an important thing to keep in mind is portion control. Some dieticians believe that you can eat anything you want, as long as you remember how much of it you should be eating. Obviously, you will be able to eat much more lettuce than chocolate when you are dieting. However, there is no reason to cut chocolate out completely. Having an occasional piece now and then will not cause you to gain back all the fat you've lost, and might be a good way to give yourself a reward for sticking to your diet.
Regarding exercise, there are three main things to remember. The first is to do as much as you are able. If you have never kept up a regular workout routine before, you will not be able to get on the treadmill and run five miles on your first day. You should do as much as you are able and slowly build up to longer, more intense workouts.
Second, adding variation into your workouts is important too. Running every day can get boring, and there are plenty of other ways to exercise. You should try new activities and add in other types of cardio as well. Finally, you should always stretch after a workout, otherwise your muscles will become tight and you may sustain an injury. If you can remember all these things, you will be on your way reaching your weight loss goals in no time.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

chicken for weight loss

chicken for weight loss

 Chicken For Weight Loss

Below are several tips to explain you how to prepare chicken for weight loss without losing the taste and texture of the meat. Chicken is full of protein and low in fat, which makes it the most effective choices for eating healthy and building lean muscle,chicken for weight loss.

1) Remove the skin

Chicken skin is normally used in fatty dishes to improve the taste and texture. Many chefs around the world use the chicken skin in dishes to bring out the taste of their sauces and creams. In case you are trying to lose weight, now is not the time to leave the skin on the chicken. If you are cooking a complete chicken, make sure you have remove the skin. In doing so, you will save yourself from extra calories and lots of fat,chicken for weight loss.

2) Remove the fat

Usually lean chicken breasts can contain fat along the sides. It is best to clean the fat by cutting it off and getting rid of it, especially if you are attempting to lose weight. You will not lose the taste of the meat, but will lose more calories that may convert to pounds if you decide to leave the fat on. The fat is easy to remove when the chicken is thaw.chicken for weight loss. It could be placed flat on a cutting board and trimmed off very easily with a sharp knife.

3) Grill the meat

Whenever you prepare chicken, or any meat, on the grill, excessive fat actually drips off. Any fat that missed during the cutting and preparing process gets removed while the meat grills. Grilling is the perfect method to cook chicken because of the health aspect.chicken for weight loss. A small fist-sized part of chicken breast is filling and full of protein, which makes it the perfect dish for losing weight. Grilled chicken could be sliced into pieces and added on salads or combined with black beans for a Mexican medley.

 Grilled chicken is extremely versatile and could be used in many dishes to help you lose weightchicken for weight loss.

4) Prepare in the oven

one of the most popular methods to prepare chicken for weight loss is to cook it in the oven. Chicken could be seasons with onion and garlic powders, dill or mustard and cooked in the oven for just 20 minutes.chicken for weight loss.

 Baking chicken eliminates the extra fat that missed during the preparation time. The chicken breast or legs could be cooked with various vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli, to make a complete meal. Include a piece of whole grain bread or a small part of steamed brown rice and you have yourself a proper and healthy meal suit for a weight loss king,chicken for weight loss.

5) Prepare chicken with olive oil

chicken for weight loss,if you want your chicken fried, but planning to lose weight in this process, it is best to use a little olive oil in the pan and avoid the Fry Daddy. Chicken pieces could be made very easily and healthily by cutting a chicken breast into small strips and placing them to a pan that has garlic, fresh onion and a tablespoon of extra pure olive oil.

chicken for weight loss could be fried until crispy or left moist and flavorful. The chicken will soak up some of the oil so even if cooked to a crisper texture, it will stay moist and tasty.

i hope you enjoyed with this article about "chicken for weight loss"

The Total Body Fat Melting Secret No One Talks About

When it comes to melting away your fat, you will run into a lot of different opinions on the matter. Simply search the online world and you will get hit with so many ideas that you may not know what to do in order to really get the results you want. The truth of the matter is that most people are only talking about doing one thing over the other to sell books, magazines, and videos. The secret that no one talks about is that you can easily sculpt your body, especially your abdominal area and burn pure fat cells by looking into a few lifestyle changes. If you can change the way you view your life, you can not only get a rock hard abdominal area, but you can easily look your best and gain more confidence while you're at it.
The starting line when dealing with getting fit is that of lifestyle change. You can't do the same things that you're doing right now and hope that you magically change your body shape and style. You have to put some work in, and if you simply look into this, you will gain serious definition. The work that you have to do should not scare you, as it is not a complicated matter, it's actually quite simple. It starts with looking into how you eat. Changing the way you eat is the first major thing that you have to do, or else you will not reap the rewards of working out. Adding a multivitamin as well as protein supplement can be helpful as well, but it's not necessary at first.
Once you start to look into lifestyle change and you stop eating terribly, you will want to work out with alternating days of focus. Start with cardiovascular exercise, running, jogging, and doing things that will get your heart racing. Do that on day one, and then switch to weight lifting on day two and so on. Remember, you are not a professional athlete, and if you aspire to be one, you will need to put in a lot of work to get there if you're not there already. To get rid of belly fat the right way, this has to be paramount, so don't skip out on this.
Once you start a good routine, you will want to look into options that will help you move forward with losing pure belly fat and getting six pack abs. This is done by focusing on training the abdominal area through crunches, sit ups, and abdominal focused training sessions. To ensure that this is going well, you will also need to add this to your daily routines, but not while you're at the gym or working out in general. Take time from your leisure, at home to do crunches, especially if you find yourself bored or with some down time. Take 10 to 15 minutes to do several sets, and do them day and night. The more time you put in, the better the results. The above add up quickly, so don't neglect to invest some time into managing the goal.

How To Keep Weight Off After Losing It

How to keep the weight off after losing it is a big problem for a lot of people.
This is most probably because they went on a quick weight loss diet. The problem is that it is not possible to keep a diet like this. Chances are they just found a diet that promised that you could lose weight quickly. These easy way to lose weight diets do not tell you that you will most probably put the weight back on just a quickly. The key to losing weight is to do it slowly.
The first thing you need to do is to eat breakfast every morning.
What is the healthiest breakfast?
It should consist of something like oat meal and fruit to give you the energy to start your day and keep you feeling full. Remember you are eating for your health. Make sure that the foods are low in sugar and fat. Eating breakfast to lose weight is one of the essential things for weight loss.
Next is your lunch time meal.
You should always be thinking about what you should eat to lose weight. Think of these before you decide what to eat for lunch to lose weight. Your lunch time meal should contain protein and carbohydrates. Good ideas for a lunch time meals are things like cottage cheese on whole meal bread with some sort of salad or fruit. When it comes to drinks think about green tea or if it is hot then go for something like fruit cordial. Under no circumstances have fruit juice or a carbonated drink. These contain large amounts of sugar that will cause you to put ON weight.
Next is your evening meal.
This should be something like chicken with vegetables. Make sure though that you do not add any sauces. These tend to be very high in calories but have no nutritional benefit. It is the sauces that tend to make people put on weight. Try and avoid having a desert unless it is a piece of fruit. Deserts also tend to be high in calories.
It is all these extra calories from foods that have no nutritional benefit that makes you slowly put on weight over a period of time.
Get into the healthy lifestyle and cut out any foods that are not beneficial to your health and you will learn how to keep the weight off after losing it.

How to Lose Weight and Have Your Food Too!

Sometimes it all gets too much for us. We look in the mirror and realise it is just not going to happen as we consider ourselves too fat to start on what we call an everyday diet. We love our food and hate exercise. What are the alternatives?
Diet Pills
There are many diet pills on the market today, all claiming to be the best and get quick results. Before reading their claims of losing 50 lbs. in a month, take note of the name of the diet pill and then Google it to find a forum where other overweight people have tried it and their thoughts and results. These people are passing on their knowledge to you and will not gain financially from their review. If the majority say it is working for them, ask them whether they are just taking the diet pill, or have reduced their food intake and started exercising as well. You need to know these facts before proceeding. You would be wise to ask if anyone has had any side effects or allergies from taking the pills. If you are obese, you need to gather all these facts and then visit your doctor and show him your results, as he will know whether these pills may conflict with diabetes or blood pressure medications you may be taking.
This is a common procedure for many obese people. You will need to get a Doctor's referral to a specialist to enable you to have this operation. They will counsel you to make sure you have tried other dietary methods first and whether you will be suitable for this operation. This usually results in a big weight loss.
Gastric Banding
Another operation to consider only if you have tried unsuccessfully with other diets as it is the most drastic of suggestions here. This also requires a specialist to see if you qualify for this operation and to explain what will happen after the operation. This operation reduces the size of your stomach by sectioning off part of it so you will no longer be able to have large meals. For a small time you will only be able to take liquid meals while your stomach adjusts. Consequently a large weight loss will be the result. This option requires a lot of thought.
Diet meals
A much kinder approach to weight loss and very easy, is to have a diet company deliver your meals to you. These meals add up to a specific daily calorie intake. The meals are all nutritionally prepared and labelled for you to enjoy. There is a great variety of choice of meals and plenty to eat. The reviews about this have been very positive and of course no surgery required.
These are some ways to help you on your way to the new slim you. Don't give up as you will find a solution.

Article source : http://goo.gl/qTAa3

Friday, July 12, 2013

Weight Loss: How To Eat Much More And Weigh Less

No, this is not a trick, it really can be done. It is definitely possible to lose weight without feeling hungry; the secret is to eat the right type of food.
There are some types of food which are really good at making you feel full without stacking up the calories - so you can eat more of these types of food without piling on the pounds. Some foods are so calorie laden that the smallest nibble can show on the weighing scales. It has been proved that we feel full because of the amount of food that we've eaten rather than the amount of calories that we've eaten, so by eating lots of food which is lower in calories it can help you to feel full without making you weigh more.
Now that I've got your attention take a look at the types of food which you can afford to pile on your plate without stretching your waistband;
*Fruit and vegetables - I bet you were expecting that weren't you? The problem with some fruit and vegetables is in the preparation, if you add fat or butter to your vegetables then they are not so waistline friendly. Raw fruits and veggies are brilliant, steaming is good - just don't add oil. Particularly great fruit and vegetables to include in your "eating more to weigh less" regime are spinach, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, berries, carrots - blueberry muffins are not good, not even the low- fat variety.
*Broths and soups - are a great opportunity to fill up your bowl without piling on the weight just so long as you steer clear of those which are cream based - mushroom bisque is not good, broth with lots of fresh veggies and a few herbs added for flavor are very good. I suppose the basic rule is to not add any cream.
*Whole grains - whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta are great for filling you up without making you gain weight. These have all of the goodness that nature intended them to have - flour which has been processed and bleached does not have the same benefits but can stack up the calories.
*Peas and beans - are a great addition to the menu if you want to eat plenty of delicious food and fill your stomach without gaining any extra weight. Black beans, green peas, kidney beans - add some to your vegetable broth for a little something extra - just don't add any cream.
*Lean meats and fish - there are loads of lean meats and fish which you can eat in large amounts without piling on the weight - again you've got to make sure that you prepare it properly. Chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish is great. Having said that a fried chicken wing is not good, a grilled chicken breast without the skin is fantastic.
So remember to include plenty of these low- calorie options into your daily diet, throw away the frying pan and steer clear of the cream aisle in the grocery store. That should really help you to lose weight without going hungry.

How to Make the Best of Obesity Treatments

Obesity is an important issue for people everywhere as more and more individuals are becoming overweight or obese and have to fight obesity effects on health. However, demanding a person with a very high body mass index to lose an important amount of weight and keep an ideal weight can be a bit farfetched. Obesity treatments are important and are developed now on a regular basis, but they have to be understood and applied so that individuals can benefit the most from them on the long run, and not only on short term.
Why small weight loss goals are better
One of the issues regarding obesity is that most diets are very demanding and very restrictive. There are many problems to be fought, such as low energy levels resulted from low calorie diets, temptations - that do exist everywhere around us - as well as health problems.
Instead of forcing a person that is overweight to stick with a very demanding plan without any chance of success, it is better to offer them smaller goals that can be achieved with greater ease.
According to specialists, even a weight loss of 5-10 pounds can contribute decisively to lowering the risks for developing many and varied health conditions associated with obesity.
Depression should be treated first
Obese people are often depressed, but they cannot undergo a weight loss program with great success, because the depression they suffer from prevents them from staying on track with their goals.
For this reason, specialists recommend depression to be treated first, before starting a weight control program. Even bariatric surgery is not recommended to depressed patients, because depression can seriously prevent them from respecting the dietary guidelines that must be followed to ensure losing weight.
Medication must be taken with diet and exercise
Many think that losing weight has a magical solution, such as taking pills, but this is a dangerous belief. In case weight loss medication is prescribed or purchased over the counter, it should only come as a supplement for exercising and diet efforts. Otherwise, the effects will be marginal at best, and those taking the pills may feel tempted to abuse them in hope that they will lose more weight.
Good habits
The role of any obesity treatment is to create good habits. These will ensure long term weight loss and they help an overweight or obese person become healthier and maintain in good health on the long run.

Try These Tips To Burn More Fat Per Week

From time to time I tend to receive emails from people asking how to lose weight in a week.
Typically because they want to lose weight for a wedding, a party or other special occasion.
But even though there are ways to lose weight quickly, our advice is always the same: if you want to lose weight and keep it, the best way is to lose weight at a pace you are comfortable with.
until you reach your goal. Here are some tips to lose weight in a week... and the next, and the next... until you reach your ideal weight.
Set realistic goals. It is important because this does not get discouraged after the first and second week of your diet, It's unrealistic to lose them all in a few days. A realistic goal (depending on initial weight) is to lose 5-10 pounds per month, ie 1-2 pounds / week.
Decide how many calories you take every day to achieve your goal. Again, it is important to be realistic and take at least 1200 calories each day. If you eat fewer calories, you will lose muscle as well as fat.
Divide the calories in various foods (at least 3, and if your lifestyle allows, up to 5), trying to consume more or less the same calories at each meal.
Design your own meal plan, opting for fresh foods low in fat. Include large food groups: meat (fat) and fish, legumes, fruit and vegetables, and dairy products (skim). If it comes to the number of calories, you can add some cereal or nuts at each meal.
Avoid dietary meals or pre-prepared ones, because these elaborate meals are not as healthy as fresh food. Choose seasonal produce as far as possible and also use foods containing negative calories.
Use healthy cooking methods (steamed, grilled, baked) that do not require the use of oils. It is not necessary (nor desirable) to eliminate all fat from your diet. Calculate a tablespoon of oil a day, and do not forget to add the calories that this means to your daily total.
Serve controlled portions, at every meal, getting used to measure or weigh the quantities of meat, grains, legumes, fruit and vegetables every time. If you achieve some discipline in this regard, it will be easier to be disciplined also during the day.
Avoid desserts, biscuits and sweets because they only provide calories without much nutritional benefit. Also check the sugar and alcohol consumption, as they also provide calories to your diet but little nutrition
Also try to eat foods that help in burning more fat as they contain certain chemicals that helps speed up the process.
Eat apples
Apples contain a chemical called pectin. Pectin limits the amount of fat the cells can absorb.
This will put a limitation on the amount of fat that the cells can absorb. Pectin, once in the system, have a water retaining property, which absorbs aqueous substances, and these substances causes to release fat deposits.
This chemical is found in most berries and fruits. Pectin is found in the cell wall of most fruits, especially apples.
Contains soy lecithin, this chemical substance will create a shield that will protect your cells from accumulating fat. It also helps to free more easily fat deposits in your body.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, limes contain high concentrations of Vitamin C (this is also known as ascorbic acid).
This vitamin has the ability to burn fat.
Garlic has a protective ability of the cells that contribute to reduce fatty deposits. It also has an antibiotic property and can be used to cure many diseases.
Also available is a list of negative calorie foods that have such few calories that the metabolism spends far more calories in digestion than the food itself.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

7 Ways To Stay Motivated While Dieting

Diet is a dirty word for most people. Many people start a diet only to quit after just a few days or maybe a few weeks. Staying motivated to diet is difficult as you think that eating that one cookie is fine until you slip up and then become derailed both physically and mentally.
If you are truly ready to start a diet and are looking for ways to stay motivated here are seven things that you can do in order to make sure your diet is a success.
1. Set Goals that are Realistic
The most important thing that you need to do when starting a diet is to make sure that the goals that you set are realistic. If you set your goal to lose 30 pounds within a month or two, you are setting yourself up for failure. You are going to be more successful with a diet if you focus on your health and create eating strategies that are sensible.
2. Go Slow
Making changes to your lifestyle is difficult and you want to make sure that you give yourself time to adjust. Start out slowly. Consider cutting out just 200 calories per day from your diet. If you do this you will lose between one and two pounds a week, which is a healthy weight loss that can be sustained over time.
3. Expect Set backs
Remember, at some point you are going to give in to your temptations. Allow for this. Treating yourself to a hot fudge sundae or other favorite desert every once in a while is okay. Remember, dieting is about moderation - one slip up does not mean that you have failed.
4. Remember You Are Not Perfect
So, you had a rough morning and then you eat a pint of ice cream for lunch. An indulgence is just an indulgence and you need to move on from it. One of the biggest problems that people have is thinking that the only way they are going to succeed is if they stick to their diet perfectly. They think that making a mistake means that they have failed and this causes them to give up entirely. The bottom line is when you screw up, forget about it and remember tomorrow is a new day.
5. Find a Friend
The people that succeed at losing weight almost always have a partner. If you are married try to get your spouse on board with you. Find a friend to help motivate you to stay on track. If no one in your life is currently ready to start a healthier lifestyle consider one of the many online programs that are available. These sites will provide you with support from outsiders that are on the same mission as you are. When you have a bad day you record it and the group will help you move on from it.
6. Reward Yourself
Going on a diet is hard and it is not always all that fun. A small reward can be a great incentive to keep going. Do not use food as a reward though. Consider a massage after losing five pounds or something else that you enjoy. Perhaps you want a night out with some friends or a great new pair of jeans. Celebrating your achievements throughout the process can be a great way to help you stay on track.
7. Create a Maintenance Plan
For most people, losing weight is the easy part it is keeping the weight off that is difficult. The most important thing to remember is that healthy eating should be a life-long goal and not just a one-time project to meet your goals. If losing weight and keeping it off has been a problem in the past make sure to devise a maintenance plan before you start. Sometimes consulting an expert is the best way to create a diet and exercise plan that will work for you.

Summer Recipes for Kids

Summer is the time when the kids are at home and when the mothers have to rack their brains to feed them with sumptuous food. The growing up kids are always hungry and pine for good and delicious food. Here are a few recipes that you can make for your kids to satiate their hunger and keep their energy going this summer.
Fresh Peach Cobbler
  1. 1/4 cup sugar
  2. 6 large peaches, cut in thin slices
  3. 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  4. 1 tsp cornstarch
Biscuit Topping
  1. 1/2 cup sugar
  2. 1 cup flour
  3. 1/2 tsp salt
  4. 3/8 cup butter, cut into pieces
  5. 1 tsp baking powder
  6. 1/4 cup boiling water
Preheat the oven to 190 degree Celsius. In a baking dish, mix the sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch and peaches. In bowl, sieve flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Rub in the butter to make the mixture resembles a coarse meal. Now blend well with boiling water to make a batter like consistency. Pour this into a baking dish and top with peaches. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or till the top is golden brown.
Margarita Chicken
The chicken is wonderful served hot off the grill, but it also tastes great cold or at room temperature. Serve it sliced and tossed into a salad of mixed baby lettuces. This dish is liked by both kids and adults and is great dish for summer entertaining.
  1. 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
  2. Fresh lime juice, from about 4 limes
  3. Zest from one lime
  4. 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
  5. 2 cloves garlic, mashed
  6. 1 teaspoon chili powder
  7. Salt and pepper as per your taste
  8. 1/4 cup olive oil
Place all ingredients in a large zip top plastic bag. Squish to combine. Add chicken, seal bag, and turn to coat. Refrigerate for one hour or overnight.Coat grill pan with cooking spray. Heat pan to medium-high. Cook chicken for 4-5 minutes on each side, turning breast a quarter turn after two minutes if cross hatch marks are desired. Serve immediately with a mayonnaise dip or salad.
Chicken and Salad Wraps
A very easy dish that you can fix up in a jiffy with left over chicken. You can also fill your picnic basket with this summer recipe when you take kids out for a field trip.
  1. 200g shaved chicken breast
  2. 4 wholegrain wraps
  3. 1 large carrot, peeled, grated
  4. 60g baby spinach
  5. 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  6. 1 tablespoon whole-egg mayonnaise
In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, avocado and lemon juice. On your chopping board, place one of the wraps, spread the avocado mixture. Next top it with the shredded chicken, carrot and spinach. Season with salt and pepper.Gently roll the wrap to enclose the filling. Cut into three pieces. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining wraps.
This would make a great lunch time snack for kids during summer season.

Weight Loss For Summer

Weight loss and summer seem to go hand in hand. Summer time is the time when people are headed towards the beaches and show of their well toned bodies, while soaking in the sun's rays. It is also perhaps the best time to get started when it comes to weight loss. There are several tips that you could follow when it comes to weight loss for summer.
For one you must begin almost immediately, as soon as the summer arrives. There is no point in waiting when it comes to weight loss for summer. You can for instance always join a neighborhood gym. In today's modern world, almost every neighborhood has a modern gym. Even if a gym were to be a bit far away from your home, you can always take up walking or cycling your way to the gym. This in itself would be a great way to loose weight.
You must also take care of what you eat during summer. You must for instance cut back on certain things that you know are not good for your weight problem. It does not mean that you should starve yourself. You need to avoid certain type of food items and instead substitute them with healthy food. Taking lots of fiber is the way to go. Go for plenty of servings of fruits and vegetables as part of your diet. Lean meat is also a must if weight loss for summer is your goal. Such a balanced diet would provide you with all the essential nutrients, while at the same time making you feel full and satisfying your hunger pangs.
Taking plenty of fluids is also an important part of a weight loss for summer program. You should drink plenty of water which will help you prevent dehydration. The body is known to loose water quickly during summers through sweat and it is therefore important that you constantly replenish your body with sufficient amounts of water from time to time.
Patience is one of the biggest factors that you will need in order to stick on to a weight loss for summer program. Remember overnight results are not possible when it comes to losing weight. You will therefore need to be patient and stick on to a regulated diet and exercise program. Whatever may be the fitness regimen that you have chosen, whether it is weight training or aerobics, jogging or simple walking, you must make a firm commitment that you would stick on to it, till you achieve your weight loss for summer goals.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Herbed Chicken Nuggets


·         4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts  
·      - 2 eggs, beaten
·      - 1 tablespoon water
·      - 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
·      - 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
·      - 1 pinch crushed red pepper flakes
·      - 1/2 cup dried bread crumbs, seasoned
·      - 1/2 cup wheat germ
·      - 1 teaspoon dried basil
·      - 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
·      - 1 tablespoon vegetable oil


1.          1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking 
2.      2.Trim any fat from chicken and cut into 1 inch cubes.
3.      3.In a bowl beat the eggs with the water and add the chicken.
4.      4.Combine the parsley, thyme, red pepper, bread crumbs, wheat germ, basil and ground pepper. 
           Stir in the oil with a fork and mix well to distribute evenly. Pour seasoning mixture into a resealable plastic bag 
           and the chicken pieces to coat.
5.      5.Place coated chicken pieces on the prepared baking sheet and bake at 425 degrees F (220 
         degrees C) for 10 minutes, turn the pieces and cook for an additional 5 minutes.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

apple juice recipe

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If you are looking for the perfect fruit to use in your juice recipes, look no further than the humble apple,apple juice recipe.

It is autumn (fall) in my part of the world, and we are surrounded by apple orchards. The gnarled and twisting trees are laden with beautiful,apple juice recipe, firm pink and emerald apples.

Kent (in South Eastern England) has traditionally been known for its apple and hop production. Its abundance of hop gardens and orchards has given this region the name "Garden of England". However, as cheaper produce from elsewhere has gradually eroded local apple farming, many of the orchards now lie untended, un-pruned, unpicked,apple juice recipe, yet still productive.

So, with the permission of the local farmer, the fruit is there for the taking. I have racks of apples in my garage, which will last all winter if turned and aired properly. My only competition are the herds of semi-wild horses which graze between the ancient trees and for which fallen apples are delicious fodder,apple juice recipe.

So, what to do with all these apples? One solution is to juice them, combining them with other fruit and vegetables to make a nutritious,apple juice recipe, health-enhancing drink.

Even if you haven't got access to free local apples, they are inexpensive and extremely good value from a nutritional point of view. Apple juice is also perhaps the only fruit juice that combines well with vegetable juices whilst sweetening them and making them more palatable,apple juice recipe.

Here are some secrets for making the most out of this wonderful fruit:

1. Apples are often heavily sprayed, as they are susceptible to many pests and diseases"apple juice recipe". So buy organic whenever you can, or grow / pick your own.

2. Depending on where you live, and your own personal taste, there are many varieties of apple suitable for juicing. Do a little research to find an apple which produces a good, sweet juice. Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji and Pink Lady are amongst the best varieties for juicing. Try blending them together.(apple juice recipe).

3. Buy local. In our local supermarket (part of a large national chain), 12 varieties of apples are offered for sale, less than half of which are from the United Kingdom. The remainder come from as far afield as New Zealand, Chile and South Africa. Just think of the environmental (not to mention dollar)apple juice recipe, cost of transporting all those apples across the world.

4. Supermarkets tend to be the most expensive place to buy apples. This is because of the cost of grading, labelling, and packaging that is required by most supermarket chains. Instead,apple juice recipe, buy direct from farmers, farmers' markets or independent greengrocers.

5. Add lemon juice as a time-tested antidote to avoid juice darkening if not drunk immediately.

6. How do you tell if an apple is ripe? If the apples are bought from a store, make sure they are firm and crisp and free of blemishes or bruising. If you are taking them from the tree, they will fall when ripe. But don't leave them on the ground for long - apples rot very quickly.apple juice recipe.

7. Apple pips contain a very small amount of cyanide. It would take a lot of pips to do you any harm, but you may wish to remove them before juicing, especially if you are preparing juice for children;apple juice recipe.

8. Apple juice contains many nutrients, including vitamins A, C and K. Apples are also rich in the minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, iron, zinc and phosphorus, as well as powerful antioxidant phytochemical flavonoids and phenolic acid.

9. Nearly half the vitamin C in an apple is contained in its skin. So don't peel your apples before juicing!

10. Apples contain malic acid which can reduce the muscle pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia.

11. Apple pectin (present in cloudy, unstrained apple juice) can lower cholesterol and reduce colon cancer risks. It is also efficient at chelation (removal) of toxic metals such as lead, mercury and aluminum from the blood stream,apple juice recipe.

12. Apple juice tastes wonderful with a small amount of lemon and ginger juices.

13. Apple juice mixes well with broccoli, spinach, carrot, cucumber, beet, berry, Swiss chard and lettuce juices,apple juice recipe.

14. Fresh apple juice can be made into homemade apple cider vinegar.

15. Centrifugal, masticating and gear juicers all work well extracting apple juice. However, if using a centrifugal juicer add lemon to reduce oxidation;apple juice recipe.

Here are a couple of apple juice recipes to get you started:

apple juice recipe

Apple and Carrot Zinger

1 x apple 
4 x medium carrots 
1" ginger

Wash and core the apple and chop into pieces that will fit in your juicer. Wash and top the carrots. Peel the ginger. Juice and enjoy with apple juice recipe.

Green Supreme 
1 x apples 
1 x handful of spinach 
1 x handful of kale 
1 x handful of parsley

Wash the greens thoroughly, juice and enjoy with apple juice recipe.

Meal In A Glass(apple juice recipe)

½ x pineapple 
3 x apples 
½ x cucumber 
2 x sticks of celery 
1 x handful kale 
1 x avocado

A really delicious meal replacement juice. Peel the pineapple. Carefully wash the apples, cucumber, celery and kale. Chop all above ingredients into chunks that fit into your juicer. Juice.

Pour juice into a blender and combine with the flesh of the avocado (tossing away the pit and skin) and some ice. Blend until smooth and drink within an hour,apple juice recipe.

i hope you enjoyed with this article about "apple juice recipe"