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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

weight loss programs that work

Weight Loss Programs that Work
In my experience the only weight loss programs that work, are the ones that combine a proper diet, with diet supplements and of course exercise. Unfortunately there is no magic pill that actually strips your body of those excess pounds and flabby areas around your midsection. So if you are looking for weight loss programs that work, you are going to have to increase your level of physical activity. The magic number is a minimum of 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, however I feel that number should be a minimum of 45 minutes to an hour, 3-5 times a week. A good routine can include walking, running, group fitness classes, sports or even working out in a gym.
***** NOTE ****** If you are going to use a gym spend a little money and have a personal trainer set you up with a program and monitor and track your progress. It will be well worth it.
Weight loss programs that work also include a dietary factor, where depending on your goals or what your objective is you can create a diet that will help you reach that goal. For example a high protein and low carbohydrate diet if you are looking to lose weight and gain muscle. Diets are not my area of expertise however there is an unlimited number of sources of information on this subject on the internet and there are thousands of books on this subject. Weight loss programs have to include a diet of some sort or else we would all have beach bodies while super sizing our fast food meals!!!
*****NOTE**** Consult a nutrition specialist for help with your diet, and always consult your physician before starting an exercise program.
Finally, weight loss programs must also include some sort of supplement that will help speed up the process. I personally like to use natural products like: Raspberry Ketones, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Garcinia Cambogia and African Mango Extract. The market is literally flooded with such products, so do your due diligence before purchasing. Make sure the product you are choosing is the right one for your desired effect. I personally like to get the most bang for my buck, therefore I pay extra attention the strength (aka amount of supplement per capsule) and the number of capsules per container.
Weight loss programs that work are out there and I wish you luck in your search. Hard work and determination combined with a weight loss program will help you reach your goals.

Easy Ways Anyone Can Lose That Weight

Don't skip meals. Skipping meals is one of the biggest mistakes anyone trying to lose weight can make. Skipping meals not only deprives your body of precious energy it could be using to workout, it also messes with your metabolism. Instead of skipping meals, plan healthy ones full of nutrients.
Eliminating, or at least reducing, your red meat consumption can be a fantastic way to start losing weight. Red meats are extremely high in cholesterol and saturated fats, both of which are terrible for your heart. Instead of red meat, opt for leaner meats such as tuna, turkey, chicken or other fish.
To lose weight, most people simply must eat less and move more. Eating fewer calories is very helpful when losing weight, but burning more calories by increasing the level of activity works in combination with the reduction in calories to help people shed weight. People are encouraged to continue the regimen once they see that this method is successful.
Start reading labels to help in your weight loss goal. Reading labels will assure you know what you are putting in your body, otherwise, you really have no idea. Knowing what you're putting in your body will give you a better idea of the reason your weight loss is successful or not successful.
When you decide to get fit, do not be tempted by the bewildering array of home exercise equipment offered for sale. None of these products are really necessary for the beginning of a modest fitness regimen. As you progress towards overall fitness and start looking for more intense workout options, you will realize that joining a gym is a more economical and effective alternative to buying home exercise gizmos.
Simply turning down the temperature on your thermostat can have a big impact on your overall weight loss. Studies have shown that people who go to sleep in a cooler environment (not exceeding 70 degrees) burn an extra 100 to 200 calories per day. This is due to a process called non-shivering thermogenesis.
Splitting your restaurant meal in half, reserving a portion to eat and a portion to take home with you, can help you stay on track with your weight loss plan. Remove all temptation to overeat by requesting that the waiter put half of your meal in a to-go container before he even serves you the meal.
Take your time when you sit down to eat. Not only will you eat less because you are eating deliberately, but you will also take in less air, resulting in less gas, overall. Eating slowly can also make eating a more enjoyable experience, since you have more time to taste your meal.
Plan out your meals throughout the day so you won't be tempted to cheat. You want to make sure that you know what you are going to eat and the nutritional facts of your food before you eat them. This is why it's good to plan out your meals beforehand so you know how much you are eating. You don't want to get caught up in a rush to eat and settle for fast food because it's your only option available. Make sure you only consume what's good for you and your body in it's weight loss efforts.
As you can see, weight loss is something that anyone can do with a simple plan and determination. There's no better time than the present to apply your new knowledge and start working off your weight to reveal a healthier, more attractive version of yourself hiding beneath the fat!