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Monday, June 3, 2013

How to practice Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss ?

How to practice Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss ?

If you are looking for a holistic approach to losing weight, you should learn about yoga asanas for weight loss. Yoga is also an excellent way to restore the natural balance, well-being and reduce daily stress.

Yoga uses controlled asanas and focus your body and mind breathing. By controlling the breath and relax your mind and body to increase insulin sensitivity directly burn the stored fat in the body.

The food you eat is turned into fuel to be burned as fuel rather than stored as fat. Couple Yoga with a healthy diet and you will burn calories all day.

Think of your body as a car. What happens when you run out of fuel. Come to a complete stop. Keeping the gas in your tank and increase muscle mass in your body to burn fat throughout the day and night.

Change your lifestyle and eating habits and add yoga postures for losing weight in a very short time you will notice that the weight comes off.

Another great advantage of doing yoga to lose weight is that yoga is physical, but low impact. What this means is that anyone can do it, young or old. Here are some of the best yoga poses for weight loss:

Sit / Easy Position - Sukhasana

What it does: a starting position focuses on breath awareness and helps to strengthen the lower back and open the groin and hips.

Sit cross-legged with hands on knees. Concentrate on your breathing. Keep your right and push the bones sit in the back ground. Keep your knees slightly lower. If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion or block. This will help support your back and hips. Breathe slowly and deeply 5-10. In the next breath, raise your arms above your head. Exhale and bring your arms down slowly. Repeat 5-7 times.

Forward flexion or extension - Uttanasana II

What it does stretch the legs and spine, rests the heart and neck, relaxes the body and mind

Begin standing straight in Mountain pose or Tadasana. Inhale and raise your arms above. Exhale, bend at the hips, bring the arms forward and down until it touches the ground. It's good to bend your knees, especially if you feel stiff. Or enter your ankles or just leave your hands on the floor and breathe several times.

Repeat 3-5 times. In his last turn, hold the position for 5 to 10 breaths. To exit the pose, bend upward as if pulling one vertebra at a time, piling on top of each other and leaving the head down to the end.

Do not forget to concentrate and focus on how yoga postures feel. Pain or no pain, this is the first step to experience positive changes in your life.

Feel the movement is performed. Listen to your body will tell you everything.

Be strong, but do not hurt you. Be aware of the muscles you use to perform the asanas. Do not overwork. Listen to what your body is telling you.

Rest! This is a very important step. If you do not let your body can not recover, and that's when you get hurt.

Love you! It is a process and not an overnight cure. Each day you will feel stronger and more focused on achieving your goal the best of you.

Yoga can be done by everyone, regardless of age. It will develop patience, discipline and internal focusing. By changing your body and mind!
If you want to know more about  yoga benefits for weight loss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxxVGCwZkms , and lose weight naturally and holistically.