what do you think about these solutions..?

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Drinks to Lose Weight

Three Easy Drinks You Can Use To Lose Weight
Water is the number one diet enhancing drink to lose weight. Having a glass of water when you wake stimulates the internal organs. Water aids in digestion which is important for the body as poor digestion keeps nutrients from being absorbed.The body, cannot "get enough to eat" as the nutrients pass through the system without benefiting the body. If your body does not get enough nutrition from your food it may begin hoarding calories despite your interest in weight loss. Therefore drink plenty of water, but for this conversation we are saying drink water immediately after waking for best results. You should drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day. For men 3.5 liters approximately and for women, 2.2 liters a day.
Green Tea

I went on a six month trip during the eighties leaving behind a jolly fellow who owned the local fast food slash gas station. This fellow weighed around 300 pounds and was about 5'6" tall. Upon my return I found a man who weighed 160 pounds. Of course I asked how he had done it, to which he replied "green tea". My friend explained that he drank nothing but green tea, and a lot of it, around 4 liters a day and that the weight had just melted away. I'm not saying that you have to drink that much, but start drinking green tea daily until it is habit.
Green tea holds a variety of benefits including increasing metabolism and causing or at least aiding in weight loss. If that were not enough you should know that evidence suggest green tea positively impacts or helps prevent diabetes by regulating glucose.
Heart disease by positively impacting the lining of blood vessels. Green tea is widely thought to kill cancer cells, to help lower cholesterol levels, green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's studies showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells. Tooth decay was shown to be slowed because of the chemical antioxidant "catechin" in tea which can destroy bacteria. Blood pressure can be improved as green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Depression is helped by theanine an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents. So drink your tea, for weight loss and to be as healthy as you can be.
Healthy Fruit Smoothie
Healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss are readily available and you can exchange a breakfast or lunch with a fruit smoothie quickly and easily. Fruit smoothies carry all of the nutrients of raw fruit and vegetables since seeds and skin are consumed with the fruit. Using a blender you can make any variety of fruit and vegetable drink that is nutritious, packed with fiber and refreshing. By using a healthy smoothie recipe for weight loss as a meal replacement you will find that a habit is formed over time. Changed habits equal changed lifestyle equal changed body and health.
Putting It Together
You have just read a three step plan for diet and lifestyle change that if followed will make it easy to shed the pounds and maintain the weight you like. Because it is easy to drink water in the mourning before you do anything else you can make it a habit. If you keep green tea handy or make the decision to order it when eating out you will begin to make a lifestyle change forever altering your physical and even your mental health. Once you start replacing a meal or two a week and then a meal a day with a healthy nutrient and fiber rich smoothie you will be seeing great results, have higher energy and achieve the lifestyle you're looking for.

How to Lose Weight While Quitting Smoking

Weight gain is one reason why most smokers are afraid to quit. They believe that once they stop their vice, their bodies' metabolism will change significantly and it will store fat rather than utilizing it. Although this is not scientifically proven and although most smokers who stopped didn't gain weight, there are some quitters who do gained weight after they quit. So if you want to quit smoking and not gain any additional weight, this article is for you.
This may astound you but the reality is, you should not gain any extra fats when you quit smoking. Why? Fats come from the food that you eat and quitting will not do any major change in your body's metabolism. There are two major reasons why this myth came to be; fist, smokers are just making up this excuse in order to protect their addiction. Secondly, smokers intentionally or unintentionally develop bad eating habits while during the withdrawal stage.
Defending one's addiction by giving all sorts of excuses like gaining weight is but normal. The addict by all means will try to justify his vice and this is the reason why quitting has become difficult. The smoker must learn to change his mind set about smoking. On the other hand, the second reason stated above is the real reason why people add weight as soon as they stop smoking.
In order to make the quitter's life easy during the withdrawal stage, they keep their mouth busy by eating all sorts of things especially junk foods. As the ex-smoker's taste buds have improved and so does the taste of the food that he is eating.
Sooner than he or she thinks, a deadly habit is about to replace the old one which is unhealthy eating habit and could give detrimental effects on the ex-smoker's body. Soon they will blame their quitting as the main reason why they became obese or fat. Again they will try to protect their newly developed bad habit that is causing them to be overweight.
Now that we know the facts, it's very simple to lose weight while you are quitting smoking. Instead of making your mouth busy with food, why not make it busy by chewing a gum instead. Drinking water is also an excellent idea to ward of cravings or urges during the withdrawal stage. The important thing is to avoid eating unhealthy meals or junk foods. So instead of munching a bag of chips why not try eating a bag of young fresh carrots?
Quitting your addiction to nicotine entails a lot of discipline, commitment and motivation. The percentage of successful quitters is very low compared to those that fail. So if you want to quit successfully, you should start your quitting correctly from the start. You should not replace your smoking habit with another destructive habit like unhealthy eating practices.
You should do your best to find a positive habit that will replace the old one. And once you have successfully endured the withdrawal stage, not only have you quit smoking but you also have successfully controlled your weight and maintained a healthy life.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3 Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

With so much information readily available on weight loss, it's surprising just how many people constantly fall into the trap of making the same diet mistakes over and over again. I'm not referring to the times when you've secretly wolfed down a gut busting slice of cake. I'm on about those really BIG mistakes! The ones that continually lead you on a downward spiral when it comes to shifting the weight. A good understanding of the potential dieting pitfalls will help you to avoid these and assist you on your journey to permanent weight loss.
1. Obsession with Diet Perfection
You say to yourself 'what's the point of going on a diet half-heartedly' and then proceed with the toughest diet plan known to man. You strip your cupboards, casting out all the foods which will thwart your efforts to lose weight. You mean business this time. Does this kind of all or nothing approach actually work? Possibly! For the first day, maybe the first week or even perhaps for the first few weeks. However, it's inevitable that you will come across a time where for one reason or another you're not going to be able to resist temptation. Instant game over! You've cheated your diet once, so what's the point of carrying on? And so you give up. You go back to refilling your cupboards with replacement food. Any weight you did manage to lose, goes straight back on, as quickly as you had lost it. Ring any bells? Perhaps it's time to be completely honest about whether you are ready to lose weight. You do not need to be so strict with yourself. Make small alterations in your diet to start with. Achieve balanced weight loss, with a diet program you know you will be able to follow. You could even bolster your weight reducing efforts by introducing a slimming pill supplement to your plan.
2. Take Control of Your Diet
Dieting doesn't have to be a huge sacrifice. By completely keeping clear of all the foods you used to enjoy you will only make the cravings for them more intense. You will feel miserable for wanting them in the first place. Also, what do you think will happen the moment you reach your ideal weight? It's a one way ticket back to that old see food diet. Having neglected to re-train your brain to exercise restraint with regards to your favourite foods, your primal instincts WILL quickly start to take over. The moment you reach for that cream filled pastry, things are going to get ugly. So what to do? Be kind to yourself. It's alright to have a little non-diet food in your plan once in a while. Learn to enjoy such treats in small measures and you will control your food urges.
3. Setting Yourself Up For a Very Big Fall
How many people take the time to set actual goals for losing weight? Few people do. Whilst this may be alright for those individuals who only want or need to lose a couple of lbs, for larger weight loss goals it's highly recommended that you commit your action plans to paper. Having clear, manageable objectives which are tangible will help you greatly. So put pen to paper and record your long-term weight loss goals. Include a weekly breakdown of how much weight you plan to lose. For example, it could be that you want to lose a couple of lbs every week for 10 weeks. Whatever you do don't agonize over the above mistakes. We're human,we've all been there I'm sure. Just learn from them and move on. Bear in mind the only way to lose weight permanently is to really centre on becoming healthier as a whole. Some days you will consume more food than others, but take delight in eating moderately and you will have a fighting chance of ending your diet mistakes for good.

Choosing the Right Fitness Workout for You

Every year people make plans to loose weight, eat right and exercise. Invariably it fails without even reaching half way through the goal set. Did you ever wonder why or wonder what you can do to ensure that this year your diet and fitness workout will deliver results? Here are a few basis rules, tips and suggestions that will help you achieve your weight loss goal and maintain it also. A few things you should take in consideration when choosing your fitness workout are: your weight, height and present state of health. These three factors will determine what fitness workout approach is right for you. To help you, you can consult a fitness instructor or your doctor to examine and suggest the right workout for you.
The Right Approach to Ensure You Follow Your Fitness Workout
Set a fitness workout schedule that is achievable. Choose one that you will enjoy rather than one you might start to hate as the time approaches to begin. It is important that you don't get exhausted or strain your body while trying to achieve desired results. Remember that weight loss and shaping your body will occur over time and not in one day. Concentrate on keeping your workout schedule as planned rather then overdoing it and injuring yourself in the process. If you are going to a gym start with working out three times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. If you are walking outdoors you can keep your exercise to 30 minutes a day. This will show tremendous results faster then you can imagine.
Complement Your Fitness Workout
We all know that eating right and exercising go hand in hand. Therefore you must also try and maintain a balanced diet that will enhance your workout. Just because you are exercising does not mean you can go ahead and eat all the junk food you want. Eating extra calories and fat will still add weight on and you will end up being frustrated because you will not see any results from your fitness workout.
As stated previously, set achievable goals. Don't starve yourself. You can just make small and significant changes. Each person's diet must be worked out according to the same specifics that your fitness workout is determined, that is by your weight, height and present state of health. Take in consideration what your diet is at present to work out the right diet for you. Cutting your diet too sharp may have adverse effects on your body and fitness workout as well.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How To Lose Weight The Healthy Way

Weight loss can be a difficult project for anyone. Either you will be very anxious and conquer it without much problem or you will actually make the problem worse by fretting about it. The more optimistic you are about your weight loss goal the better your chances for success. So, watch your frame of mind and you will watch the pounds go down.

Try not to overdo it. This is the first mistake people make when starting any workout regimen. By taking it slow and easy, you will find that it is not very difficult and your body is quite capable. The next day, you won't even be sore. Doing it the opposite way, you may think it is too hard or the soreness the day after will sap the motivation to keep going from you. Then, once you are at an intensity that you find too easy, slowly start making it harder. In this way, you will build muscle, and your body will begin transforming along with the intensity of your workouts.

Exercise can be boring. The idea of going to the gym can be daunting. Sitting on the treadmill for hours at a time is not anyone's idea of a good time. Therefore, try to change it up a little. Use different equipment, for different durations. Bring along your favorite tunes. If the idea of the gym itself is repulsive get involved with a sport. Try to sign up for a 5K race. These events will put the excitement into exercise that will keep you motivated to reach your goals.

Always tell yourself that you are able. The more confident you are in your ability to succeed the more likely you will succeed. The biggest threat to any weight loss program is giving up due to a lack of confidence in your ability to obtain the results you desire. Don't give up! Look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself that you can and will succeed, and you will be surprised by your new found motivation.

It has been shown that deprivation is worse than moderation when it comes to eating. While depriving yourself of a favorite sweet or meal may help in the short term maybe e beneficial, in the long run it will result on you eventually binging on that item, erasing any gains you made plus some.

Finding a partner to exercise with will help you reach your goal. Having someone encourage you to succeed is immensely beneficial. Try to find someone that can go workout at the same time that you do. In this way, when one of you isn't feeling it the other can motivate them to keep at it and not give up.

Losing weight is a daunting task that many fail at. However, it can be achieved, and has been achieved by many. Maintaining a positive, confident attitude is the first of many steps in reaching your weight loss goals. Take the advice from this article, and go out there and do it!

Simple Ways to Improve Your Height

Countless number of individuals have this dream of being taller than their actual height, unfortunately, only a few know how to realize this dream. Increasing your height by a few inches becomes more difficult as one grows old. This is mainly because the growth plates of long bones which allow the individual to grow in height calcify over time.

Basically, this is the main reason why the children have growth spurts that only last for a short amount of time. Having a slow growth is what we really want because if the body continues to grow exponentially as time passes, imagine how tall you can be; you may actually reach a height of 20 feet or even greater.
Another element that you should take into consideration is the genetic make-up of your family. In simple terms, it means to consider your parents' height. To estimate what your future height will be, it is best to get the average of the heights of your parents; however, this is only an estimate and may vary greatly between men and women. Although this is just an approximation, we cannot change the fact that you'll have an average height if you're from a lineage of average or normal height.
As of this moment, several factors are influencing the rate of your growth. The first factor to consider is the your and this can be divided into three subdivisions: calorie intake, calorie expenditure, and the quality of the diet. Calories needed by the body differs from person to person so you should consider your daily activities and age to have an appropriate calorie intake.
Also, it is appropriate that you burn most of the calories that you ingest, but be sure that there are still sufficient amounts of nutrients for your body's growth and development.
If you engage in strenuous activities, hence burning off a lot of calories, it is better to increase your calorie intake to boost your height potential.
Calories will always be calories and these should be supplied to the body by eating nutritious food. It is important to remember that home-prepared whole foods are best for the body's growth and development. In comparison to foods that are processed, whole foods are rich in nutrients which are needed for the body's normal function and growth.
Aerobics and stretching workouts may assist in enhancing your posture and make you taller. Don't forget that the body is supported by the muscles.
Your height is significantly related to the fact that you have long bones and it is also important to know that your muscles also play a capital role in this. Your firm and strong muscles don't only help in the body's movements but they also support the bone structure. Hence, you should tone your muscles to make them stronger, thus, helping you look taller.
Lastly and most importantly, if you want to grow taller, it is imperative that you avoid things that will stunt your body's growth. The first in the list is smoking. Several studies have now demonstrated the negative effects of smoking and this includes decelerating your growth. The second thing that you should also avoid is sugar. Incorporating high sugary foods in your diet will interfere in the body's natural ability to store and use calcium, thereby, interrupting the growth and development of the body.

How to Heal Your Life of Sickness and Disease

When it comes to healing and sickness and everything in between, it can often be a touchy subject and one that has the potential to ruffle a few feathers and cause certain emotional reactions, mainly because it hits so close to home for all of us. In line with this, it is natural for all of us to be skeptical about alternative views and ideas about health, wellbeing and things to do with sickness and disease in general.

I have had a certain amount of feedback in regards to my previous articles, especially my last one titled "You're Not What You Eat, But What You Think" where people have expressed that my approach is simply about mind over matter, that I believe you can use the power of your mind to directly heal anything and everything. I admit that while it could be read and interpreted that way on the surface, it most certainly isn't about that. So, in order to help clarify this and provide a bit more insight into my previous articles, this article has been written to clarify on this a bit further.
As has been stated in my previous articles, my approach teaches that illness and disease is not an enemy but a friend; not something that is trying to harm us, but something that is trying to free and liberate us. It is simply matter of perception, or how we look at it. If someone sees illness as a nuisance or a foreign invader that is trying to harm them, then it will seem the way it is perceived. But the key is to realise that it is just a matter of perception.
We have been conditioned from an early age to think of illness and disease as an external thing, something that is separate from us. Whereas, I suggest, as many others are also beginning to suggest, that our health or lack thereof has more to do with things which are internal, factors which are inside us. This may come across as being a bit too "in your face," but in my experience it is greatly liberating and empowering to know that I have more control over my health than it being mostly out of my ability to influence.
Let me ask you a question. If you had the choice between having direct control of your health or not having direct control, which would you choose? And from this I ask you another question. Would you not be empowered to know that the capability to heal illness and disease is already within you and that it is not dependent on medication, surgery or any other external source to bring about?
I am going to use the big scary "R" word now, one that scares many of us and still scares me to this day, and that is the word "responsibility." We all admit that if we want to be successful in any area of our lives we need to take some type of responsibility over it. Now, when it comes to our health and wellbeing this is no different. If we want to bring about any type of healing or recovery there is to be a certain amount of personal responsibility taken on our part. Unless and until we take this responsibility, there will be no or very little change take place. Any and all types of change are hinged on personal responsibility and this is no different when it comes to our health and wellbeing.
And this leads us to the main shift in thinking that takes place when considering where this new approach comes from. Instead of illness and disease being an external thing trying to harm and hinder us, it is internal feedback that is trying to free and liberate us. Illness and disease is considered as feedback from a body that is trying to get our attention and that is trying to communicate something to us. It can be likened to a tap on the shoulder or the light on your car dashboard. They are both there to get your attention, and in the case of the light on the car dashboard, it is there to let you know that something is out of balance somewhere else and that it needs your attention.
In keeping with the light on the car dashboard analogy, once you correctly assimilate what the problem is in the car and then address and balance the problem, the light will disappear automatically and all by itself. Why? It is because you have removed the cause of the light coming on in the first place. In the same way, illness and its symptoms is likened to the light on the dashboard, as it is there to indicate an imbalance within us. In exactly the same way as the light on a car dashboard disappears once you have addressed the cause in the car, once you assimilate and address the cause of the problem within yourself, the symptoms and the illness disappear automatically in the body.
How is this possible? It is possible simply by understanding what illness and disease really is, as opposed to understanding what it is not. When we realise and accept that sickness in all its forms is not something that is there to hinder us, everything changes in an instant. When we begin to see that illness and its symptoms fulfill the same role as the light on the car dashboard, we begin to see and understand what is really taking place here.
Healing and recovery from illness and disease is not about using the power of your mind, having power of mind over matter or anything like unto it. Instead, it is about understanding what sickness and its symptoms really are and the purpose they serve. Trying to medicate a symptom is like trying to fix the car by merely focusing on the light on the dashboard. Just like the dashboard light is not the problem and only indicates what the problem is, so it is with sickness and any symptoms experienced in the body.
Illness and disease acts as an indicator, a communication device that is trying to tell you that something else is out of balance. In this way, the sickness and its symptoms are not the cause itself but the effect of something higher, something deeper. This aligns with a basic principle in the universe that states only a cause can create an effect; an effect cannot create another effect. In keeping with this, an effect can only be reversed or taken away on the level of cause, not on the level of effect.
Therefore, the way to treat the effect is to address the cause. Unless and until the actual cause is addressed no progress will be made. But, on the flip side, as soon as the cause has been addressed and balanced, healing and recovery is natural and the symptoms disappear all by themselves, just like the light on the car dashboard does once the cause of its coming on has been addressed.
The hardest part for us to accept is that the cause is within us and not outside of us. And this brings us back to the responsibility part. Although please be aware that taking responsibility has nothing to do with blame and it should not in any way engender guilt in any shape or form. This responsibility is to merely accept that there is an imbalance within us that needs to be addressed and then to take the appropriate action. It is an empowering and liberating process rather than a dis-empowering one that incites blame, shame or guilt.
In essence, illness and disease serves a great and wonderful purpose in our lives as it exists to serve us and help us move forward in life. As hard as it may be to accept at first, the reality is that illness and disease are there to help and serve you, not the opposite as is commonly believed. May you move forward in life in the knowledge that all things are there for your benefit, including sickness in whatever form in may take in your life and body.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weight Loss Prevented by Three Common Mistakes

Now the popular media are flooded with daily news available to the public on how to lose weight, but still the same old weight loss diet mistakes are being made each day robbing us of so many possible weight loss success-stories. It's not about the little "dieting sins" where you enjoyed a sweet chocolate that was not on your diet plan; we're talking here about the big dieting mistakes that generate failure so that you won't lose the weight that you want to lose. Understanding and eliminating these errors can help you develop the right attitude that will help you achieving natural, healthy and sustainable fat loss and lose weight until you reach the body you deserve.
1. Weight Loss Diet Mistake: Choosing A Wrong Principle
Dieters who go for the whole incorporate an all-or-nothing attitude as their guiding principle to lose weight and feel great. After having made the decision to lose weight, they are going to decide on what diet they want to use in order to achieve their goal and lose weight. They believe they just have discovered the top secret fat loss secret and go about implementing their weight loss diet plan. Generally, this type of people chose a diet that is too demanding for them to follow up until the finish line. Before starting the new diet to burn the fat and thus lose weight, they will clear out their kitchen and remove whatsoever is not included in their rigorous weight loss diet plan and dispose all the "good food stuff" which they enjoyed before as were it a useless waste. Such would-be diet-success story writers fancy themselves to be super smart and successful weight watchers, and so they may be, for 3-, 5- or 7 days, yeah sometimes even for a view weeks.
But suddenly, something unpredictable appears in their lives that they were not able to anticipate, and this odd thing just throws over board their whole weight loss plan. All their good motives and intentions to lose weight and live healthier are just forgotten and they're crossed with this "cruel" weight loss diet plan. At once they find themselves lost in the old bad habits which made them too fat and uncomfortable in the first place. Out of frustration these unfortunate weight watchers are running to their favorite grocery store as fast as they can and go buying all the food stuff they want and re-stock their favorite supplies at home, foods they previously had thrown away for the sake of undergoing a successful weight loss plan through their rigorous diet. Finally, for a season they'll forget all their good purposes and plans to burn fat from their body to lose weight and live healthy. What's the outcome of their backward thrift? They reverse all the fat loss and rebuild the weight they just had reduced through their unfinished weight loss diet on their bodies, and this happens more quickly than they could imagine!
What is the conclusion you can draw out of this first mistake? If you're thinking about losing weight you should first of all ask yourself "Do I really want to lose weight permanently? Or do I just want to burn the fat a view pounds in order to eat more afterward and burden the body of mine again with these unwanted pounds"? If you really want to lose weight in a natural and healthy manner then you have to go on making some adjustments in what you are going to eat and when you're eating your meals. To eat healthy is the most successful principle to be followed when it comes to achieving permanent results, to burn the excess fat once and lose weight permanently.
2. Weight Loss Diet Mistake: Choosing A Wrong Method
Don't see your commitment to a fat loss diet plan as a sacrifice. Instead you should take it as an opportunity and your investment in your own well-being where you will be building a better and healthier body, benefitting not only yourself but also your loved ones. When viewing your weight loss diet plan as a sacrifice, you fasten from all the delicious food stuff you actually enjoy most until you reach the ideal weight you aim at. Your diet plan may be amazing and you may even lose significant weight, but what happens after you've reached your goal? If you haven't disciplined yourself to eat the "banned foods" moderately, you are exposed to the temptation to lose control. The better and more successful method is to adapt an attitude that allows you to eat a little of everything that you love even during your weight loss diet program. The truth is that you can eat and drink everything as long as it is with temperance and gratitude, even hot chocolate and fresh pie!
3. Weight Loss Diet Mistake: Setting Wrong Goals
How to decide what your ideal weight and body fat percentage should be and how to formulate a goal that is realistic to achieve with any weight loss diet plan? If you set a goal that isn't clear, not realistic and not written down on paper, you will fail. You may have the ideal weight and body shape for you in mind, but unless you are only very slightly overweight it is probably too distant to be set as a reasonable goal. Take your ideal weight and body shape as a distant goal and use intermediate steps on your way to reach that ideal body you deserve. It is possible to lose 11 pounds every 10 days through a fat loss 4 idiots program without starving but to make you more comfortable with your weight loss plan you could set a first small goal by targeting a weight loss of 2 pounds each week. Thus you would actually lose 6 pounds in 3 weeks and having reached your goal. That's good for your confidence and self-estimate. In reality, if you keep a weight loss diet plan with joy, you can even lose up to 21 pounds in 3 weeks and feel great all the way.
But the most important point of all is what happens after you have reached your weight loss goal. How are you going to maintain your weight? Or do you still have to go another stage towards reaching your ideal body weight? Choosing the right diet for healthy weight loss and sustaining that ideal weight after you have gained it, is key to your long term success and satisfaction. You want to live with joy and happiness and eating the right food with giving thanks and in the right measure can help you to keep everything in balance so that you will certainly reach the point where you don't live to lose weight and don't lose weight to live but you'll just be fine with how it will be by then.
Of course, there are countless other mistakes that involve failure of any weight loss program and which will be dealt with accordingly in other publications on how to lose weight naturally and live healthy.

8 Top Tips to Help You Lose Weight

A lot of people are unhappy with their current body weight. Some people just want to lose a little fat whereas others want to completely change their body shape. If you are one of these many people looking to lose weight then this article is for you. Below I have outlined 8 useful tips that can help you lose weight.
You may not want to hear this but the bottom line is that you need to consume less calories if you want to lose weight. There are a number of ways you can go about this. The first method is to write down everything that you eat in a normal week and work out the average number of calories you are consuming each day. Then adjust your eating habits so that you are eating less calories each day than your current average. Another method is to write down your target weight in pounds and then multiply this by 12 if you are female and 14 if you are male. This will give you the approximate number of calories you will need to consume to reach and maintain your target weight. A third solution is to use a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator (that can be found for free on the Internet) which will tell you the number of calories you should be consuming.
 Apart from restricting your calories, eating the right foods is an important factor when trying to lose weight. You need to be consuming lots of healthy, nutritious, low calorie foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole grain carbohydrates. Eating smaller portions more regularly throughout the day can also help you lose weight.
Drinking water has a number of benefits which can help you lose weight indirectly. First, being properly hydrated keeps your body functioning at its optimal level meaning you can burn fat more efficiently. Second, it reduces water retention and the additional weight that this may bring. Finally, it makes you feel fuller so that you are less likely to eat too much.
A good diet is half of the challenge when losing weight but you also need to exercise. Start with trying to do 15 minutes a day of walking, cycling, sports or whatever else you fancy. As long as you keep moving each day you will be burning additional calories and losing weight. Remember, the more exercise you do the more weight you will lose.
Avocados, bananas and apricots are all rich sources of potassium. Potassium can help remove sodium from your body and has been associated with weight loss.
Protein can be found in raw meats, dairy products and even supplements. Research has associated consumption of protein with a temporary fat burning effect and a suppressed appetite, both of which can help you lose weight.
Even if you have all the right information, poor planning can mean that you do not take action and ultimately you do not lose weight. Think about how many calories you are going to be consuming each day. Which meals allow you to achieve this? How will you make sure you consume enough water each day? Where are you going to source your daily protein and potassium? When and where are you going to exercise each day? You need to consider all these factors and then create a plan. Write down how you are going to incorporate all the above into your daily routine and then stick with it.
Sometimes the right information and a plan are still not enough. If you are following a plan half heartedly you are not likely to lose weight. Negative thinking can be your ultimate downfall. Keep thinking positively about your weight loss plans and you will continue to lose weight. Every time you start to feel down think of the weight you have already lost and how good you will look once you have reached your target weight.
I hope this article helps you in your weight loss efforts. If you stick with regular exercise, a healthy diet and create a solid weight loss plan you should lose weight. Stay positive, act on the information in this article and you will succeed.

Find a Weight Loss Program That Works

More than deadlines to meet and clients to satisfy, the pressure to look good is far more intense these days. Women hanker after hourglass figures and men need to be Greek Gods. It is no wonder that every second person on the street is on a weight loss diet. Weight loss diet is the topic of conversation in public places, private parties, on buses and cabs, by the beach and the dinner table.
Before you fall in to any form of weight loss diet, few issues need to be sorted out. Embarking on a diet to lose weight doesn't mean indiscriminate slashing of calories. It is true that you need to cut down on the calories but at the same time, you cannot compromise on your nutritional intake.
Getting rid of unwanted extra pounds is never easy but many of us make is harder than it really is. Skipping meals and radically cutting calories will yield temporary results but you can achieve long term weight loss if you choose a slower approach. Basically, you need to eat to lose weight.
People go to great lengths to diet. Although there is disagreement on how to lose weight most effectively, nearly everyone wants to do it. From the skinny to the hugely obese, the desire to lose weight is one of the biggest common factors for almost all Americans. Yet there are few people who approach it in the correct way. They try fad diets, exercise programs, supposedly effective weight loss pills, and all kinds of other trends. None of them take the simple step of eating to lose weight. If you eat to lose weight, you will, and that is that. Why make it difficult for yourself?
I know you're probably thinking that eating is what added the extra pounds in the first place. However, the kinds of foods along with a lack of exercise are more of a source of trouble than the actual act of eating. When you eat to lose weight you will find that you can take in more food and feel satisfied throughout the day.
There are several commonsense strategies to eat to lose weight. Although designing the perfect diet to lose weight can be a science, eating to lose weight is easy. You do not have to perfectly calculate how many carbohydrates, how much fat, how much fiber, and how much sugar you can have. You simply eat healthily. When you eat to lose weight, you reduce your portion size, eat much fiber is possible, cut down on fatty foods and sweets, and drink plenty of water. Combined with a healthy exercise routine, you will be losing weight in no time. Who wants to count calories when you can make things simple for yourself? All it requires is self-control and some perseverance. Everyone can do that in order to eat to lose weight, can't they?
There are representatives from all the food groups in an ideal weight loss program to ensure that all forms of nutrients enter your body. So there are actually not many don'ts in a weight loss diet. However, you need to maneuver clear of junk, fried and fast foods, chocolates, candies, cakes and aerated drinks.
So how do you eat to lose weight? The first thing you want to do is slow down. You are more likely to overeat if you scarf your meals down too quickly. You have to give your stomach enough time to tell your brain that it is full. I know it sounds silly but it does take time to process this information.
Choose whole foods. When you eat to lose weight, you are best off picking foods that are not processed. The more stuff that is done to the food, the more fattening it is likely to be. Natural foods are best and they take a little longer to eat. Raw veggies and fruits have to be chewed well and this takes more time than ingesting a piece of cheesecake.
You should not only eat to lose weight but drink to drop pounds as well. You have probably heard about the eight glasses of water each day so I won't lecture. Water is life and in your diet to lose weight, water should be the backbone. Water flushes out the toxins from your body and revitalizes you. Deprive your self of water and you will soon find your entire mental as well as physical states in mess. Drinking a nice, hot cup of tea can be as satisfying as a couple of cookies but it won't add the pounds.
It is important to remember that many beverages can work against your weight loss efforts. If you eat to lose weight but drink as if you don't have a care in the world, you probably won't see very good results. Instead of drinking a glass of apple juice, just drink the apple. The sugar content in the juice is really concentrated and it's almost like eating three or four apples.
In order to curb your appetite you might want to consider eating a handful of almonds about 20 minutes before your next meal. This is a great way to eat to lose weight because your brain is being told that you are receiving nutrients. Remember that you need to nourish your body in order to keep the pounds at bay.
Of course, when he first decide to eat to lose weight, it can be a little bit difficult to really make things work. You see, the biggest pitfall of this strategy is that it is so easy to trick yourself. You can convince yourself that this one snack doesn't matter, that one treat is alright, or that your portion is smaller than it is. Deciding to eat to lose weight requires constant vigilance. You have certain luxuries when you use this strategy - you do not have to count calories, measure things out, or stick to a rigorous plan. Instead, you have to always apply your common sense and be honest with yourself. This can be a lot harder than it sounds or else everyone would be doing it. Nevertheless, you really have to try it. Learning to eat to lose weight is the best lifelong strategy for dieting. Otherwise, you'll be in a constant struggle of binge and purge. As soon as you lose weight, you will be tempted to go off your diet again. Then you will gain the weight again and have to start all over.

The path to perfect figure is waylaid with temptations in the form of fad diets, single food diets, protein and liquid diets. Each one claims to be a fast weight loss diet. There are no shortcuts to losing weight and their tall claims should be taken with a pinch of salt. The perfect weight loss diets aims to keep you healthy while endowing you with a flattering figure. And learning self-control now is the best solution!

Things You Must Avoid To Lose Weight Faster

Trying to lose weight is to struggle in itself. If we inadvertently take in the wrong things, those things could slow down or jeopardize our efforts to lose weight. Let us look at what things you must avoid to help you lose weight faster.
We are bombarded with desires and advertisements that want us to abandon our weight-loss efforts even though it is not in our best interest.
Those promotional efforts that bombard us are usually also trying to sell us the very things that we need to avoid.
The first thing to avoid when trying to lose weight is alcohol. Alcohol is bad for you in more than one way when you're trying to lose weight.
Alcohol is known for diminishing your inhibitions and undermining your willpower. When you have alcohol in your system, you are far more likely to give in and eat the foods that will cause you to gain weight as opposed to lose weight.
In addition to that, certain types of alcohol also contain carbs that are very difficult for your body to convert into energy. These carbs are usually converted straight into fat cells.
The next thing you need to avoid is additional sugar in your diet.
If you add sugar to your diet this additional sugar reduces the sensitivity of your cells to insulin. When that happens the sugar goes to your liver where it is converted into fat, instead of heading to your muscles where it is converted into energy.
Depending on how serious you are about your weight-loss, you also need to avoid fatty foods and oily foods.
These foods jeopardize your weight-loss efforts by giving your body too much fat. Your body does need some fat for functioning at its optimal level.
You do not need to refrain from eating anything that contains fat. You just need to keep it to the moderate and low side.
If you avoid these things your weight-loss effort might still not be easy but it will be a little easier.

Developing Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation plays a very significant role in the successful completion of any uphill task that we take up in our life. It acts as the booster to help us carry on when the going gets really tough. Motivation levels keep on fluctuating as it may seem to be skyrocketing one day or going below the grave on the other. Weight loss is considered to be one such job where if you lack motivation then you are certain to fail. The motivation level often changes with our feelings. For instance, if you wake up in the morning feeling really down then it is sure that you are going to give your workouts a miss, but if you feel great after waking up then two extra sets of push seems to be a joyride. This is the difference that the motivation level can make! Hence, it is very important that one creates a system through which the weight loss motivation can be maintained. Developing weight loss motivation will give a complete new twist to the way you approach your workout sessions or the foods that you eat.
The motivation levels are already at a high when you decide that you are going to lose weight by following a particular exercise or diet plan. As the days pass the motivation levels keep going down and finally when it completely gets eliminated, you come back to your old unhealthy lifestyle. In order to maintain the level of motivation you can try out the following development procedure tips:
a)      Accept what you are:  
Accepting what you are is the most important thing in developing a high weight loss motivation level. People often tend to make the mistake of following the looks that are presented in the visual and print media. Make one thing clear to yourself: It is not possible to get a Brad Pitt like body overnight. You have to work hared for the same and the whole process would be time consuming. So you must have the patience for dealing with these types of feelings. You need to hit yourself with the reality that it is not possible to look as handsome as Johnny Depp or as beautiful as Kierra Knightly, but you definitely can look like a fit "You". Tell yourself that you have to get the best out of your body; you need to look slimmer and feel good. This is the reason why you have been working so hard. "Love thyself" is the mantra to up the ante against your ugly looking body fat.
b)     Gather all the positives: 
 This is the second phase for developing weight loss motivation. Here you need to focus on your positives and look at the brighter side of the weight loss program. Find out all your good points and even better if you can note down the same. This will do a world of good to your self esteem and you are going to enjoy your body and looks like never before.    
Your motivation is a mental state and this can be enhanced with effort.

Monday, March 11, 2013

5 Tips to Find Your Sport

When it comes to sports, the options are endless. From tennis and golf to running and cycling, there's something for almost everyone. But, how do you choose a sport that fits your personality? To help you figure this out, we asked a series of fitness and lifestyle experts. Here's what they told us.

Before jumping into a sporting activity, consider your physical goals and limitations. Karkoska recommends taking an honest look at what your body is prepared to do. “Do you want something that will make you sweat or would you be happy with minimal movement? Can your joints take a high-impact sport that involves running or should it be something lower impact like swimming or cycling?” asks Karkoska. Consulting with a physician should always be a priority before starting this or any sports or exercise regimen, particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Many sports offer instant gratification while others unfold over a longer period of time. Consider your preferences with rewards when choosing a sport. “Many people are more strongly motivated by small, short-term goals,” said Simpson. Walking and running allow you to run a 5k or longer whenever you wish with immediate success. Tennis, rowing and handball also allow you to feel an immediate rush of competition. Simpson noted that sports like soccer, baseball and basketball offer more long term awards since the success is felt at the end of the season.

Karkoska recommends taking a stab at a sport you enjoy watching during the Olympics. “Maybe you will never be a gymnast, but perhaps taking up something like yoga would help you improve your inner gymnast,” she said. “Joining the local master’s swimming team would satisfy your inner Michael Phelps.”

“People should look at what they enjoy in regular life to help them find their sport,” said Carrie Karkoska, certified health and wellness coach at Auburn Wellbeing. Do you like to be indoors or outdoors? Do you prefer to be hot or cold? Do you enjoy the experience, or is it all about getting the win? Would you rather be active individually or as part of a team? Assessing your mental and physical needs will help you narrow down the choices to get fit and stay active.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks ?

A lot of people want to lose weight fast for an event such as a wedding, a reunion or a party. If you find yourself wishing that you were 20 pounds slimmer but don't have a lot of time in which to pull it off, read this article without skipping a single word because I shall review 2 ways in which you can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)

If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks you can do it in 2 ways: (lose twenty pounds)
How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks -1-. Go on a juice based detox diet. This kind of diet cleanses your body of toxins and undigested food while providing you with carbs and sugars. Although this diet isn't suitable for a long duration, as a "crash" diet meant to help you lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks,it can be extremely effective.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)
How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks -2-. It you like working out and can spare the time, you can lose 20 pounds by doing a lot of cardiovascular activity over two weeks. I suggest doing 1 hour aerobic workout for 5 days on each of the 2 weeks. You can jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like. It you want to play basketball, tennis or take some aerobic classes, that's fine too.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks - (lose twenty pounds)
Don't do massive workouts and go on a juice diet simultaneously.is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, If your chose to burn off 20 pounds by exercising you'll need your strength. Reduce the amount of carbs that you consume but eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and protein. Make sure that all your fats are healthy ones like olive oil and canola oil.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks
Losing 20 Lbs in 2 weeks isn't the easiest thing in the world but if you believe in yourself and are willing to put in a little effort, I'm positive the you can do it.How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks
I hope you enjoyed this article about How to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks .

4 Must Steps to Build Muscle For Beginners

For any Gym goers new to the gym and fitness, who want to learn the secrets to getting bigger and stronger keep reading. This is based around the FOUR MAJOR aspects of bodybuilding and weight training; Strength Training, Nutrition, Supplementation and Rest.

If you want to get big, you need to train big!!! Train 3 - 5 times per week and keep your sessions short, 45 minutes should be plenty for new gym goers. Train two muscle groups per week or every 5 days... do not combine 2 large muscle groups on the same day. Your big muscle groups are chest, back and legs.
Do big (called compound) exercises such as bench press, shoulder press, rows, squats, and deadlifts first in your workouts.
For volume and intensity, the more volume, the less intensity and vice versa. For reps and sets, aim to fail between 8-115 reps and if you are training intensely do only 5-8 sets per body part (more sets for the bigger muscles, less for the smaller ones).
By keeping your rest below 2 minutes your heart rate should stay in anabolic training zone which burns the maximum amount of body fat.


To gain mass you need to EAT!! Ideally every 2 hours if possible split in to 6 meals a day. A ratio of 50% Carbohydrates and 50% Protein and Fat is the best place to start. Evaluate how you feel and adjust accordingly, some prefer more Protein when weight training.
Your 3 most important meals of the day are breakfast, after you workout, and before bed. Ensure these are very clean meals and contain protein. Don't be afraid to have a cheat meal once per week - a healthy digestive system can eliminate it without too much hassle.


Avoid over-training, This means don't spend hours in the gym and avoid long cardiovascular sessions. We're looking for an anabolic response for muscle growth so short sprints at high intensity are definitely the way to go.
Make sure to use your days off as rest days, and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Your muscles grow when you sleep, not when you're training in the gym!
Supplements work best when your first three aspects must be consistently on track. If your diet, training, and rest are not correct, supplements will be no good. Cheap and easy to find supplements use are:
Multivitamins- Take in the morning. Generally speaking you get what you pay for but be sure to compare labels for high levels of each common Vitamin and Mineral.
Whey Protein can basically be taken at any time of the day to help your Protein intake, but the most effective time is immediately after workouts and before bed.
Creatine is one of the world's largest selling supplements. As a beginner trainer it's generally not required because you'll be adding strength purely from a neurala adaption and hence, not needed. Some athletes find it helps with recovery so there's a positive for new trainers, but generally no needed until you've been lifting weights for at least 6 months. Bloating is a common side effect as creatine can often lead to water retention.
For beginning trainers, the advice is keep it simple!! Too many personal trainers want to play around with fancy gadgets and they're favourite exercise. The fact is, for beginner muscle builders you want to keep it simple and consistent so your body has time to adapt and grow!
So there it is, train eat big, train big, sleep big and soon you too will be big results come with time and patience.

Happy training...:)