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Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Health Benefits of Honey

1. The flavour, colour and texture vary depending on the nectar from which it was made. The less processed the honey, the more nutrients it contains. It can be used in a variety of foods and drinks instead of sugar, but raw honey has the most health benefits.
2. Raw honey straight from the comb contains traces of propolis--the substance bees use to seal the hive and protect it from harmful micro-organisms. Other so-called phytonutrients found in raw honey have been shown to help prevent colon cancer, and help internal ulcers to heal.
3. A regular intake of honey is known to be beneficial for general well-being, and an aid to digestion.
4. Honey has been shown to improve athletic performance, not only as a source of carbohydrate. This secret was even known by the ancient Olympians. It helps maintain blood-sugar, which in turn keeps energy consistent and aids muscle recovery.
5. Honey would be quite at home in your medicine cabinet. It has been used as early as 700 BC to aid healing, and was an ingredient in over 900 Ancient Egyptian remedies. Used topically it helps to ward off infection and soothes inflammation. Honey's healing properties have been shown even to speed up the healing of serious wounds caused by first-degree burns and surgical operations.
6. Taken internally its anti-viral properties help support the immune system, warding off colds and flu.
7. Its anti-bacterial properties have proven it superior to certain widely-used anti-biotics in treating infection.
8. Its anti-fungal properties are even thought to inhibit Candida Albicans, and encourage the growth of healthy flora in the gut.
9. Honey, especially dark honey, is rich in antioxidants, helping to combat free-radicals, thus improving cell and organ function.
10. Eating honey made nearby may help reduce seasonal allergies, as it contains local pollen.
11. Honey is a healthy alternative to sugar. In diabetes patients it has been shown to cause a lower rise in blood sugar than refined sugar. It also reduces cholesterol.
12. Honey is a source of vitamin B2 (good for hair and nail growth, eyesight, and processing of food), vitamin B6 (good for skin, nerves and absorption of nutrients), iron (transports oxygen in the blood) and manganese (promotes enzyme function and muscle function).
13. Honey should be stored in an air-tight container. If it is kept away from moisture it keeps almost indefinitely, in fact it is possibly the only food that does not spoil. Archaeologists in Egypt tasted honey sealed in the tombs of the ancient pharoahs and found it to be still edible!

Healthy Food Tips For Weight Loss

Many people want to lose weight in a healthy way by eating healthy foods. The unfortunate thing is many of them don't know the healthy foods that they should eat. If you would like to lose weight by eating healthy foods, here are tips that you should consider.
Stay away from processed foods
These are the foods that you find in supermarkets, malls, and other food stores. These foods tend to have high calorie levels which increase your weight. Many people tend to read through the labels with the hope of finding the healthiest foods in the market.
While there are some processed foods that contain a higher nutritional value, on average all processed foods are bad and you should stay away from them.
In addition to having high calorie levels, research has shown that most of the foods also contain unnatural additives that put you at risk of developing stroke, cancer, and many other diseases.
Instead of consuming processed foods, you should consume whole meals. You should also eat foods rich in lean proteins, vitamins, and other macro and micro nutrients.
You shouldn't completely eliminated saturated fats from your diet
Many people are scared of eating saturated fats because they deem them unhealthy as they put one at risk of developing high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Although, experts discourage consumption of high levels of saturated fats, you should not completely eliminate them from your diet. This is because research has shown that saturated fats play a vital role in the manufacture of amino acids and other immune factors in the body.
This means that it won't be a crime to consume some saturated fats from time to time. For example, you can eat a small amount of red meat at least once a week.
Drink plenty of water
In addition to eating healthy foods, you should also drink plenty of water. Water has been shown to play a vital role of increasing the rate of metabolism. When the rate of metabolism is high, you tend to easily lose weight. In addition to increasing the rate of metabolism, water also keeps your hydrated.
These are the tips that you should put into consideration when picking healthy foods to lose weight. In addition to eating healthy foods, you should also engage in exercises.
To be on the safe side, you should engage in both cardio and muscle training exercises. To do the exercises, you can join a gym or you can buy gym equipment and practice at home.

Workout Programs For Men

Workout Programs For Men
Cut the bullshit and follow carefully perfected steps to reach a new, ripped you! Everything you need to know from nutrition to the best supplements is included. You have to be mindful of 4 things when building muscle: Your calorie intake (how much food your consuming), the exercises you are doing (are you targeting every area of the muscle?), your workout routine (when to work each muscle group), and the mentality you have when you train in the gym.
Best Workout Programs For Men Method
Your calorie intake has to be centered around not only your body type, but the type of activities your partake in and your training intensity. I personally am naturally very skinny. Because of this I have to consume a lot of calories in order to grow and put on muscle mass. In general, skinny guys obviously need to eat more than bigger guys. Use this to your advantage by tailoring your calorie intake to fit your needs. If you are bulking, you should aim for gaining one pound per week; if you are cutting, aim for losing one pound a week. Tweak your diet to find what works best for you!
The exercises in workout programs for men matter!
You have to learn to target each muscle group in a different way in order to make extremely lean gains and overall body symmetry. For example, if you are training legs, you need to stimulate not only your quads, but your glutes, hamstrings, and calves as well. You can do this through knowing which exercises to perform, the rep range to use, and in what order. A typical leg day of workout programs for men looks like this:
1. Warm-up on elliptical (it is very important to warm up your joints before heavy lifting)
2. Leg extensions 3×12 (helps to warm up your knees; I noticed that when I started doing these at the beginning of leg day, my knee pain diminished)
3. Squats 3×5 2×12 (this is the very core of your leg routine; both low-volume, high-intensity and high-volume, low intensity are utilized to build strength and also size through achieving hypertrophy (muscle size growth).
4. Barbell Lunges 3×10 (these are great for your glutes and how they tie in)
5. Leg press 3×12 (perfect for your outer quad sweep; place your feet close together)
6. Leg curl 3×15 (really targets the hamstrings; use slow, controlled motions to really contract and stretch your hams)
7. Stiff-legged deadlift 3×8 (this movement is designed to build massive hamstrings that make your legs look amazing from the back and side)
8. Calf-raises 3×30 (calves respond best to high volume so 30 reps/set is a good way to get them to explode!)
Best Workout Programs For Men and what schedule works best
If you are a beginner, it is best if you focus on core, compound movements such as squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press. It is also optimal for you to train only 3 days a week and to limit your training sessions. Beginner workout programs for men for chest would look something like this:
1. Bench Press 3×5
2. Incline dumbbell chest fly 3×12
3. Dips 3×5
You will notice that there is very little volume. A beginner will grow best on a low volume routine when nutrition and rest is being taken care of. When you can stop adding weight to your lifts each workout, you know it is time to add more volume- you are now considered intermediate!
Mentality one must have using workout programs for men
When training, your mind must be in alignment with your body. You have to learn to listen to your body so that you can accommodate its needs and grow lean muscle mass. This includes building a proper rest schedule that is flexible. An intermediate routine could look like this:
Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Shoulders and Traps
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Rest
and repeat!