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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3 Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

With so much information readily available on weight loss, it's surprising just how many people constantly fall into the trap of making the same diet mistakes over and over again. I'm not referring to the times when you've secretly wolfed down a gut busting slice of cake. I'm on about those really BIG mistakes! The ones that continually lead you on a downward spiral when it comes to shifting the weight. A good understanding of the potential dieting pitfalls will help you to avoid these and assist you on your journey to permanent weight loss.
1. Obsession with Diet Perfection
You say to yourself 'what's the point of going on a diet half-heartedly' and then proceed with the toughest diet plan known to man. You strip your cupboards, casting out all the foods which will thwart your efforts to lose weight. You mean business this time. Does this kind of all or nothing approach actually work? Possibly! For the first day, maybe the first week or even perhaps for the first few weeks. However, it's inevitable that you will come across a time where for one reason or another you're not going to be able to resist temptation. Instant game over! You've cheated your diet once, so what's the point of carrying on? And so you give up. You go back to refilling your cupboards with replacement food. Any weight you did manage to lose, goes straight back on, as quickly as you had lost it. Ring any bells? Perhaps it's time to be completely honest about whether you are ready to lose weight. You do not need to be so strict with yourself. Make small alterations in your diet to start with. Achieve balanced weight loss, with a diet program you know you will be able to follow. You could even bolster your weight reducing efforts by introducing a slimming pill supplement to your plan.
2. Take Control of Your Diet
Dieting doesn't have to be a huge sacrifice. By completely keeping clear of all the foods you used to enjoy you will only make the cravings for them more intense. You will feel miserable for wanting them in the first place. Also, what do you think will happen the moment you reach your ideal weight? It's a one way ticket back to that old see food diet. Having neglected to re-train your brain to exercise restraint with regards to your favourite foods, your primal instincts WILL quickly start to take over. The moment you reach for that cream filled pastry, things are going to get ugly. So what to do? Be kind to yourself. It's alright to have a little non-diet food in your plan once in a while. Learn to enjoy such treats in small measures and you will control your food urges.
3. Setting Yourself Up For a Very Big Fall
How many people take the time to set actual goals for losing weight? Few people do. Whilst this may be alright for those individuals who only want or need to lose a couple of lbs, for larger weight loss goals it's highly recommended that you commit your action plans to paper. Having clear, manageable objectives which are tangible will help you greatly. So put pen to paper and record your long-term weight loss goals. Include a weekly breakdown of how much weight you plan to lose. For example, it could be that you want to lose a couple of lbs every week for 10 weeks. Whatever you do don't agonize over the above mistakes. We're human,we've all been there I'm sure. Just learn from them and move on. Bear in mind the only way to lose weight permanently is to really centre on becoming healthier as a whole. Some days you will consume more food than others, but take delight in eating moderately and you will have a fighting chance of ending your diet mistakes for good.

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