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Friday, December 27, 2013

7 Fun Ways To Get Fit Without Joining A Gym!

Does the prospect of joining a gym fill you with dread? These simple tips will give you fun ways to get fit without having to!
1) Buy a mini trampoline!
Trampolining's a brilliant way to get fit and they come in sizes that you should easily be able to use indoors. Just 15 or so minutes a day bouncing on a trampoline will get you much fitter, and you can do it in the comfort of your own living room!
2) Join a team!
If you miss the team sports you enjoyed in your childhood, what's stopping you joining a team now? It's a great way to meet new people and if it's a sport you enjoy, it should be loads of fun too.
3) Take up cycling!
The feeling of freedom given by cycling regularly is hard to beat, plus you'll be inclined to visit places you'd never have even considered, and you'll get fit doing it.
4) Explore your area on foot!
Have you ever thought it'd be good to explore your town or city as a tourist? Well, what's stopping you? Pick up a guide book or book yourself onto a walking tour and start doing just that. You'll gain a new-found appreciation for the things you live nearby and you'll get fit in the process.
5) Make housework a workout!
Housework's a chore few people look forward to, but instead of letting it become a burden, change into some workout clothes, put on some upbeat music to keep you motivated and make it way to get fit by setting yourself a time limit to clean each room.
6) Get down to your local park!
There are fewer cheaper ways to get fit and have fun than by throwing a Frisbee or a ball around for a couple of hours with your mates or your partner on a sunny day. You'll get fit doing so and have a great time too.
7) Start to speed walk!
Let's face it, any walking's better than no walking at all, but if you can speed walk to your destinations you'll burn off loads more calories than if you just stroll from lance to place. Get some good footwear for walking and give it a go.
This article has given you some great ways get fitness without joining a gym, and if you act on the information in this short article, you won't look back.

Fitness Training Programs at Home Vs at the Gym

I have been asked in the past if it is possible to get a great gym quality workout at home with minimal equipment and I feel that answer is yes. Good fitness training programs can be done at home. Don't get me wrong there are benefits to a gym. Some have nutritionists to talk to, personal trainers, and some resources that one can justify buying. But what is the main goal? Well let's think about that for a second. You are either looking for cardio training, or resistance training. Can cardio training be done at home? Of course it can.
A jump rope is one of the least expensive pieces of workout equipment you can buy. A good speed rope can be less than $10. So you're not good at jump roping, why not try it every other day for about 5-10 minutes. If you mess up, so what start over. Before you know it you will be skipping that rope like it's nothing, except hard work and burning calories.
Another great form of cardio is running. Yes gyms have treadmills facing bunch of TVs, but are you there to workout or there to watch TV? Why not go outside and jog, get some fresh air, and enjoy the outdoors. There are plenty of free apps for phones that give you GPS on your route, speed, average pace, and tons of other great things. If you think you don't have enough room for all the weights needed think again. A barbell is a great asset, but dumbbells can go a long way. And now there are plenty of different companies that make adjustable dumbbells. Some from 5-100lbs. Those with a doorway pull up bar, and a stability ball to use as your bench (this way is great for stability and the core) are the basics you need to get started on your fitness track.
So to recap, there are a lot of good things about a gym. Some people just need to go somewhere to workout otherwise they find it hard to get motivated and get off that couch. However, there is so much time and money that can be saved by finding a fitness training program that can be done at home. With a little bit of money invested to get some equipment, and a little extra room in the house, you can transform your body and life at home.

10 Effective Weight Loss Tips That Are Easy To Follow

The secret to weight loss is not really something mysterious. Almost everyone knows at least a few ways to lose weight. The only problem is, not many people implement them. Knowing how is just the first part; implanting that knowledge is where most people fail. Nevertheless, there are some simple methods to lose weight. Here are ten effective tips that can help you lose weight more easily.
1. Eat foods that make you feel more full even with a small portion. Nuts are some of the best options and they are also quite tasty, and can be eaten as a snack between meals. Just eating a handful of nuts will keep you feeling full for a long time.
2. Try healthier alternatives to frying your food. Try to roast, bake, broil or steam your food instead of frying it. There are many recipes which use these cooking methods. So try them for a change.
3. Plan your meals ahead of time so that you avoid making last-minute unhealthy choices. When you are in a hurry, you most often choose the same unhealthy foods that you are always used to eating. But if you plan a week or so in advance, and stick to that schedule, you will be able to eat healthier.
4. Learn to differentiate between hunger and thirst. Sometimes, people grab a bite to eat when their body is actually craving for water. Most often, just a glass of water would be sufficient to quench that "hunger".
5. Never skip meals in an effort to lose weight. When the body is deprived of food, it thinks that it is going to starve, and therefore begins to store fat in the body instead of burning it. You would end up gaining weight because your fat-burning metabolism would slow down and not burn fat as efficiently as before.
6. If you are in the habit of eating too fast, you might eat more than your body requires. Try to slow down, or always have a conversation with someone when you eat, to help you eat more slowly.
7. Go for a 9-inch plate for all your meals. Although it might look like a kid-sized plate, it is often sufficient for an adult.
8. Green tea or chili peppers can boost your metabolic rate. Use them to burn off fat more quickly.
9. Add fresh herbs to your meals towards the end of the cooking process. They are healthy and provide a great flavor to your meals.
10. Take a short thirty-second break right in the middle of your meals and evaluate your level of hunger. If you do not feel hungry, stop eating.
Try these easy weight loss tips to help you get started on your journey towards a healthier and leaner you.