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Monday, April 8, 2013

Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Summer

With the meeting of the summer and wedding season just around the corner everyone is looking for tips tips to help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight to look her best in pool party or the meeting with friends they have not seen for years.

Here are some ideas to help you lose unwanted weight. Firstly, your diet (or absence) of all fluids, control of up to 70-80% success in achieving your goal. Therefore, it is time to really evaluate what and how much you eat every day and reevaluate your exercise routine. This might also help to put some more Benjamins in your wallet each month.

1) Breakfast: commonly called the most important meal of the day. Most research around the use of 30 minutes is optimal lift and aid in weight loss. That said, a Venti Mocha White chocolate and blueberry muffin at your barista does not count. Venti Mocha is white chocolate is 720 calories alone huge. Note that there are (3500) calories in a pound, so if you do this from Monday to Friday on his way to work, they work on getting at least a pound a week just for coffee. Make your breakfast rich in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals) and as many calories as an omelet or vegetable garden or a fruit smoothie and homemade vegetable (kale, spinach or kale) before leave the house.

2) for the year: while any movement is good, get the most out of your workouts and test routines short and intense. Instead of going to the gym (or at home) for 60 minutes or more and take 3, 4 or 5 + minutes between sets, it halved the time by shortening your rest periods. Much of the literature there supports shorter more intense workouts for about 30 minutes 5-7 days a week. This is what we call efficiency! Think of all the extra time you have, not to mention the extra weight you can lose due to the increased intensity.

Walk more, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator (when possible). Park in the rear parking lot to visit shopping malls, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. .. and a long walk in. Return to your cart corral instead of leaving it in the parking position or sidewalk. Research shows have about 3000 more steps per day will help you maintain your weight and if you can reach 10,000 steps a day will help you lose weight.

3) Food & Beverage: one of the best things you can do is to keep a food diary (everything you eat and drink including amounts ... ounces, cups, etc.). A normal portion of about the size of your fist. Research shows that people who keep a food diary consume on average 15% of the calories that some people who do not keep a food diary.

a. No "diet" - which usually eliminates something that the body needs and you will end up binging and gaining more weight. If you have a vise (cheese, ice cream, chocolate, sweet coffee drink), not cut out of your diet. Use the "vice" as a gift (again) at the end of the week to follow all the advice of others. Be aware of what you eat and when you eat out, have half your plate presented on the plate and the other half in a box to go to reduce the size of the portions.

b. Tell the server not to the "traditional" bread before the meal

c. Get your salad dressing on the side so you can control the amount you put on your salad.

d. Have small amounts of cheese Restaurants "on top" of your main dish or side dish. Cheese consumption has increased 180% + over the last 30 years here in the United States.

e. Drink plenty of water ... Half your body weight in ounces per day.

f. If you drink alcohol or soda, and (this is the same for the vinaigrette) to obtain the clearest (transparent) as possible, which will help reduce calories and harmful effects they have on the body.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

3 Home Exercises for Losing Weight Fast..!

Losing weight quickly is not particularly easy, especially when it is only down to you alone, but there is no reason why you can not find the will and achieve, if not all, of the exercises house following to help you lose those fat deposits faster than any diet and / or using supplements.

1. Walk

OK, walking may not seem particularly strong will burn those calories fast, but do not underestimate how a brisk walk every day with a proper diet can work wonders.

Ideally, try to find time for a quick walk in the morning and at night, filling about 2 hours of walking per day.

Make sure you weigh to start an exercise program diet we have seen that the gradual decline in weight can do wonders for the human spirit.

2. Aerobics

Aerobics exercise is a big house that you can get more inspiration from a DVD or a training program on television, making good aerobic hours in the comfort of your living room or bedroom.

Yoga is an aerobic sports and is also great to increase flexibility, strengthen joints and weight loss.

Be sure to follow your diet plan, and you reap the rewards.

However, if you notice a little after weight loss slows down, it is not a bad thing.

One of the ways that you and two tone, creating a more toned body strong, it makes you gain weight much more difficult.

3. Dance

Do not be afraid to dance with your partner or alone, where, again, you can follow a dance routine on television.

Here are some dance routines that you can work at home:

Choreographed movements:

OK choreographed movements are probably best learned in a dance school, but there is no reason that you can practice at home too.

From jazz to hip-hop dance, a dance class an hour, not only help you lose at least 300 calories more, but will strengthen the major muscle groups and tone your abs without intensive training in gym.

Dance Do-It-Yourself:

Here is where you create your own movements.

Having been in some classes will develop your own style.

Feel free to run with it, jumping, twisting, turning and rolling her favorite songs, where the heart begins to beat and literally empty calories.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Best Home Fitness Program

With fitness programs on the market a lot different today, it is difficult to filter out bad. You can find programs ranging from overall fitness health, to precisely choose the program for only six pack abs, which is an important market. Let's see what the program does a better plan home fitness.
Health Plan includes a series of exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Analyze key workouts that you can do during your free time without a gym. When you pick up the fitness plan you want to follow, try to choose one that does not require a membership of any kind, and pick one that requires the least equipment.
The fact that we are talking about fitness does not mean that we need a gym at home, there are good fitness routines that do not even need anything other than its own orientation and determination. I like training programs that only require 1 or 2 pieces of equipment. For example, I think the fitness program Mike Geary's very important because it gives you a summary of the workouts that work best, especially for getting six pack abs. Tom Venuto also has a fitness plan, but I have trouble to read and understand.
My vote for the program home fitness program should better go to Mike Geary. Just because it is discreet to the point, no fluff. Try this health plan for 1 week:
1. Upper Body Workout 2 days per week
2. Lower body workout 2 days a week
3. The basic training 2 days per week
I find this appropriate plan, it is essential to have a full day of rest because your body needs to recover and grow.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

7 Tips for Healthy Eating at Office

Our workplace is where we spend most of our waking hours. For many it is like a second home as we spend a good part of our day there. To lead a healthy life style, you need to eat healthy whether you are at home or in office. When you work more than eight hours a day, it becomes difficult to eat healthy if you do not plan ahead. Here are a few tips that you can implement straight away to start eating healthy at work.
Healthy Eating Style at the Office

  • Sleep well at night : This may seem a bit out of place in this article. If you are not well rested, you will not eat well and will feel sluggish. Not only that if you have not slept well, you are likely to reach out for numerous cups of coffee to keep your energy levels up.

  • Never ever Skip your Breakfast: After fasting for 8 hours the body requires the energy to function the whole day. Therefore, eat some breakfast. Go for protein like egg rather than the carbs such as cereals. Protein will fill your stomach therefore less cravings later in the day. If you're in a hurry, have a healthy milk shake of protein powder, banana slices, water or milk and a handful of berries.

  • Carry food with you : It goes without saying that homemade food is always better than the store-bought lunches in terms of taste and cost. Even a sandwich and a salad carried from home is healthier than the ones bought from a deli. A simple lunch of natural yoghurt, fruits and nuts is healthier than the greasy food bought from the fast food joints.

  • Cut down on your drinks: Consumption of beverages such as coke, tea or coffee along with cookies or cakes is bad for your health. The best solution is cut back on the tea and coffee consumption. Drink plenty of water. Fruit juices are good provided they are fresh and without sugar. Sipping green tea is not only healthy but also relieves stress.

  • Don't stray away from your diet plans: This is easier said than done. You can always say no to the donut that is being passed around, if you are carrying your healthy snack. Stop buying sugary junk. This is one way to avoid eating them. If your work involves frequent meetings, carry with you a fruit or some nuts and a bottle of water. This way you can avoid the unhealthy snacks such as biscuits, cakes or other high-calorie goodies.

    1. Be prepared for late nights: If your work type is such that you may not reach home before 8pm most of the days be prepared. Remember, by the time you get home you're tired and worn out all that you want to do is eating anything and stretch your self. Either wake up early in the morning or make some extra food the previous night. Take the food with you and leave it in the office refrigerator to consume it in evening. This way you need not starve in the evenings.

    2. Eat slowly : Consider using the dining room instead of sitting in front of the computer. The brain and the stomach will sync with each other when you eat your meals slowly.

    Ideas on How to Lose 10 Pounds of Weight in a Week

    There is always a need to for some to lose weight or just keeping the weight off. A gym might be a good place where you would be given the know-how to do this.
    There are many diets that would offer you the weight loss that you want. The best offers are usually those that have a number attached to it. For example an offer such as: how to lose 10 pounds in a week.
    It is often worked out based on the calorie intake. Some of these measured programs that would promise you, for example, how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, would deal with your diet. It is important to work out the process of a low-calorie diet.
    Based on the kind of time frame you place upon your weight loss program, for example, how to lose weight in one week, you might want to start by understanding your basal metabolic rate. This type of diet has to do with counting the calories. You should also realize that there are differences between male and female calorie intake.
    In order for you to start correctly as well as staying on track, it would be best to get a professional to calculate your metabolic rate (BMR). The reason for this is that you need your lean body mass to calculate your BMR. It will help with your program of how to lose 10 pounds in a week.
    It is important to know how many calories you need to consume to know how to lose 10 pounds in a week. The main concern is also that you should know that your calorie intake should be that of 1500 calories for men and 1200 calories for women. This has to be on a daily basis.
    It is important that with your program, how to lose 10 pounds in a week, you need to eat properly and this is where the calorie intake is important. However, it is even more necessary to burn those calories in order to loose the weight. This would involve taking part in activities to do so.
    If it is possible, you should join a gym where you can be given the know-how on how to lose 10 pounds in a week. They will assist you with a program on how to burn these calories in a week or any other program in which you would like to participate.
    By joining a gym, you would also be motivated to on how to lose 10 pounds in a week. At a gym, it would also be more fun if you join others who have the same goals.

    Wednesday, April 3, 2013

    Weight Loss With a Medical Intuitive

    How Does a Medical Intuitive Help Me?

    We are all just a mass of energy enclosed in a physical form. If our energy centers are clogged where the energy cannot flow freely as intended then the physical body will react to the blocked energy. Since energy is not easily seen by most people it can be difficult to isolate the issue behind the medical condition.
    There are seven chakras that are associated with different parts of your physical body. If one or more of your chakras are blocked it can cause mild to severe medical conditions. If these chakras are identified by a medical intuitive then you can proceed to clear the affected chakra and the medical condition can also be healed. This is not to say that traditional medicine should be ignored. There are times that the blockage has been ignored for many years and has caused severe damage to vital areas of the body. In most cases it is best to embrace both the traditional medical approach integrated with the findings of a medical intuitive. Traditional medicine has the answers for many conditions but there are many areas where it is still lacking. There are many cases where the actual cause is not identified and other issues develop.
    Are Medical Intuitive Doctor's?
    Most medical intuitive are not medical doctors. There are no actual certificates issued to a medical intuitive. Using an energy healer is in a large part based on belief. Thoughts are things and if you believe that you have a particular ailment I believe that you can actually manifest the illness. You can also choose to believe that you are well and heal yourself.
    Metabolism and Weight Gain
    Your body is made up of energy and your metabolism is the amount of energy or calories that your body burns to maintain life. Your body burns less or more calories depending on the activity that your are engaged in. You could be sleeping, drinking, eating or running and your body is still burning energy. Your metabolism is also affected by your body's composition. Your composition relates to the amount of fat versus muscle that you have. If you are overweight and have a higher amount of fat your body is said to have a lower metabolism. So if you exercise regularly your metabolism will burn more calories.
    Metabolic Trauma Syndrome

    Trauma by definition is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. In the case of weight gain and the inability to lose it, the trauma was an intense emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury. Your body may also have experienced a physical shock. The trauma happened months before your weight began to increase.
    Symptoms of Metabolic Trauma Deficiency

    Symptoms of the deficiency of the main essential organic vitamins (prior to, then during weight gain) included...
    • Severe lack of energy
    • A noted lack of enthusiasm. A severe lack of intense and eager enjoyment, a strong excitement about something: a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like or enjoy.
    • Periods of weakness and tiredness and/or sleepiness
    • Extreme Fatigue (Fatigue is also called exhaustion, tiredness, lethargy, and listlessness)
    When weight gain is associated with Metabolic Trauma Syndrome a medical Intuitive can help to isolate what the trauma was and how to correct it.